She Is Not a Witch

: Extra Story・Towards the Unknown Side (2)

"Sister Lagertes~"

When the petite and cute Candy Witch came to the table with a ready-made rainbow cake, Dorothy greeted happily.

Although it seemed that Dorothy's dress was much more mature, Lagertes was indeed her senior and had taken care of her when she was a child.

After Lagertes put the cake down, Dorothy put her hand through Ragerdis's armpit, picked her up easily, and placed her on her lap.

Amidst the burst of laughter, Lagertes couldn't struggle, so she had to sit on Dorothy's body and try to make her own snacks.

The few people next to them continued to talk while laughing.

"It would be great if Lagertes could turn the Phantom of Chaos into candy, so that I don't have to worry about fighting."

"Oh, this is too difficult, I can't do it." Ragdis shook her slightly spiraled transparent hair.

"Even if you give me the support of the crown, it is the limit for me to turn a planet into candy."

"Wow, that's amazing!" Dorothy made a surprised voice.

Hearing this was a real compliment, or an exclamation made specifically to please her, Lagertes' little face swelled slightly.

"Well, it's not that great."

"However, that is a candy the size of a planet. Think about it. When flying in space, seeing a huge colorful candy in a cold and dark world makes me feel like I'm going to fly. That kind of freshness, Happy, surprised, really amazing~"

"Well, maybe." Lagertes admitted reluctantly, but there seemed to be a little excitement and happiness in the corners of her eyes.

Seeing that Lagertes was as easy to coax as a child, Keris smiled secretly, but felt a sense of relief and relief for no reason.

Perhaps it was the death that left Lagertes alone, which made her feel a little sad and ashamed after her resurrection. It would have been better if she had been more cautious at that time.


After playing and whispering for a while, Kerris took Lagertes to the kitchen to prepare, while the remaining three continued to discuss the future.

"Now, we need to address the problem at its source."

"If possible, I still have to go to the depths of the sea of ​​Ajaka, reach the edge of that other universe, feel and find out the origin of the magic tide."

"If the sea of ​​Aijiaka cannot be restored to its previous clarity, it will be difficult for the power of the two crowns to return to the peak of the past, and it will be difficult to have the power to truly solve problems."

Because the route of the sea of ​​Aiqka is cut off, human beings can no longer use it as a transfer at any time to carry out super-light speed and ultra-long-distance sailing, and the available energy and magic power are also greatly restricted.

At the peak of the glorious era, through the sea of ​​Egaka, the stars in the entire galaxy were connected, and trillions of planets and colonies were unified, and the mighty power of the crown of gods was exerted to the limit.

Otherwise, relying on itself now, the Sun Crown can only mobilize a few stars in a small range, which is difficult to compare with the past.

Several people drank tea and coffee slowly, discussing the solution to the problem.

"I tried to enter the Sea of ​​Aegaka before. At that time, Edwina and Agatha assisted me, protecting me from being discovered by phantoms, while maintaining balance and not being attacked and corrupted." Dorothy recalled the past.

"The deeper you go into the sea of ​​Ajax, the more you will feel a special change, that is, all the original physical rules no longer apply."

"The length of the space is arbitrary, and the basic bonding force (bond) that originally built the body and soul is also crumbling. If I go further, I am afraid that I and my companions will slowly become countless sand grains or things smaller than atoms."

"So I had to back off, and the subsequent attempts didn't make any new progress."

"The closer you get to the edge, the more you can feel Mana's activity, which is an extremely sensitive and active state."

"That is to say, you just want to light a flame, but you burn a sun."

"Emotional activities will be infinitely magnified. This seems very strong, but it is also extremely dangerous."

"Because every little inadvertent thought in your head is magnified too."

"But people often have more than one idea in their minds, or there are often several or even dozens of different thoughts and distracting thoughts at the same time."

"In the past, these distracting thoughts just passed by in a flash, but now with the almost miraculous mana and magic power, they will become extremely active, like countless tadpoles separated from their own consciousness."

"If time goes by, maybe these thoughts will become a new soul, but this means the disintegration and division of yourself, you in childhood and you now, you in fantasy and you in reality, you in reverie and you They conceived of you, they were incomplete, but scattered randomly, and even began to carve up and tear your memory."

"This is the precursor to becoming a chaotic phantom, and it also means the death of the individual."

"Although those fragments have your part, they can't be called you, because they are completely different, they no longer have reason, and complete memory and thinking, and once they think or remember, they will continue to split until there is nothing left. Divided, extremely broken."

Dorothy slowly cut the cake in front of her, and slowly talked about the experience she had summed up now. Now after her resurrection, she has a deeper understanding of the research on Chaos Phantom.

"When the tangible things reach the depths of the sea of ​​Ajaka, they will disintegrate and turn into extremely scattered dead things. As we all know, extremely fragmented things, that is, entropy, cannot form anything or be useful. of."

"This phenomenon prevents life from continuing to explore another dimension, and it also becomes the boundary of all intellectual life cognition."

"Indeed." Vimiya sat at the table, thinking quietly.

After slowly recovering many memories, today's Vimiya (Sifner) is also the most knowledgeable person in the earth's civilization.

"What if we use the power of the crown to force entry? For example, use the eternal characteristics to keep the individual structure from being completely disbanded, just like those distorted chaotic phantoms. Although they are irrational, they still retain some biological characteristics. , not real sand and corpses."

"What Vimiya said was the direction of my research back then." Dorothy said with a wry smile.

"Although I didn't know the existence of the crown at that time, the idea was similar, how to maintain myself, resist corrosion and disintegration, and go deeper."

"As a result, everyone knows that it failed." Dorothy lowered her head and slowly stirred the coffee with a spoon, the faint bitter aroma pervaded the air.

"Si Ye also considered and researched the possibility of this at the time, but she thought that without strong formulas and principles to support, my ideas would only go astray."

Dorothy drank her coffee with sugar slowly and relaxed a little.

"What about the crown now?" Vimiya continued to speak, looking at Lorraine Hill beside her.

The silver-haired girl was holding a teacup, seemingly in a daze.


"...Well, are you calling me?" Lorraine Hill only looked up at this moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I haven't tried it yet." Lorraine Hill recalled in his mind the scene where he and Keti met underground that year.

At that time, after I passed out of a coma, how did I regain consciousness and wake up under the washing of thousands of chaotic phantoms.

The process at that time was very special, and the perspective of that experience was not the usual five senses, but another indescribable experience.

"However, you can try again." Although it is a bit dangerous, it should be controllable.

After agreeing on the direction, the three continued to discuss some details, and then slowly relaxed.

"It's getting late." Looking up at the cat-tailed clock on the wall, Lorraine Hill stood up.

"If it's later, Keti will be worried again." Thinking of the flame witch who also loves to sleep at home, Lorraine Hill felt a little warm.

"See you later."

Dorothy also stood up, and then the three said goodbye. Dorothy jumped into the mirror, and Lorraine Hill and Vimiya shouted for the two witches at the adjacent door.

"Wait a minute." The Witch of the Lock and the Witch of the Door stood up.

"Let's take you back twice, and if you need help later, you can also contact us."

Although a little surprised, Lorraine Hill and Vimiya still nodded in response, "Thank you."

Half a minute later, the black car drove into the wide open door, drove directly into the courtyard of his home, and then stopped steadily.

It was already past 10 o'clock in the evening, and there were only sporadic lights in the yard.

Lorraine Hill and Vimiya opened the door, walked into the room, and saw the figure sleeping on the sofa.

Kitty's long light red hair was scattered around her side. She was sleeping on the sofa with her body curled up while hugging the pillow, breathing slightly, which seemed very sweet and lazy.

"Keti, we're back." Vimiya came to the sofa, squatted down, and watched the sleeping flame witch lightly touched her cheek with her hand.

Slight electrical stimulation came from her cheeks, causing the flame witch to open her eyes in a daze. She supported the sofa with her arms, and slowly raised her upper body. Her snow-white shoulders and hair were messy, while rubbing her eyes. While softly calling Lorraine's name.

"I'm here." Lorraine Hill put down the bag in his hand, came to Keti's side, stroked the other's hair, then let Keti sit down, and took out the snacks and dinner brought back to her in the bag.

"Is Kitty hungry?"

"A little bit." Kitty gradually regained her spirits, watching Lorraine Hill prepare snacks and dinner for her with some anticipation.

"Then eat."


Despite nodding her head, Kitty didn't move, still looking at the things in front of her. Lorraine Hill heated her dinner with gentle heat, which included potatoes, sliced ​​meat, glutinous rice, small cakes, cut fruits, etc., which were very rich.

Seeing Keti's coquettish appearance, Lorraine Hill had no choice but to pick up the spoon and start feeding slowly.

If Lorraine Hill was not around, Kitty would eat by herself, but she seemed to like the feeling of being fed and often let Lorraine do it.

"You pet her again." Vimiya smiled and shook her head seeing Keti's appearance.

However, it is not a bad thing to make the formerly famous flame witch become so cute.

After a brief chat, Vimiya stood up and walked towards the room.

"I'm going back to my room to sleep. I have to go to sister Phoebe tomorrow morning. She seems to have a lot to say to me."

Thinking of her elder sister-like senior, Vimiya also had a slight headache. She did not expect that Phoebe was so lively when she was young, even more like the legendary mermaid than her. ships and travelers.

A few weeks later, under the protection and attention of several companions, Lorraine Hill conducted the first experiment.

Looking at Lorraine Hill who was shattered into fragments like light particles dissipating in front of him, Kitty's fiery red eyes were extremely tense, and the hair behind him also burned violently like a flame, and the entire observation room instantly heated up.

Fortunately, Vimiya who was standing beside her stopped her in time, so that the influence of the flame witch did not continue to spread.

"It's okay, Lorraine will wake up."

Time passed by every minute and every second, and everyone's hearts were hanging in the air all the time, observing various data. If there was no response, Vimiya would activate the moon crown and force the time in this small space to Turning around, but just going back for a few minutes will also consume a lot of magic power, and will make myself and the crown fall into a deep sleep again, at least a few years, and at most ten years before waking up.

Just when the counter was slowly approaching the end, and Vimiya was about to be unable to suppress Keti, in the small space inside the glass cover, light and sand gathered again, and a familiar and delicate figure slowly condensed again.

"Lorraine." Keti called her name, the flames on her body were slowly extinguished, and she returned to her usual peaceful appearance.

"This can be regarded as some achievements." Dorothy murmured.

"Yeah." Si Ye, who was sitting beside her, nodded as a sign of approval.

Then all the witches got up, took Lorraine Hill out of the glass cover of the experiment, asked and checked carefully, and then slowly relaxed.

Lorraine was still the same Lorraine, and she didn't suffer from memory loss or personality changes, which showed that she was indeed extraordinary, and she was able to recover spontaneously when her soul was scattered.

Although the process is demanding and there must not be too many distractions, this is a fact beyond imagination.

Perhaps this is the characteristic of the wind, not so rigid about the shape.

Remove the patch sensing element on the Lorraine Hill stood up from the seat, still a little weak at this time, with the support of Vimiya and Keti, she came to sit on the sofa beside her Lie down in Kitty's arms, slowly recalling the process just now.

She did lose consciousness, and even had no perception or memory for a short period of time, but it seemed to be slowly reassembled in the flow, one piece after another, under the erosion of chaotic phantoms, it was scattered and settled again, and turned into a tangible individual .

Listening to her narration, some witches were surprised, some witches were curious, and some witches were very envious, because they used to die in the erosion of chaotic phantoms, and the helpless fragmentation and dissipation of that kind of consciousness is extremely frightening and embarrassing. hopeless.

"It really is the original wind."


"This should be regarded as the oldest powerful person. It is worthy of being the pillar of the throne of gods. It can accept countless chaotic wishes and consciousness, refine them, and condense them into the cornerstone of pure wishes."

Amidst this noisy voice, the subsequent plan was also finalized.

That is, to enter the sea of ​​Aijuka.

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