Although Li Ziqiang has no ambitions, he has always been interested in the development of the film and television industry. In recent years, although Shushan Film and Television City has not made much money under his management, the quantity and quality of the films produced here have been outstanding. It is very impressive, and major production companies have maintained very close ties with Shushan Film and Television City. Shushan itself often acts as an investor and selects some high-quality projects for cooperation.

Therefore, in mountain cities, and even in the entire southwest region, the influence of Shushan Film and Television City in the film and television industry cannot be underestimated. In addition, Li Ziqiang has a background in the Li Group, and most people still respect Shushan with great respect.

As early as a few years ago, someone within Shushan proposed to acquire or establish its own theater chain system. However, due to Li Ziqiang's multiple concerns, it was not adopted. In the past two years, with the rapid development of the film market, Someone inside Shushan began to frequently mention the issue of theater chains again.

This time, Li Ziqiang himself also became interested. Moreover, relatively speaking, the rules of the film market have changed a lot in recent years, and his original concerns have finally diminished a lot.

Therefore, when he saw this feasibility report on the acquisition of Shancheng Qianshan Cinema Line, Li Ziqiang read it carefully several times.

It's a pity... After reading the report, he shook his head in disappointment.

Qianshan Cinema is a local provincial theater chain in Shancheng, with nearly a hundred theaters under its umbrella. However, due to financial problems, the theaters and management have not kept up with the times in recent years, so they have slowly begun to fall behind.

However, despite this, Qianshan Cinema is still a behemoth. With the strength of Shushan Film and Television City, if it swallows this giant, it may only strangle itself to death.

And Li Ziqiang could also see that the person who wrote the report had actually calculated into the Li Group behind him, which made Li Ziqiang feel a little bit amused.

Sighing, Li Ziqiang put the report aside and had no desire to pick it up and read it again. Although some people may say that he is too conservative, Li Ziqiang himself insists that he is not conservative, but self-aware.

When Li Ziqiang finished processing most of today's documents, it was already late at night. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was one-thirty in the morning.

He opened the address book, his eyes rested on Han Xiaohong's phone number, hesitated for a few seconds, and then backed out.

Not only is Li Ziqiang conservative at work, he also chooses a conservative approach to matters emotionally.

Although sometimes this approach will cause the progress of some things to be very slow, at the same time, the final result is often stronger.

Han Xiaohong finished watching all the shots taken today.

I sorted out tomorrow's work tasks again, and then prepared to rest.

It was already around two o'clock in the morning, which was a bit late for Han Xiaohong.

When she was young, she often stayed up late, or even worked all night. She only needed three or four hours of sleep the next day to feel energetic again. However, now that she is a little older, her physical strength can no longer support her.

After washing and lying on the bed, Han Xiaohong closed her eyes and prepared to sleep.

She usually falls asleep very quickly because she is always highly focused on work during the day, so once she relaxes, she falls asleep quickly.

But today, because she worked overtime for a while, she found that she couldn't sleep.

My mind keeps recalling scenes from filming during the day.

What flashed through the most was the tacit understanding between Chen Feng and An Ruohua when they made eye contact while acting.

It's really a bit enviable.

Han Xiaohong turned over, and some more distant memories began to come back.

She used to have someone with whom she could cooperate very well, but now that person has abandoned her and lived a more free and happy life with someone else.

Originally, she thought that she would be the one to stay with that person in the end. Unfortunately, after they earned their first pot of gold together, the other person changed completely. He invested in the capital market with the money in his hands and became a A pure businessman even gradually lost his bottom line.

At first, he thought that as a businessman, it was normal for everyone to eat, drink and have fun at the wine table. Han Xiaohong thought this was understandable.

Then, in order to please those big bosses, he used some unconventional means to please others, but he was determined not to do it himself. Han Xiaohong felt that he could grit his teeth and endure it.

But in the end, he started to get carried away playing with the big guys, and felt that the environment he was in with the big guys was the right life. He had been completely assimilated. Of course, Han Xiaohong couldn't bear it anymore and just walked away.

When two people broke up, the other party was still justified.

"Oh, Han Xiaohong, you are too idealistic. You stay in your circle every day, like a coward. You are simply a fool... Times have changed a long time ago. The life of a rich person should not be like this. You're like that... OK, OK, I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm not an ungrateful person. If you are short of money for filming in the future, just come to me and I will definitely help you if I can..."


In the end, Han Xiaohong only said this word coldly, because she knew that the other person had completely changed, and was no longer the original person who purely loved movies like her, even though they collaborated together and made the first film. She made a lot of money, but she still stayed at the original starting point, while the other party had already gone to another new road that didn't know where it led.

The three views do not agree, and they part ways, that's all.

This is the only relationship experience that Han Xiaohong has ever had.

Han Xiaohong has been struggling for so many years. The fundamental reason is, as the person said, she is a pure idealist.

Even after that, she never had any personal relationships with others. She devoted all her energy to her beloved film career.

Even if I have a good relationship with some people, it's all because of her movies.

For example...Li Ziqiang...

Although Li Ziqiang once helped Han Xiaohong out of trouble at the dinner table, the two had a relationship between gentlemen for a long time. Until later, Han Xiaohong insisted on making movies, and the two had intersections many times. Only then did I slowly become familiar with it.

But... although Li Ziqiang is a good friend in Han Xiaohong's eyes, he doesn't have any other ideas.

On the one hand, Han Xiaohong had no intention of developing a personal relationship. On the other hand, she herself felt that the two people's personalities did not seem to be very compatible.

Li Ziqiang is a bit too easy-going and seems to always go with the flow and likes to be stable and conservative, but Han Xiaohong likes to explore, likes to toss and never wants to stop.

Therefore, there is basically no chance for these two people.

Even during Han Xiaohong's sleepless nights, Li Ziqiang only flashed through her mind and did not stay for a few more seconds.

Ps: I have something to do during the day, so I’ll start with one chapter at noon and try as many as possible in the evening.

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