In the Chinese pop music scene, there has always been a market for bitter love songs. Most young people like to listen to sad and painful love songs. After all, love is one of the eternal themes in human entertainment works, and tragedy is often more satisfying. People are unforgettable.

Therefore, liking to listen to love songs and bitter love songs is a choice made by the mainstream public based on their own preferences. This is understandable. Although when a large number of works of the same type appear together, it is easy to cause copycats and inferior works to pile up, but those quality Good works will still be welcomed by people.

Just like this song "Silent" by Zhang Yiwen!

This bitter love song can be said to exaggerate the painful emotion of broken love to the extreme. Whether it is the lyrics, the melody, or the tone of singing, they all create the sad and desperate emotional experience in the song.

"I was sentenced to lifelong loneliness by love, never to fight back or let go;"

"The circle that can't be drawn with my pen, and the one that can't be filled in my heart, is you."

"Why does love condemn all living beings to loneliness, from which they cannot escape or escape;"

"The knot that cannot be untied in the brow, the disaster that cannot be untied in life. It is you..."

Love is such a torture. Even if you lose the other person, you are still unwilling to let go. Emotional matters can never be handled rationally.

Therefore, this song is very sad, desperate, heartbreaking, and even self-defeating... But this kind of emotion is exactly the resonance and comfort that those who are going through the stage of lovelorn need most.

At least, those people will know after listening to this song that someone actually understands them.

This is crucial for a person who is alone and grieving.

Therefore, in Zhang Yiwen's new album, the song "Mo" is also increasing in popularity at a rapid speed. Moreover, many people have completely become fans after listening to the song "Mo". Die-hard fans of Zhang Yiwen, after all, the feeling that resonates with the soul is the most unforgettable.

Relatively speaking, the emotion in the song "Fruits of Midsummer" is lighter.

Although this song also sings about love and lovelorn stories, unlike "Mo", "Fruits of Midsummer" sings a touch of sadness.

"Maybe give up,

Only then can I be close to you;”

"You will remember me only if I don't see you again;"

"Time accumulates, the fruit of this midsummer;"

"The scent of loneliness in memories;"

"I'm going to try to leave you and stop thinking about you;"

"Though it wasn't my intention;"

In this song, what Zhang Yiwen expresses is no longer the heartbreaking pain, but the faint but continuous sadness. Relatively speaking, such lovelorn emotions are more mature.

In other words, this is the second stage after a broken love that can only be experienced after experiencing the grief of "Silent": loneliness.

Loneliness because of loss, missing because of loneliness, missing the past because of missing, but the past cannot be changed.

Therefore, in the end, everything is in vain, and I can only accept my fate, and I can only imagine in my heart that maybe my departure can win the sympathy of others.

Such emotions... although not too intense, but... tend to have greater stamina.

Therefore, there will also be many people who are crazy about this song "Fruits of Midsummer", and the degree of obsession will be longer than that of "Silence".

For a long time, Zhang Yiwen's singing will accompany those who like this song to sleep.

One week after the release of Zhang Yiwen's new album, the album's sales across all platforms finally exceeded 10 million!

Ten million, this is purely digital album sales. Although it is not as good as those super stars or those small popular singers, for Zhang Yiwen and Tailang Entertainment, this is already It was a number that made them extremely excited.

After all, Zhang Yiwen has not made her debut for a long time. Before the release of her new album, there were only two works with open copyright. But now, her new album has already reached sales of tens of millions in just one week after its release. This is It is already considered a miracle in the Chinese pop music circle.

With this album alone, Zhang Yiwen has successfully risen from an unknown female singer to the ranks of first-tier female singers. She even has vague potential to surpass the first-tier female singers and may become an even more dazzling superstar in the future!

Such achievements make countless people in the circle jealous, but they have to admire them.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Zhang Yiwen's results are real data with almost no fraud. What's more, everyone has heard the songs in her new album. The quality of the songs is so high that no one has the courage. Telling lies with your eyes open.

What's more, the songs in Zhang Yiwen's album are extremely popular, whether in reality or on the Internet.

"My Future Is Not a Dream", "Snail" and "The Wind Rises", these three inspirational songs are loved by many young people. Moreover, these songs are positive and have great social significance. Not long after they were released, they became It was forwarded and praised by some official media, and Chen Feng and Zhang Yiwen were fully affirmed.

This is equivalent to putting a layer of protection on Zhang Yiwen's new album. No one can try to have any crooked ideas about her album. After all, this is a work that has been certified by the official authority. Before you want to cause trouble, it is best to first Think it through.

The two sweet songs "Your Smile" and "I Do" have also attracted a large number of listeners and fans. After all, no one can escape that damn sweet love. After listening to these two songs , everyone will keep this feeling in their hearts, whether there is a significant other or not, the pure sweetness is intoxicating.

As for the three love songs "The Price of Love", "Fruits of Midsummer" and "Silent", the scope and speed of their spread are faster and wider. After all, love songs have the largest mass base, and these three songs are all extremely classic, so , they are the most popular on the Internet and in real life, and these three songs also have the highest number of comments and likes. Zhang Yiwen's new album, every song is a masterpiece!

This has amazed many colleagues in the industry, because usually, a singer’s album will have at most two or three relatively popular works, while other songs are either mediocre or niche in style. In short, it is impossible to make the first album a hit. payment.

However, now Zhang Yiwen has actually done it. Every song in her album can be taken out on its own, and it is not even worse than the title song in any other singer's album!

How terrifying is this?

Many people even lamented that Chen Feng and Zhang Yiwen were too wasteful. Is it really good to put so many good songs into one album at once? Can you not make such a big deal?

But... when it comes to big spenders... Xiaoxianrou popular singer Ouyang Kun is the real big spender.

His new album with international style, created by inviting famous pop music producers around the world, is finally about to be released!

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