Run Out of My Life

Chapter 97: Father and son

"Xiao Fang, have you had lunch yet?"

Su Yuanhua patted the door of the neighbor's house next door and walked in. In rural areas, as long as there are people in the house, the door is always open. It is common for neighbors to walk around the house, and the door will be locked unless there is no one at home to work.

"I'm eating, Brother Yuanhua, have you eaten yet? Would you like to come and have a bowl of wine together?" A man in his early thirties walked out from the kitchen next to the courtyard. Holding a pair of chopsticks, he greeted Su Yuanhua.

"You can eat without drinking." Lian Xiaofang smiled and said politely, "I just caught a grass carp in the mountain pond, come and try it."

Su Yuanhua walked to Lian Xiaofang's kitchen and glanced at it, "Oh, it's really good food, there are fish and meat."

At the kitchen table, Lian Xiaofang's daughter-in-law, who was brought back from a part-time job in another place, spoke in unskilled local dialect and greeted, "Brother Yuanhua, let's have some food together."

"No, no, I have eaten at home." Su Yuanhua shook his head and refused, and hurriedly got out of the kitchen.

"Xiao Fang, I'm looking for you for something." Su Yuanhua took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and shared one with Lian Xiaofang.

"What's the matter?" Lian Xiaofang took the cigarette and put it in his ear.

"That... lend me that new motorcycle you bought?" Su Yuanhua rubbed his fingers, his voice slightly lower.

"Brother Yuanhua, where is your car?" Lian Xiaofang didn't say no. He has contracted several large fish ponds in the village in recent years. , is to make some money. It's not just buying a new motorcycle. But what he remembered was that Su Yuanhua also had a motorcycle.

Su Yuanhua sighed, "I'm angry when I talk about this, it cost me more than 800 yuan, and I was lying in the nest after three months of riding. It's not that it's bad here, It's the one that's broken, I'll have to sell it tomorrow."

Lian Xiaofang laughed loudly, "Brother Yuanhua, I told you before you bought it, don't be greedy to buy those second-hand ones, but go to the county to buy first-hand ones, these second-hand ones You don’t even know how many hands they have driven, you can just say the number of kilometers, it is not allowed, and everyone who repairs the car will change it.”

"Oh, let's not talk about this. You give me the car keys, I will go to the road crossing, and I will come back to you in a while."

I haven't ridden a few times, and I have to borrow it, and I can't say it is happy.

And even Xiao Fang’s words were right. From the township road of Yangping Village to the county road at the highway entrance, it is only two or three miles away. Usually it takes a few steps to walk, and it takes only a few minutes to pedal a bicycle. thing.

"Oh, pick me up. My son called back just now and said that he was already in the car back to town. Why don't I go and pick it up." Su Yuanhua said Reluctantly, there was a smile on his face like a flower.

"Hey, Brother Yuanhua, so are you. It's just a few steps, let Su Zu walk back by himself. It's not even an athlete, it's only two or three miles away." Xiaofang pouted and muttered, but went back to the house and took out the car key, and threw it to Su Yuanhua.

"I'll pay you back later." Su Yuanhua took the car key and said with a grin, "You left me a big head fish at night, Qingmei cooked a few more dishes, you Come over for a drink with your wife."

Counting the time, Su Yuanhua said a few words to Lian Xiaofang, got on the motorcycle, went straight out and followed the not spacious road, and went straight to the road intersection that the two of them just said.

In this village, three minibuses to and from the county seat every day will be suspended here and there. Even if it can't compare to the town, it is still lively.

Although it was noon, when Su Yuanhua arrived, there were quite a few stalls and grain and oil grocery stores on both sides of the road near the intersection. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there are firecrackers and firecrackers and couplets stickers for sale at the door.

Su Yuanhua waited for 20 minutes by the roadside, there were a lot of cars coming and going, some of them have made a fortune by working and doing business outside these years. On the road where the trucks ran, there were one or two cars passing by from time to time, but the minibus he was waiting for just didn't arrive.

After waiting for another ten minutes, a white medium bus with more than a dozen seats finally appeared in sight. As soon as the car stopped, all kinds of people with large and small bags rushed out of the car. There are men and women of all ages, those who go out to work, and those who go to the county to buy New Year's goods.

"Hey, where's that kid from my family?" Su Yuanhua saw that people were almost getting out, and the doors were all closed, but he couldn't find anyone.

Just as he was a little anxious, he saw a tall figure beckoning to him.

"Dad, why are you here?"

In the past 40 minutes, Su Zu was squeezed in the car and couldn't move. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Su Yuanhua standing across the road, carrying some simple clothes. 's luggage and walked to Su Yuanhua.

", it's fine, but I don't even dare to recognize it anymore." Su Yuanhua was stunned for a while, then came back to his senses and smiled happily.

When Su Zu was at home for the Spring Festival last year, he was only 1.7 meters. When I see him again this year, it has exceeded 1.8 meters. Coupled with the long-term training, before Su Zu came back, he again I bought a few clothes, and the people looked tall and straight. If it wasn't for someone I knew, I really couldn't recognize it at first glance.

"En." Su Zu nodded heavily, it was not far to go home from the highway crossing, more than one kilometer, two or three miles. How many times, but I didn't expect my father to come and pick me up.

"Dad, did you buy a car?" Su Zu stepped on the back seat of the motorcycle.

It was also a small amount in the family at that time.

Sure enough, in Su Zu's memory, when he was a freshman in high school, his father once bought a second-hand motorcycle, but he bought it carelessly.

"Dad, why don't I buy you a car."

"What car to buy? A car, that's not good, your mother will get motion sickness."

"The car... uh... Dad, that will take a few years, I'm serious, didn't I tell you last time, I have prize money in the competition, I'll buy you a motorcycle However, you have to make sure you don't drive too fast, I remember that my uncle seemed to have fallen the year before last."

"You've only made a few money, and your mother will save that bonus for you. If you don't go to school now, if you are not an athlete, you will have some money and open a small shop. It’s good to do a little business. I tell you, you have to pay attention to your money, don’t be extravagant, save more money.”

"I have money. You and my mother will definitely not have to worry about me in the future. You forget, I am now a member of the country. I will buy you a motorcycle this time."

"Are you serious?"


"Haha, my Su Yuanhua's son is capable!"


"Are you going to live in the city? That can't be done. I don't even have a place to drop by. If you want to grow and order food, there is no place."

"Then I'll buy you a big, single-family villa with a big yard."

"It's not like your mother will be exhausted from cleaning up such a big house."

"You can hire someone. Find seven or eight cleaners and keep them clean."

"It's alright, it's alright, you're getting more and more energetic, you've been out for a year, I don't know how the rest of your practice is, but this nonsense kung fu is a bit like when I was young Level. Back then, I was still a soldier in the army, and our company commander loved to take me wherever he went. Let me tell you, once..."

"Dad, I'm serious."

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