Run Out of My Life

Chapter 50: convention

PM. regular training.

Zhuang Tao, the coach of the sprint team, is not here. These days are the easiest.

Although Zheng Wei is an assistant coach, but after all, he is a young man who has just graduated from sports. The age gap is not that big, and his prestige is not higher than Zhuang Tao. Basically, what he does for the players is some ordinary training program.

First, a fixed 10-lap long-distance running warm-up, then some simple ligament stretching to increase flexibility, skipping rope to increase body coordination and balance training.

After the speed practice, 30 meters, 60 meters, 80 meters, 100 meters, 150 meters fast sprint running, 200 meters, 300 meters interval running or a combination of different running distances.

These items are already too familiar to the sprint team members, and there is no difficulty in completing them.

It was also because of adapting to this intensity of training that Su Zu began to practice in the morning and evening.

Refreshing energy" passed through the doze peacefully, and continued to carry out a series of training in the afternoon and evening.

The training plan is actually relatively rough. According to Zhuang Tao, the training in the sports school is relatively basic and routine. Of course, this is also relative to professional teams. Athletes of professional teams often make training plans for different periods of long, medium and short periods according to their personal circumstances and the schedule they want to participate in.

The sprint team of the sports school is limited by resources, manpower and various conditions. More often, the training method is more popular, and it is not impossible for the individual situation of the athletes, but not too much many. No matter how important the students are, the coach cannot train one-on-one every day.

"Suzu, please stop."

Su Zu, who was doing running training on the track, suddenly heard the voice of assistant coach Zheng Wei interrupting his training.

"What's the matter, Wei Ge?" After stopping the run, Su Zu walked to Zheng Wei's side, his chest and abdomen rose and fell, and his breathing was a little heavy.

"Tsk, you sweat..."

Zheng Wei reached out and rubbed Su Zu's neck. As soon as he touched his hand, he found that it was stained with sweat. Come, let me tell you something."

The two took a few steps to the sidelines, Zheng Weicai turned his head and said, "Coach Gangzhuang called and asked me to take you to Rongcheng tomorrow, a coach from the provincial sports team wants to see you. ."

"Huh?" Zu Zu was taken aback for a moment, then showed a bit of surprise, "Is the provincial sports team inviting me to try out?"

After he entered the sports school, he learned a lot about the sports system. For example, there are not too many choices for sports school students. Because of the large amount of sports training throughout the year, there is not much time to spend on schoolwork, and only one or two percent of the students in sports schools can be admitted to universities (sports institutes or sports majors). After graduation from some sports schools, those with first- and second-level athlete certificates have the opportunity to enter the education system and become physical education teachers in primary and middle schools. Another part is to engage in sports-related work after graduation, such as fitness coaches, sports equipment supply, etc., or change careers to enter other mass society industries.

In fact, there are very few people who can really be selected to enter the local city team or provincial team for the next step of training.

How many people are needed in a province's sports team and local sports teams in various regions and cities, and how many students are in sports schools, students with sports specialties in primary and middle schools at all levels, and college students in sports colleges? .

Su Zu is very confident about entering the next-level provincial team. The conditions and facilities of the local city team in Jianping City are very average. His goal is to enter the Ronghai Provincial Sports Team, and then march towards the national team.

This is also a basic normal growth route for an excellent athlete, but I haven't thought of it so fast. In the field of professional training, if you don’t step into it, ordinary people may just think that training is not the same as running, but if you really get involved in it, you will know the breadth and depth of it.

Su Zu entered Jianping Sports School in 2012 last year, and now it is only four or five months. In terms of an athlete's professional training time, this process is very hasty.

Most athletes basically train in local amateur sports schools for a few years, and then enter professional sports schools after a round of screening for several years, which may also be from Local professional sports schools, jump to the provincial professional sports schools, and finally have the opportunity to enter the professional provincial and municipal professional teams.

The span in between is likely to be five years or even more than ten years, and an important change in entering the professional team is the change of identity. Not a learner, but a practitioner, a stage of transition from student to workplace.

" Coach Zhuang didn't say it clearly on the phone. But I know that he recommended your information to his teacher in the last invitational match, Zeng Huizhen, the senior coach of the provincial sports team. Miss."

"Coach Zhuang's teacher?" Su Zu recalled the scene of the last invitational match. It seemed that he saw an old lady who was talking with Zhuang Tao from a distance, but he was far away far, and then did not meet. Hearing Zheng Wei talking about this, Su Zu secretly guessed.

Zheng Wei nodded, "Coach Zhuang probably recommended you to his teacher. Maybe the other party thinks you have good potential and is willing to take you to the provincial team."

Speaking of this, Zheng Wei also had a smile on his face, "You look like a really sweet bun, coach Xie used me to recruit you, this time. I have to take a trip to the Ronghai with you. When you become more developed in the future, don't forget me."

Although there are some complaints inside and outside the words, Zheng Wei is still in a good mood. Although he is not in charge of recruiting Su Zu and the subsequent training, he is a participant and executor in it. It is said that Su Zu is the first athlete who has a chance to rise after he graduated to work.

Su Zu smiled, hearing the news, he was in a happy mood, and patted Zheng Wei on the shoulder, "Brother Wei, if I have the opportunity to enter the national team in the future, I will take you directly, Lao Zhuang Lao Xie these people don't bring them, it's just you."

Su Zu admires Zheng Wei, the young assistant coach, in his heart, not to mention his level, but just his enthusiasm and sincerity. An assistant coach who is more punctual than the athlete's attendance, willing to sacrifice his personal time to help the players train and deal with life matters, even if he is only an assistant coach of a local sports school, who would dare to deny his future.

is a very small part.

"Haha, then I can wait for that day." Zheng Wei replied with a smile, not taking Su Zu's words to heart at all.

In the past, after excellent athletes entered the national team, their coaches in the local team were completely abandoned. Even if the player won the gold medal in the Olympic Games or other competitions, the coach of the local team could not get it. What good, to some extent seriously dampened the motivation of local team coaches.

This situation has changed after the reform. Local players enter the national team. If their local team coaches are in good condition, they can also join the national team.

But such situations are actually rare. The competition between national team coaches and local team coaches is no less intense than that of athletes, which involves a series of rankings and interests. The top-ranked coaches can enjoy preferential arrangements for overseas visits, key training and other rewards, not to mention the hidden fame bonus.

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