Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal

Chapter 285: The Steps of Customs Clearance

This is the fat son of the bun shop owner!

Zhou Bai overlapped the fat face and the thin face in his mind, and finally came to this conclusion.

A year of wandering life made him look like this from a fat man to thin?

Zhou Bai looked him up and down again.

I saw the clothes on his body, which were dark and worn out, and were so worn that it was difficult to recognize their original appearance.

And it doesn't fit well, it just fits loosely on the body.

But Zhou Bai looked carefully, and he could barely tell that he and Time-space B were wearing the same clothes.

Zhou Bai sighed, watching him keep giggling in front of him, what came to mind was the emaciated look of the old couple in the bun shop.

They might still be heating up the basket of red bean paste.

"Today is my son's birthday.

He used to like eating bean paste buns the most.

We thought, if we come to the store today, if he comes back, maybe we can eat hot buns. "

Zhou Bai recalled what he said, and took out the bag of bean paste buns from his pocket.

Looking at the stupid homeless man in front of him, he said.

"Happy birthday."

The homeless man tilted his head, carefully deciphering Zhou Bai's words, and then let out a smirk "hehe".

Zhou Bai approached him, and handed the bean paste bun in front of him.

As soon as he saw it, he rushed to grab it.

Then with two hands, one grabbed a bean paste bun and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

His mouth was immediately filled with buns.

The sunken face was also bulged up by the steamed stuffed bun.

He kept chewing in his mouth.

Before swallowing much, another one was stuffed in.

Zhou Bai stood aside, wanting to remind him to eat slowly, but when he got close to him, he saw him eating and burst into tears.

Zhou Bai didn't know what these bean paste buns reminded him of.

But Zhou Bai took back what he wanted to say.

Just let him cry loudly.

On the street behind them, passers-by occasionally passed by, and they all stole strange glances at them.

Zhou Bai could only helplessly sit on the stone chair beside him, to avoid being misunderstood that he was bullying others.

The tramp cried for a while, and finally got tired of crying.

Wiping the tears off his face, sobbing, he stuffed another bun into his mouth.

He ate all the ten bean paste buns like this.

Zhou Bai sat quietly on the stone chair, and waited until he had finished eating all the buns before speaking to him.

"Don't eat what others buy for you in the future."

The homeless man hiccupped and looked up at Zhou Bai in a daze.

And in his hand, he was still holding the kraft paper bag that Zhou Bai gave him to hold the buns.

Can't eat other people's things?

But just now, he seems to have eaten the things that others bought for him.

Zhou Bai also felt that his behavior was a little strange.

However, this is the requirement of the rules. If you want to say something strange, it can only be that the rules are strange.

Zhou Bai comforted himself a bit.

"Anyway, you just need to remember not to eat the things others buy for you in the future."

After finishing speaking, he quickly left this place.

Now it is time and space C, so Zhou Bai can just verify a question of his own.

He walked to the street, and according to his own memory, he came to the corner where the old dining car was placed.

The dining car was still the same, in the same position.

Zhou Bai walked over and looked at the dining car.

It is the same as the dining car in Time and Space B, except that it looks a little more worn out, and even the broken wheels are the same.

So in a sense, it's the same food truck.

Zhou Bai walked around to the back of the dining car and found the place where he bent the iron piece.

However, the position of the dining car in front of him was not bent.

In order to prevent himself from misremembering the location, Zhou Bai checked the other places in the dining car as well.

But the result is still the same.

Except for the broken wheels, which have become more dilapidated due to the passage of time, this dining car has no artificial bends.

After Zhou Bai confirmed this matter clearly, various ideas kept popping up in his mind.

He took a deep breath, found a stone chair and sat down, and then slowly began to organize his thoughts.

He bent the iron piece of the dining car in time and space B.

But the iron sheet of the time-space C dining car is intact.

In other words, these three time and space are now independent to Zhou Bai.

The new things that happen inside will not affect each other.

In this case, Zhou Bai's difficulty seemed to increase again.

After Zhou Bai realized this, his eyes suddenly shrank.

This is a very important piece of information for customs clearance.

Fortunately, he discovered it early, otherwise he might have made a mistake in the direction of customs clearance.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai began to think about the steps to clear the level again.

Assuming that time and space C will appear in the near future, there will be barbecued pork buns.

Then according to the normal development of things, a year later, time-space A and time-space B will also have barbecued pork buns.

Therefore, Zhou Bai should actually prevent the appearance of the three pork buns.

However, these three time and space gave Zhou Bai different time to solve the problem.

And among these, the most urgent and urgent should be Time and Space C.

Because Zhou Bai has no way of knowing whether the person who wants to sell pork buns has already started making pork buns.

No wonder there is no time limit for this dungeon.

Thinking of this, Zhou Bai took another deep breath, and then stood up from the chair.

Snack Street Survival Code C, Article 1.

[Please speed up, the time left for you is running out. 】

Zhou Bai now has a deeper understanding of the meaning of this rule.

He walked out from the corner, then walked to the snack shop opposite, and bought a big lollipop.

Although time is tight, the promise to the children must not be forgotten.

He looked around, but did not see the little beggar.

There was no rush to find him.

Instead, he put the lollipop into his pocket, and then walked towards the direction of the Dou Hua shop.

Hua Lin knew how to make barbecued pork buns, so she was listed as the number one suspect by Zhou Bai.

If Zhou Bai wanted to prevent char siew buns from appearing in the snack street, he had to be clear first, who would want to sell char siew buns.

After confirming this matter, he can take the next step.

Zhou Bai just kept walking forward.

And steamed stuffed bun shop, tofu shop, and iron plate squid shop gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

On the shelf outside the steamed stuffed bun shop, the black plastic bag tied by Zhou Bai was not conspicuous, but Zhou Bai could still see it from a distance.

He took out his phone and saw that the time displayed on it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhou Bai put the phone back into his pocket, and then turned his gaze to the inside of the Dou Hua shop.

Hua Lin was still standing behind the counter, with her head down, as if she was drawing something with her hands.

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