Romance of Dragons and Snakes

Chapter 337: Chen Aiyang's fiancee! ! ! ! !

"Uh, um" Cheng Shanming is a serious man, and he doesn't seem to want to discuss the issue of Dandao Shuangxiu. He coughed twice and then changed the subject.

"Brother Wang, a series of things you did in the United States a few days ago, I have got the news now, you are too much." Cheng Shanming paused for a moment, and didn't seem to know what to say about Wang Chao's actions. "Alas, the American Hongmen Situ family is a family that has accumulated for nearly a hundred years. You were decapitated by Brother Wang in one night, and you have cut off the two backbones. All the defense forces are not useful! The news reached us in Hongmen, North America. It really caused a great shock! And not only our Hongmen, but even some of the gangs in North America are in danger of themselves, and we must call for a unity to prevent the expansion of Tangmen. Brother Wang, your prestige is out this time However, it is a pity that some of the contradictions that followed have not necessarily been a good thing for Tangmen ’s development. "

"Moreover, your enemies have built too much. This is really an unpredictable thing. You have to know that open guns are easy to hide and dark arrows are difficult to prevent. Especially in modern society, there are too many methods to assassinate a person. It ’s too easy, and there is a loss in Wanzhong. You still have to be careful all the time. "

Cheng Shanming also knew that Wang Chao had set up a lot of enemies on this trip. Can't help worrying about his future.

Indeed, it is too easy for society to deliberately assassinate a person. Snipers, poisoning, etc., are invincible. And Wang Chao is not offended by ordinary people.

"This, old Cheng, don't worry. I have no more enemies than Li Shuwen. I haven't reached the point where others have to taste even if they eat."

Wang Chao's hearty smile slightly revealed a fine broken white tooth.

Speaking of the Qiu family among the martial arts characters, there is no one more than Li Shuwen, the eight pole fist of the Republic of China. The notes of his disciple Liu Yunqiao said:

"There is a rule in Xian Shiping's daily life: no one is allowed to be within three steps, even family members and students. As long as they are close, there is no one who does not fall out of the way.

There is no need to mention eating. You must wait until your disciples have tasted it. Otherwise, you will refuse to enter. The first teacher killed and killed many people in his life. "

Indeed, Wang Chao's family of enemies no longer has the point of letting others taste and re-enter before eating to prevent people from poisoning.

But even if others really poisoned, although there was no point where Tang Zichen was the prophet, Wang Chao could smell any poison in the food and tea. Moreover, Wang Chao's body is a hundred times more powerful than ordinary people. Even if the highly toxic drugs that can make an elephant die instantly are eaten by him, it may just be a serious illness of diarrhea, hurting some strength. It is very difficult to get his life.

The most important thing is that the intestinal organs inside Wang Chao ’s body are extremely sensitive. Even if he eats poison to his stomach, as long as there is a trace of medicine eroding the intestines, he immediately feels it, and then he can agitate the power of the stomach to vomit the remaining poison.

This kind of internal organs sensitivity is also a great place to see God is not bad master.

Even an expert like Barry Ming has to wait for the poison to penetrate into the blood vessel after eating the poison, and the blood does not work well before it feels out. However, to the point where the poison penetrates into the blood, it is difficult to remove it.

Based on the above two points, martial arts practiced to the point of Wang Chao, and it was indeed a magical round, and no one could commit it. It is difficult to kill him with poison.

Even more, Wang Chao returned to China last time and encountered Zhou Yuxin's secret calculation under the drug addiction, which made him more cautious.

It was made into a martial art of the world, but was secretly killed by a small person and a pack of drugs. That is a very sad thing. Any master, would rather die in the competition in the ring, rather than this kind of wronged death.

Seeing Wang Chao so confident, Cheng Shanming just shook his head, sighed, found a chair to sit down, and looked at Bariming.

Since entering the house, he has felt the coercive pressure of Baliming all the time, making him feel breathless in the depths of his heart. This is his twenty-thirty-year history, and he has never felt any one. Experts have such coercion.

"When did such a master come out in China? Where did Wang Chao come from? Such a master was actually driven by Wang Chao's brother, which is really a bit puzzling."

Feeling Cheng Shanming's gaze, Baliming nodded to him with a smile, and then closed his eyes and went away. Looking at this picture, it seems that nothing in the world can arouse the interest of this king of fighting.

It is not uncommon for Wang Chao to see Baliming like this. Bariming was only interested in Baodan masters, and the rest of the time was a lazy casual look.

But this is the only way to ensure that jīng effort is not wasted, to contain jīng gods, and to maintain physical fitness. Baliming maintains combat effectiveness and has a set of his own principles of life, that is, "silence".

"Old Cheng, what kind of meeting did you guys hold in Hongmen? Is it for me to behead this time? The circle in North America is much more complicated than that in Nanyang, and it is not like our Tangmen in Nanyang. But North America is a fat man. The place is much more developed than the poor islands of Nanyang, where the economy is much more developed. As long as there is a small circle of power here, eating and drinking Sarah will be exhausted. "

Wang Chao opened the door and saw, "You are also a member of our Nanyang Tangmen Military Commissioner. In the end, you can count as half of the Tangmen people. I came to North America this time to deal with the situation of the Situ family. The situation of Tangmen in North America and various forces. I checked the account when I was in Nanyang. Our Nanyang Tangmen business in North America was very difficult to do. And since the reorganization of Nanyang Tangmen, Zhao Guangrong and Lin Shifeng were taken away After a large amount of cash assets, although our finances are not stretched, it is definitely not very generous. So you probably know the purpose of my visit this time. "

"Of course I know that the current economic crisis in the world is not very generous for everyone."

Cheng Shanming smiled. "Our situation is a little better, and no gangs in Taiwan have begun to lay off staff."

Now that the economic crisis is spreading and the economic difficulties of some gang organizations, it is not easy to feed a large number of people, so they have begun to lay off staff and reduce their pay. Some of the Taiwan gang members mentioned in Cheng Shanming ’s mouth are like the gangsters in the movie "The Old Man" Manage a street or something. When someone is in trouble, just call the phone, you can call hundreds of people, you can even block the zhèngfǔ organization, and you can destroy some of the electoral speech. Some young people can't come out of school and can't find a job, so they do this kind of gangster and join the mouth.

But now, even under the economic crisis, even the **** have to lose their jobs.

Although Tangmen is not such a small gangster organization, but a complete militarization, it is because of this that military expenditure is a huge amount.

Don't look at Wang Chao's thrashing when hitting money, hit Zhou Yuxin at home, it is five million dollars at a time, showing the king's spirit. The two military commanders who smashed the Liao and Yang families were hitting hundreds of millions, competing with six famous Americans, and even gambled with 600 million dollars in cash. But in real calculations, the cash that Wang Chao can control is less than 7.8 billion euros. Although Nanyang Tangmen's industry is large, most of it is real estate. At the critical time, it has no effect, but it is also cumbersome.

The total value of the US dollar and gold hard currency in Tangmen's own vault is not as much as the three billion US dollars that blackmailed Willie.

I usually do big things and throw out hundreds of millions of yuan, which seems to be nothing, but it still feels painful to let Wang Chao throw out a billion.

Like Willie, Wang Chao took out three billion dollars to redeem himself, and Wang Chao didn't pretend to be so big. This can also be seen, how great is the great Western family like Rockefeller for hundreds of years.

"How much did Zhao Guangrong and Lin Shifeng scrape away?" Cheng Shanming asked.

"Roughly estimate, our ten-year inventory of gold, dollars and other hard currencies in Tangmen, Nanyang, has scrapped about half of it. The value is over ten billion yuan."

The skin on Wang Chao's face was wrinkled, and his eyes flashed slightly when he spoke.

But Cheng Shanming's expression was different. He took a breath of breath from the roots of his teeth, as if he was distressed like a dead mother. Although it had long been expected that Zhao Guangrong and Lin Shifeng had been operating in Nanyang Tangmen for ten years, they had long left their hands. This time, Tang Zichen ’s reforms deprived them of their military power. So much!

Although it was not his own money, Cheng Shanming still felt pain after hearing it. This is not his guardian of wealth, but the thinking of "not being a homeowner, not knowing that the wealthy fans are expensive". As a leader of a fight group, of course I know what such a large sum of money means.

"The specific content of our meeting in Hongmen, North America, is not very optimistic for Nanyang Tangmen. And in North America as a whole, aside from some large Western forces, among the Chinese, Hongmen and Tangmen are also Not the biggest. During this Hongmen meeting, some leaders who were blocked by the big circle were also invited. They always thought that you broke our unspoken rules of the overseas Chinese world. As compensation, Nanyang Tangmen needs to release all the rights of the maritime route. . This deliberation has already been put on the agenda. However, it has not been submitted like your Nanyang Tangmen. "

Cheng Shanming leaked some internal information.

"Release the right of the ocean route? A big tone. But they dare not submit it!" Wang Chao sneered.

The marine route right is the marine transportation route from Southeast Asia to North America controlled by the South Pacific Tangmen. Every year from the Golden Triangle Southeast Asia, countless organizations use large quantities of drugs, cheap goods, specialty products and other materials to use the Pacific North American market, but the North American market will smuggle a large number of cars, arms, and luxury goods into Southeast Asia. The one-to-one business dealings must be sold to Tangmen, as well as some warlords to sell road money and protection fees!

For example, if a ship ’s drugs are to be transported from Southeast Asia to the North American market, it is necessary to buy through the navy inspections of Indonesia and other countries.

After reaching the North American market, we still have to honor North American zhèngfǔ. Along the way, layers of deductions.

Now some gang associations in North America unite to ask Tangmen to let go of the road purchase money, as much as asking China to cancel all highway toll stations. Wang Chao also had to marvel at their appetite.

If this item is really cancelled, Nanyang Tangmen will only be afraid of layoffs and pay cuts in a few years.

"The form in North America is complex. Brother Wang, you must not be bothered this time. The matter of asking Nanyang to let go of the maritime route this time is probably the trick of the old fox in your Tangmen. You and the whole All forces in North America confront. "

Cheng Shanming saw Wang Chao sneer and hurriedly said, but he was worried that Wang Chao would take another decapitating action, turning the entire North American forces into endless enemies.

"Brother, do n’t worry. At this moment, I dealt with the Situ family, also for Liwei, not to kill more people. Now Liwei ’s purpose is achieved. The next thing is carrot ~ ~ North America The place is very big and the economy is rich and oily. It is stiff and not good for everyone. However, listening to what you just said, it seems that the North American gangs have united to act on the pressure of Nanyang Tangmen. I do n’t know. Are there any neutrals? "

Wang Chao smiled.

"Of course, the largest organization of the North American Chinese Gang is the big circle, which is a leader in Canada Mo Yunyan. She is Ai Yang's fiancee. Do you have time, you have time to meet."

"Chen Aiyang's fiancee?" Wang Chao said in surprise: "I remember Chen Aiyang was single last year. Why did he have a fiancee so quickly?"

"I recently learned that this Mo Yunyan is not a simple horn. The heir to the Southern School Mojiaquan has a nickname called" Shen Leg ", but a sturdy horn, without a gun, I can't help it. She. "Cheng Shanming seemed to lament the young talents.

"Nan Pai Mo Jia Quan? Nan Pai five famous fist Hong, Liu, Cai, Li, Mo. But more famous than Yongchūn. Since the so-called 'Shen Leg' must have inherited the title of Mo Qingjiao. Kung Fu definitely Great. "

Wang Chao knew that the Nanjiao Mojiaquan was created by Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's female leg Mo Qingjiao, and it is a major branch of Nanquan.

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