Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 669 Dismissal of the Creator of Im World Government

The live projection of the video phone bug was projected on the huge water curtain, and the figures of the kings of the countries that joined the world government who were connecting through the Internet at this time were projected on the big screen.

Not only them, for this live broadcast, Kong Ming directly dispatched a large number of people from the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce to ensure that there will be a live broadcast on the most prosperous square in each franchise country.

In other words, at least hundreds of millions of people around the world are currently watching this live broadcast.

"Let's follow the rules..."

A burly man with a crown coughed.

"According to the regulations of the World Conference, the speaker of each conference takes turns. Who is it this time?"

"If there is no problem..."

The black cat Chloe stood up calmly from the front of his seat, pushed his glasses with the palm of his hand, and bowed slightly to the live broadcast camera.

"I should be in charge of hosting."

"Is it your turn, Clobatel, so soon?"

A pretty woman with blue hair, blue eyeshadow and blue lipstick covers her mouth with her hand and chuckles.

"But I believe you will not let us down, please!"

"hope so!"

Crowe nodded, then stood up straight, leaning on the table with both hands, speaking forcefully.

"Everyone, the future of this beautiful world is once again in your hands..."

"When did the future of this world fall into the hands of these moths?"

Im let out a chuckle of disdain.

"It's ridiculous!"

I don't know if it's because the live phone bug didn't aim at Mr. Im at this time. After Mr. Im said this, Crowe still had a calm face, as if he didn't hear it at all.

"Because this world conference is quite special, there is no need to bring up trivial matters such as friction between some countries,"

Chloe the black cat opened her mouth and first set the tone for the meeting.

"There are only two things we have to discuss now..."

With that said, the black cat Crowe stretched out a finger to the camera.

"First of all, regarding the founder of the world government, that is, Mr. Im, who appeared in the live broadcast just now and controlled Admiral Akainu into a puppet, do we, the alliance countries, need to recognize the identity of the head of the other world government?

Now, please speak freely... Yes, King Naferutali Cobra, please! "

"I, the king of the Kingdom of Alabasta, Naferutali Cobra, do not recognize the identity of the head of the other world government..."

In the picture of the great route, a black-haired man with a thin face and a robe stood up from his seat, and nodded solemnly to the people around him.

"As we all know, the seat of the world government, that is, the throne of Holy Land Mary Joa is called the Void Throne, which means the vacant throne. No one can sit on this throne, because it represents eight hundred years ago, the creation The fundamental concept of the twenty kings of the world government, that is, the meaning of equality between all member countries..."

Having said that, the black-haired man's expression also became slightly agitated.

"And if we recognize the other party's identity now, that is to say, we admit that the other party has become the master of the Void Throne, that is, the status above all our franchised king families. The idea of ​​mutual equality is gone forever!"


After King Cobra finished speaking, the black cat Chloe nodded, stretched out his hand to signal the other party to sit down, and then continued to ask.

"King Cobra's meaning is believed to be understood by everyone, so does anyone have a different opinion...The Kingdom of Ilucia, His Majesty King Srikanth Vasili, please!"

A fat man with a crown stood up tremblingly.

Although everyone can see from the screen that it was indeed the fat man who raised his hand to signal that he wanted to get up and speak, but after he stood up, his body was trembling non-stop, and sweat dripped from his head. Rolling up and down, as if frightened or nervous.

"I...I think...this...thing..."

Suddenly, he shivered violently, and his stuttering words suddenly became a lot smoother.

"I object, I must object!"

The fat king's eyes were wide open, and his body was trembling constantly.

"Just like Caicobra...the king said, if we recognize the identity of the other party, it means that we recognize the fact that the other party is nobler than us, that is to say, we recognize that the other party can control Akainu Marshal like The power to control us, even turn us into puppets!"


Im said contemptuously again.

"Do you have the value of being controlled, don't you yourself not know?"

But it seems that Im's words were once again ignored by the kings in the meeting, and many of them have begun to think seriously.

"There are already a lot of world aristocratic Tianlong people on everyone's heads. Do we need another thing that is more noble than the world aristocrats?"

The fat king rubbed his eyes, as if he was trying hard to look at the camera.

"And most importantly, if we admit it, will the price of heavenly gold be raised in the future?"

After finishing the last sentence in one breath, the fat king collapsed on his seat the next moment, as if he had exhausted all his courage just to say those words.


The black cat Crowe nodded, because the fat king had already sat down, so he didn't signal the other party to sit down, but continued to ask.

"Thanks to His Majesty Vasili of the Kingdom of Ilucia, is there anyone else who has a different opinion?"

At this time, behind the live phone bug that everyone couldn't see, a certain castle man put down the pistol in his hand that had been aiming at the fat king opposite him, and the strange gun Werther standing next to him also put down the teleprompter in his hand .

Seeing Godfather Xihai finally put down his pistol, the fat king finally let out a long breath.

"His Majesty Cano Royas, King of the Kingdom of Balkimore, please!"

"I think what the two kings said just now makes sense..."

The king who stood up this time was a tall and strong man. He pressed his hands on the table and leaned forward, as if he was very aggressive.

"In the past eight hundred years, none of us has heard of such a creator, an immortal god, in the world government, and now the five old stars of the current government opened their mouths, and this person appeared..."

The big man stared directly at the live broadcast with his eagle-like eyes.

"In fact, in my opinion, it's hard to say whether this person really exists. After all, the world government is used to deceiving us, such as the amount of gold in the sky. They promise to reduce or reduce it every time they meet, but every time the actual The amount charged will increase.”

As soon as the big man uttered these words, it immediately resonated with many kings present, and they began to nod frequently.

"Actually, if it weren't for the help of the Azeroth Chamber of Commerce in the past few years, I don't know where to go to raise money..."

"His Majesty Royas..."

The black cat Crowe picked up the gavel and knocked it on the table a few times.

"Please pay attention to the subject of your speech, we are not discussing the matter of gold in the sky now."

"All right……"

The burly man stopped his complaining mouth.

"Anyway, I firmly oppose it, that's all!"

"Okay, His Majesty Royas is also firmly opposed, so does anyone have any opinions?"

The black cat Crowe raised his voice and asked again.

The kings below looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time, indicating that they had nothing to say.

"Then now to vote on the first issue..."

The black cat Crowe raised the hammer in his hand and tapped it on the table.

"Those who agree with the identity of Lord Im of the World Government, please raise your hand!"


A gust of wind swept over, and all the kings present looked at each other again, but none of them raised their hands.

"Then those who do not agree with the identity of Lord Im of the World Government, please raise your hand!"

Swish Swish Swish...

One arm after another was raised on the live screen, and at the end, all the kings on the screen raised their hands.

"Okay, I'll announce the result now!"

The black cat Crowe tapped the table again with the hammer in his hand and said loudly.

"After the judgment of the World Conference, the identity of Im, the so-called creator of the World Government, is in doubt. Her identity will not be recognized by all the member countries of the World Conference!"

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