Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 647: Silicon-based life plan

Zhang Tuohai's announcement immediately caused a sensation among players.

"What? Can you actually buy clones? Can you also customize your appearance? Am I right?"

"Then what, can it really be customized? Can I have a Lem?"

"If you put aside the looks and things, can you guarantee loyalty to me? If the price is right, I want to customize two deputies to help me load the cannonballs. It is too tiring to load the cannonballs by myself."

"Can you set your personality? I want a high-cold and domineering president."

All kinds of comments filled the regional channels all at once.

Seeing the players enthusiastically, Zhang Tuohai smiled from ear to ear, and immediately said: "Don't worry, personality and appearance are not a problem, as long as they do not deviate from the human form, they can be adjusted. Hair color and pupil color are within the adjustment range. Inside, but the transition from 2D to 3D requires a certain degree of adjustment. Players please pay attention to this."

"Don't worry, don't worry, we know it, and COS hasn't seen it before, hurry up and give me a whole Lem."

One player was obviously impatient and sent a drawing directly.

Zhang Tuohai took a look and found that it was a manufacturing blueprint of reactive armor.

This thing is quite good. It can be regarded as a variety of armored external equipment. It can be understood as a directional blasting explosive bag hung on the outside of the armor. After being hit, it will cause a directional explosion. The impact of the explosion will be used to neutralize the missile. Or the impact of the shells, which ultimately achieves the purpose of protection.

As long as the armor is strong enough to withstand the shock wave of the explosion, it can be used.

If the finished product is sold in the regional channel, it will form a stable and long-term flow. After all, this thing is a consumable, and it will be replaced once it is hit. It can be regarded as a long-term commodity.

Unexpectedly, this player could throw this kind of blueprint out. It is estimated that it was a serious A Zhai, because he was crazy for the paper man wife.

Zhang Tuohai, who got such a drawing, was in a good mood, and replied with joy: "Don't worry, I will make it for you. I will send you the model photo later. If there is anything unsatisfactory, you can modify it. "

"Really? Thank you, big brother. If you can, you must add black stockings. It is a little sensual, but the feeling that is not completely penetrated. It is best to make the feeling of slightly squeezing the legs. Thanks! orz"

Seeing what A Zhai sent, Zhang Tuohai didn't know what to say anymore, so he had to debug according to the other party's request.

It took more than half an hour to finally help A Zhai debug Rem.

The finished product is about 1.6 meters, wearing a signature maid uniform and knee-high black stockings, light blue hair, and a monitoring transmission device and a self-destructing device are installed in the body.

In addition, the strength has also been improved, about three times the level of ordinary people, this is mainly to allow the clone to have the ability to control the player.

After sending Leim, A Zhai was overjoyed and posted a few pictures of Jiugongge on the regional channel with a message: "Let you see my wife!"

Some of the players who were still on the sidelines saw that Rem was really brought out, and they suddenly became calm.

One after another left messages to Zhang Tuohai.

"Give me one too, just the same."

Such messages accounted for the majority.

Zhang Tuohai did not refuse such messages, and directly followed the prepared templates, produced them in batches, and posted them one by one.

Some players have put forward their ideal image in their minds. Zhang Tuohai is always willing to accept the orders one by one, and then he can make it slowly.

This kind of thing is like this, it will be a little troublesome at the beginning, and it will be easier when there are more matching templates.

For example, Zhang Tuohai has now completed various body and personality templates such as vitality loli, childhood sweetheart, iceberg beauty, intellectual elder sister, etc., and even the rough hairstyle and hair color have been prepared, as long as the details of the face are fine-tuned That's it.

Zhang Tuohai's busy orders are in full swing. At the same time, thousands of kilometers away, there are also a group of people who are fighting at night.

White Elephant City, the original capital, scientific research center, and economic center of the Human Federation, but after the outbreak of the silicon-based life crisis, it has become the base camp of silicon-based life.

In the meeting room of the original parliament building, several huge war machines were sitting on the spot.

A meteorite with a diameter of one meter was placed in the center of them, emitting a faint light.

These war machines looked intoxicated, and seemed to enjoy this feeling very much.

"Buffalo still can't get in touch."

A silicon-based life issue.

The whole body of this silicon-based life is shining and dazzling. Sitting there is like the sun, making it impossible to see its appearance at all.

"I have tried all the contact methods, but there has been no response."

A huge war machine covered with barrels immediately responded.

It is covered with barrels of various calibers, ranging from 27 mm to 460 mm. It seems to be a hodgepodge, mixing all the guns of all calibers into one.

"Then go and see for yourself to see if the human resistance forces are making trouble. If so, kill them and don't let them interfere with our plan!"

Said the silicon-based life like the sun.

"Understood, I'm going now." The silicon-based being covered in barrels responded while standing up.

Its height soared to 20 meters high, and it directly pierced a hole in the ceiling, and all kinds of rubble fell.

"Damn Kao, this is the third house you destroyed." The surrounding silicon-based beings stood up and lifted the meteorite farther, lest the meteorite be hit by the rubble.

"Then change another one. Who will let these **** carbon-based lives not make the house bigger."

The silicon-based life named Kao strode towards the Every time it took a step, a large wall was knocked down and turned into fragments.

"By the way, don't forget to bring some servants with you. They have more experience with those rebels."

The silicon-based life shining all over said.

"No, they will only cause trouble, don't let them approach me, otherwise, I will kill them first!"

Kao waved his hand impatiently, strode out, and soon disappeared into the night.

"Motor." The silicon-based life shining all over sighed.

"My lord." A black silicon-based being walked over and said.

"You take those servants with you to take a look," the shining silicon-based life paused, and then added, "Departure delayed for half an hour."

"Understood." The dark silicon-based life nodded, and then disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

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