"Dude, is it true that Kaizen killed all these Goblins?" The drops expert that Klank knew asked wide-eyed.

"For sure was. Although I couldn't see him hunting, there was no one else in the Valley of the Goblins at the time and the Goblins had just died. Who else could it be?" Klank replied.

"I think it must have been a group of people who killed those Goblins, and the others must have left him to collect the drops. I can't believe that one person could kill so many Goblins in a place as favorable for them as that valley. He must have been bragging."

Another man who was also in the store stood up from behind the counter. "He was definitely bragging."

None of Klank's acquaintances believed that Kaizen single-handedly killed all the Goblins, as he claimed.

In any case, that didn't matter to the rich boy, as he had experienced Kaizen's imposing aura in person.

'I wonder what level he is... 60? Maybe 70?'


Moss Scorpion

Level: 1 | Attribute: Insect | Nature: Mutant

HP: 200 | MP: 0

Attack: 55 | Defense: 50 | Speed: 0

Strength: 20 | Wisdom: 1 | Resistance: 50

Resistance to Spells of Poison]

Kaizen's eyes went wide. How could a level 1 creature have such incredible amounts of attributes? The only monster Kaizen knew that had a similar level of strength to the Moss Scorpions was the optional Boss of the Misty Woods, the Shadow Cat.

'What's happening here!?'


Edited by: DrHitsujf you want to see original illustrations of Rise Online characters, consider helping me on pa treon: Pa treon.com/NandoFalskore character images in:


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