Rise From the Humble

Chapter 254 At the feet of the emperor

The ancients said: "The sachet is secretly solved, the belt is lightly divided."

In feudal society, as in the Ming Dynasty, sachets were private items in the daughter's family. Generally speaking, only sisters would sew sachets for their brothers, or wives would sew purse sachets for their husbands. These were all members of the family. If an older girl suddenly sews a purse for that boy, it would be an affair, and she would be despised and looked down upon by people. It would be fine if the two of them got married, but it would be a shame if they couldn't get married. Even if the situation is more serious, people may point their noses and scold them, and if the situation is more serious, people may be immersed in a pig cage.

So, looking at the sachet that was stuffed into the crack of the door, Zhu Pingan bent down to pick it up with a wry smile, then opened the door and put the sachet back on the window sill next door.

After returning to the room again, Zhu Ping'an closed the door and sealed the door tightly with the futon in the room to prevent the girl next door from throwing the purse in again.

As if playing hide-and-seek, not long after Zhu Ping'an returned to the room, the door started to get rusty again. However, because the crack in the door was tightly stuffed, the other party was unable to stuff the sachet in again this time.

It was finally quiet.

Zhu Pingan recorded what he had seen and heard in the past few days through the light photovoltaic case, and then took out a book and read it silently.

The temple walls are thin and not soundproof.

After a while, there was another sound from the next room, the wall was tapped a few times, and after a while, there was an exaggerated sound of bathing in water

Unmoved, Zhu Pingan continued to read his book until he became so sleepy that he couldn't hold it back. Then he put out the oil lamp and fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Pingan got up early. After packing up, we went down the mountain and continued on our way.

Wait until the daughter of the Wang family next door gets up, freshens and dresses beautifully. When knocking on Zhu Ping'an's door and inviting Zhu Pingan to have breakfast with his family, he found that Zhu Ping'an had gone to the room and it was empty.

"This nerd!"

Looking at the empty room, the face of the girl from the Wang family turned dark with anger. The scholars she met in the past were always poking their heads to peek at her. This nerd was good. He looked like a standard nerd who would not look at anything inappropriate wherever he went. This was not the case. Jie Fengqing, or not a man? ! Or is it that that little idiot doesn't know anything about men and women?

It's all dad's fault. You have to do it yourself!

The girl from the Wang family stomped her feet in embarrassment and annoyance, twisted her willow waist and went back to her room. It's just that Dad will definitely blame himself for not being as good as his sister again!

After descending from Longquan Mountain, Zhu Pingan rode north and slept in the open air. After days of traveling, he became much darker and thinner, but he also became much stronger. If you don't wear a student uniform. It is estimated that few people will associate Zhu Pingan with the scholar. From the appearance alone, he looks like a standard, simple farmer.

The clothes I wear with me have been washed several times, and they have become plain and inconspicuous.

Believe it at this time. There will never be girls who are as popular as Longquan Ancient Temple.

The sound of firecrackers marks the end of the year, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tusu;

Thousands of households are always replacing old talismans with new peaches.

Today is New Year's Eve, and tomorrow is New Year. The last night of the year is extremely precious. Every household has hung lanterns, and it is bright outside. Family members will sit together, looking at the night sky and looking forward to the New Year.

Zhu Pingan sat at a desk near the window of an inn in the ancient city of Chengwu County, looking at the bright night sky outside the window. Listening to the endless firecrackers outside and the cheering voices of bear children, I can't help but miss my family in Xiahe Village.

Although I am missing during the Chinese New Year this year, my parents should be very happy to have a sister-in-law.

It’s another night to write and study ink.

The next day, the first day of the Lunar New Year, Zhu Ping'an continued on his way. He saw the northern scenery along the way. However, after walking for two days, he met many ragged refugees on the road. They were carrying their wives and children, and their faces looked hungry. , In the beginning it was in twos and threes, and then it was in groups of threes and fives.

"The county is closed, so we can only go to other counties to try our luck."

"Damn dog officer, the grain in the granary is infested with moths, and he won't let us eat it."

"A killer with a thousand swords."

Zhu Pingan could hear the voices of refugees cursing the county magistrates from time to time while walking on the road. He asked an old man and learned the outline of the matter: In the past, the water flow of the Yellow River had greatly reduced in winter. For some reason, the water volume did not decrease much this year, and the Yellow River ice floes The upstream river channel was blocked, forming a barrier lake. The dam could not bear it and overflowed. The Juye and Jiaxiang areas were the most severely affected. There had never been severe disasters in winter in the past. Residents and officials did not take precautions. They were caught off guard and suffered even more severe disasters.

The people affected by the disaster in Juye went north to the county town to seek food and shelter, but the county officials closed the city gates and set up roadblocks to prevent the victims from entering Juye. In desperation, the victims had no choice but to go south to find a way to survive. Along the way, the bark of the trees was peeled off to satisfy their hunger. There were so many victims that it was impossible to see them all.

Fortunately, it had just been a few days since the Yellow River flooded. Zhu Ping'an encountered only the first group of victims. The prestigious elders and village leaders among the victims were still able to control the victims, and the victims were relatively orderly.

Despite this, many people still looked at Zhu Pingan, who was riding a horse and carrying a package, with a green light like a wolf.

After Zhu Ping'an gave more than half of the dried meat and dry food he carried to the leading elders and village leaders among the villagers, he decisively turned his horse's head, whipped his horse and walked south in front of the victims, and then turned around And head east for a few days, bypassing the disaster-stricken area far away before continuing north.

A gentleman does not build a dangerous wall, and he cannot tolerate the kindness of a woman at this time.

But in the next few days, scenes of hungry people chewing tree bark and pulling out grass roots replayed before their eyes. The hungry people in the front still had bark and grass roots to eat, but what about the hungry people behind?

When it prospers, the people suffer; when it dies, the people suffer.

Only by seeing this scene with one's own eyes can one understand the poet's emotion at that time.

Along the way, we continued north. After a few days, the melancholy gradually dissipated. For more than a month, we passed through Qufu, Tai'an, Jinan, Cangzhou, and finally arrived at Tianjin Wei.

If the capital is at the foot of the emperor, then Tianjin Wei is one step away. At that time, Zhu Di, the king of Yan, crossed the Grand Canal and went south to fight for the throne. After Zhu Di became emperor, in order to commemorate the "Battle of Jingnan", the place was renamed Tianjin on November 21, the second year of Yongle, which means the ferry where the emperor passed.

Tianjin Wei is a military system, but at this time there is a mixed army and civilians, but because it guards the throat of the capital, there is a large flow of goods and people, and it is considered prosperous.

After Zhu Pingan entered Tianjin, he went to the post station, but returned disappointed.

This is the foot of the emperor, and the post station is busy. Officials coming out of the capital and officials from other places going to the capital to report on their duties have already filled the inn. The inn really looks down upon Zhu Ping'an, a small official.

"It's ridiculous for a small person to want to live in an inn." An official who reported to the capital from a local area taunted Zhu Ping'an.

The officials at the inn also looked sideways.

Isn't it necessary?

Zhu Pingan led the horse back to the station, smiled and shook his head, then got on the horse and went to the inn to stay.

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