Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1821 The Zhejiang Army is coming

The sudden change of the Zhejiang army stopped Zhifu Shang in his tracks, causing him to stay on the city wall when he originally wanted to go down early to welcome General Wang and his entourage into the city.

Compared with General Wang and his party who returned triumphantly, it was obvious that the surprise of the Zhejiang Army made him more worried and troubled.

Soon, the Zhejiang army advanced and approached about three miles from the south gate of Suzhou City. At the speed of the cavalry, the distance of three miles only took about a cup of tea.

"Quickly, ride your horse on the city wall and go to the south gate to convey my order. Instruct the officers guarding the south gate to open the city gate and invite the Zhejiang army to enter the city. At the same time, order the officers on the city to support the Zhejiang army with long-range weapons such as hard crossbows and firearms."

Magistrate Shang captured a soldier, handed him the token, patted him on the shoulder, and urged him to quickly go to the south gate to deliver the order.


The soldier grabbed the token and was about to get on his horse, but was stopped by Magistrate Shang.

"Slow down! Listen carefully, if the Japanese pirates catch up and are still two miles away from the city gate, no matter how many Zhejiang troops have not entered the city, the city gate must be closed as soon as possible, and any measures can be taken if necessary! Please wait. The Zhejiang troops who entered the city fled elsewhere. Remember, when I said necessary, I meant that when someone blocked the city gate from closing, no matter who it was, they must close the city gate as soon as possible. To this end, all possible measures can be taken , including killing without mercy!"

Magistrate Shang looked at the soldiers with a serious face and explained sternly.

"No! Remember, little one." The soldier nodded vigorously, got on his horse, slapped the horse's butt hard, and rode away quickly.

"I'm sorry, Zihou. I have to be responsible for the hundreds of thousands of people in the city. I think you can understand."

Magistrate Shang looked at the Zhejiang cavalry approaching Suzhou from a distance, closed his eyes and murmured to himself.

Just as Magistrate Shang closed his eyes and murmured, he heard screams coming from his ears.

"What's wrong? What happened again? But have the Japanese pirates caught up with the Zhejiang army again?" Magistrate Shang hurriedly opened his eyes and looked towards the south gate.

However, they saw the Zhejiang Army's cavalry forward, who was about to approach the south gate, turning eastward and galloping toward the east gate along the official road.

There were sounds of surprise in my ears.

"What's going on?! The Zhejiang army broke through and wanted to enter the city. Why did they avoid it when they were almost at the south gate?!"

"What happened? The Zhejiang army turned to the east gate when they were still more than a mile away from the south gate?!"

"Didn't they even call the door? Is it because they were afraid that the Japanese pirates would catch up, so they turned to the east gate to keep the Japanese pirates away? Or, from a distance, the Zhejiang army saw that the south gate had not yet opened, but the east gate had already opened. So you turned to the east gate and came? However, the master of the palace has already sent people to rush to the south gate to open the door to answer it?!"

Hearing the surprised voice in his ears, Zhifu Shang was also a little confused. He didn't know why the Zhejiang army suddenly turned to the east gate. Could it be that he was really in a hurry to enter the city. He saw that the south gate was not open, but the east gate was already open, so he turned to the east gate. Yes.

"Listen, what does the Zhejiang Army seem to be shouting?" Suddenly someone with sharp ears said in surprise.

However, the distance was too far to hear what the Zhejiang army was shouting, but the wailing could only be heard vaguely.

The Zhejiang army galloped from the south gate along the official road to the east gate. To the people on the city wall, it seemed that the Zhejiang army was in a hurry to enter the city and did not care about their horse power. They brandished whips and beat the horses' buttocks hard, and they rushed towards the east gate.

As the Zhejiang Army approached, more people heard what the Zhejiang Army was shouting, but they couldn't hear it clearly yet.

"Pass my order and ask General Wang and others to enter the city quickly. The Zhejiang Army will be arriving soon. Avoid congestion."

"Also, if the Japanese pirates come after them, just like the south gate, once the Japanese pirates approach the city gate for about two miles, the city gate must be closed as soon as possible. No matter whether the Zhejiang army has entered the city or not, no matter how many people under General Wang's command have not entered. The city must be closed as soon as possible to prevent Japanese pirates from chasing them into the city!"

"Also, look at how many people have entered the city, General Wang. They are well prepared with food and drink. Please fill your stomach first if you come into the city."

Magistrate Shang looked at the Zhejiang army getting closer and closer and gave orders to the soldiers behind him.


The soldiers took the order and went down to convey the order of the prefect.

Soon, the soldiers came up to resume their duties, "Master Fu, I have conveyed the order of Master Fu. General Wang and the others have speeded up. At this moment, more than 400 people have entered the city. General Wang has also entered the city. General Wang was commanding his men to enter the city, saying that after all his men had entered the city, he would come to pay homage to the governor."

"Ah, only over 400 people have come in?" After hearing this, Magistrate Shang frowned dissatisfied and said to the soldiers, "Go down and urge General Wang, ask them to speed up, and send more people to clear the obstacles in the city gate. Please open the city gate wider. The Zhejiang army will come later, and there will be chasing Japanese pirates behind. Try your best to allow more Zhejiang troops to withdraw into the city before the Japanese pirates approach the city gate two miles away."

"No!" The soldiers once again went down the city wall to convey the order of the prefect.

Xu Hai, who was under the city, also noticed the changes at the Zhejiang Army's Fengqiao Camp and saw the Zhejiang Army's cavalry galloping in the distance.

As the soldiers came down to convey the order of the prefect, Xu Hai also learned that the Zhejiang army was coming to the east gate.

"Damn Zhu Ping'an, damn the Zhejiang Army, what are you doing? It's not good to break out at any time, but at this time! Could it be that Zhu Ping'an noticed something?! No, Suzhou City, which is so close, didn't notice anything. , what can Zhu Pingan, who is ten miles away at Fengqiao Camp, detect?!"

"It should just be bad luck! Enter the city quickly, and speed up. You must enter the city before the Zhejiang army arrives! After everyone enters the city, be sure to close the city gates and prevent the Zhejiang army from entering the city. To prevent the Zhejiang army from causing trouble!"

Although he thought so in his heart, Xu Hai couldn't help but become anxious, and his uneasiness became more and more serious.

Anxiously, Xu Hai repeatedly urged the Japanese pirates to speed up and enter the city.

Fortunately, as the soldiers descended the city wall for the second time, more people from the city were dispatched to clear the obstacles behind the city gate. The city gate was also opened wider, and four people could enter the city at one time. The efficiency of entering the city was great. Improved a bit.

Xu Hai caught a local Japanese pirate and whispered something to him, asking him to jump in and enter the city to find General Wang.

Soon, the Japanese pirate jumped into the city, found General Wang, and conveyed Xu Hai's instructions to him.

General Wang glanced at Xu Hai and nodded vigorously.

"Wang Juntou, call for some more people, speed up the process, clear the obstacles, and open the city gate wide."

General Wang first directed his men to speed up the clearing of the obstacles at the door, and then said to the soldiers guarding the city, "The Japanese prisoners will be guarded in the open space at the entrance of the door. Their hands and feet are tied up. My people will watch. You Don’t worry, wait until all Japanese pirate prisoners enter the city, and then deal with them together.”

General Wang is the top general of the East Gate. Although the soldiers guarding the city gate are not his direct subordinates, they are not as high in rank as him. As long as they do not conflict with the orders of the Shang Prefect, his words are still very effective in guarding the city. Naturally, the soldiers of the sect would have no objections.

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