Right Here Waiting For You

Chapter 301 You can bring your family members

Ning Tiantian didn't even look at who was calling, so she answered the call fiercely, "Hey, who is it!?"

"Tiantian... have you taken any medicine today?" Cookie said after being silent on the other end of the phone.

When she heard her voice, Ning Tiantian was on the verge of tears, "Silly Hat Cookie, do you know that you disturbed Brother Mo and me?"

She should be lucky that she is her best friend, otherwise the 15,000-meter sword would never show mercy.

"That?" An indescribable picture suddenly appeared in Cookie's mind, and he almost threw his phone away in shock, "Have you two already gone to bed?"

"..." Ning Tiantian tugged at the corner of her lips angrily and lowered her voice, "Who goes to bed this early in the morning? I'm talking about kissing!"

"..." Chatting across the galaxy is really tiring.

"Cookie, are you calling me for something?" Ning Tiantian got back to the topic after chatting, "By the way, you know the results of the high school entrance examination are out, right? What score did you get?"

"I'm calling just to tell you about my scores. I got 698 in the test this time..." Cookie sighed slightly and asked, "Xueba, how about you?"

"I didn't do well in the exam."

"May I ask what your not-so-good score is?"

"720 points..."

"Haha, the originator of the show-off world." Lighting engineer, please shoot yourself into death, you're welcome!

Ning Tiantian listened to her teasing and light voice, and thought of her crying on the phone that day. She hesitated slightly, and then asked with concern, "How are you and Su Yi doing now?"

"It's nothing." Cookie changed the topic lightly, "Have you received the news? This time, all 52 students in our class can go directly to the high school. The old class even bought half a mountain for us to celebrate our graduation. You can also bring your family members with you when the time comes.”

"Really, that's great!"

Ning Tiantian said happily immediately.

"Just don't forget. I'll hang up Tiantian now. See you then."

Cookie cut off the phone and heard the window behind him crackle.

She turned around and saw Su Yi's face pressed against the security window, slapping the window, hanging in the air with a rope behind her, just like those who worked at high altitudes.

Her pupils suddenly shrank, she immediately ran over, opened the window, and shouted at him, "Su Yi, are you crazy?"

Her home is on the fifth floor!

If someone accidentally fell down, he would be half disabled even if he didn't die!

"I'm not crazy... I heard that the results of the high school entrance examination have come out. I just want to ask you what score you got in the high school entrance examination?" She wouldn't open it for him or go downstairs to see him. He was really desperate and could only use this method.

"No comment."

After saying that, Cookie was about to close the window.

"Hey, wait, don't say anything. Just hold the drink." Su Yi grabbed the window frame with quick eyes and quick hands, his peach blossom eyes filled with a little grievance, and stuffed the bag in his hand into the anti-theft net.

"I know you don't want to see me. Now that the things have been delivered to you, I'll leave first." After Su Yi finished speaking, he smiled at her and prepared to slide down.

"You..." Slow down.

As he spoke, Cookie's voice stopped.

"Huh???" Su Yi looked at her expectantly.

"It's nothing, just leave quickly."

"Oh..." Su Yi shrugged. He thought she would say something about her concern for him.

Cookie breathed a sigh of relief after seeing him land safely.

Looking at her favorite drink on the security window, she usually had to queue for hours to buy a cup of black tea, and couldn't help but sigh.

Why bother?

Here, just after Ning Tiantian hung up the phone, she eagerly ran to Li Yanmo.

"Brother Mo Mo, at the graduation party in a few days, my old class will organize mountain climbing. I heard that you can bring your family members with you. Can I take you there?" Ning Tiantian asked him.

"Then tell me first, what kind of family member am I?" Li Yanmo glanced at her.

"Future husband..." Ning Tiantian held her chin and blurted out.

"Oh... then I'll think about it." Li Yanmo said reservedly.

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