Ride and Cut

Chapter 369 Strange Request

In the tavern, the tables and chairs are arranged around a circle.

As long as regular customers see this layout, they will know that the bard is here to perform. At any rate, pay a few coppers and buy a glass of ale, and you can stay and listen to a few stories to pass the time. It is the cheapest and most affordable entertainment in the market.

A bard can support his family with only a three-stringed harp next to him, and the bard's cunning tongue is of course remarkable.

They always only talk about topics that are close to the trend, hoping to arouse the interest of the audience as much as possible. For example, recently, the drama "The Kings Unite to Crusade the Undead" must be the most popular, no matter men, women or children, they like to listen to it.

But the green-haired bard in front of him was a bit ingenious, maybe vaguely aware that the public has a dark psychology of prying into the privacy of important people, and he simply talked about the lace scandal of the wilderness pioneering lord to heat up the scene first.

One-third of the rumors, one-third of the attachments, and one-third of the nonsense, really captured the hearts of the audience.

The real master was in the corner of the scene, not only did not express anything, but cheerfully tipped over a dozen silver coins.

Most of the taverns are filled with poor men who don't have a lot of money, and it is rare to meet wealthy customers who use silver coins. So the green-haired bard worked harder, speaking more vividly, hoping to earn this month's living expenses.

"Aren't you angry?" Vera frowned and asked indignantly.

"Angry? What is my status? As for fussing with this bum?" The lord couldn't help but smile.

The pair of them are quite conspicuous in a place like a tavern where fish and dragons are mixed, after all, the man is heroic and the woman is handsome. It's not that the cowardly man wanted to make fun of him without drinking two cups of cat urine, but before he could open his mouth, he was dragged by Dracula's neck and dragged to the back alley to solve it.

"A place like a tavern, since we're here, it's hard to know who we are." Bishop Paul was wearing a red double-breasted coat with a stand-up collar and a brown soft hat, looking like an ordinary rich gentleman.

"Did everyone know that the lord actually likes masculinity!" The green hair probably wanted to make the atmosphere more lively, and suddenly came a sentence that was not surprising and endless.

Li Cha held the ale glass, and the relaxed smile on his face instantly froze.

"Damn, you're looking for death yourself, you can't blame others." Gunther stood up abruptly, his strong body like a black bear made the tavern look very cramped.

He waded across all the way, knocking over the tables and chairs along the way. He reached out and grabbed the green-haired neck, and dragged him to the back alley without saying a word.

The chicken-like bard's thighs are not as thick as his arms, so how can he resist. The sanxian fell to the ground and could not even scream.

The other guests in the tavern had already seen that this table probably had an extraordinary status. Before, I could pretend not to know, but now I dare not stay in the wrong place, and ran away immediately.

Only the bartender was left shivering behind the counter.

"Vera, you said that Pastor Ceheli has been promoted to the level of Grace, and he will come to Cologne immediately after the break?" Bishop Paul was fiddling with a piece of alchemy equipment in the shape of a flat cylinder.

This is a silent enchantment generator, which can isolate the sound communication inside and outside the enchantment, which is very magical. The inside cannot hear the outside, and the outside cannot hear the inside. It is very suitable for preventing the partition wall from having ears when talking about secrets.

"Yes." The little nun nodded calmly.

Li Cha kept feeling in his heart that indeed pretty women could lie. It stands to reason that Vera should have no experience in lying before, but now she can behave so flawlessly.

Sure enough, the more people look like they can't lie, the more open they are when they cheat.

"We have to thank Pastor Chehri. If it weren't for him, I really don't know how to deal with the undead pollution." The lord pretentiously crossed his chest, "I wish him a speedy recovery."

"Richard." Bishop Paul tapped the table lightly, "It's not that I don't believe you, but your request is really... Forgive me for saying this, it's really unbelievable."

Two days ago, the lord of Alpine Fort and Crown Prince Bedrick's secret envoy suddenly came to the door together. They put forward a very simple but meaningful request-please the Church of the Holy Light and the Pompeii Army to be consistent and cooperate with Richard's actions.

In fact, Bishop Paul is polite enough to say that it is unbelievable. If anyone is in his position, he will definitely believe that he has encountered two lunatics!

You must know that in the face of this undead disaster of unprecedented scale, the forces mobilized from all aspects are not generally huge.

Such a huge power needs to be used to cooperate with the Alpine Fort. It's like taking a whole steak for a side dish with a few grains of pepper.

"I also know that sounds a little outrageous." Li Cha put down his ale glass and stared at the other party with piercing eyes, "But believe me, the importance of this undead event may far exceed the limit of all of you's imagination!"

Those eyes were shining brightly, as sharp as a sharp sword, and Bishop Paul couldn't help but tilt his head slightly to avoid it.

"But you can't tell me why, can you?"

"Yes." Li Cha picked up his glass again and sipped slowly, his eyes calmed down, "For this, please forgive me."

He didn't even tell Bedric the specific reason, but the other party chose to believe it almost without hesitation, and the lord couldn't help but be moved by this trust.

If he asked himself the other way around, he might not be able to make such a big determination.

"Does Master Ingmar know?"

The Ingmar that Paul mentioned was a former Stuart magister, and it was said that even among the magisters, he was considered an excellent one. After the complete destruction of the motherland, he and several masters took the lead in forming the Mage Free Federation, and now he is the chief round table mage.

The Round Table Conference is the highest power meeting of the Mage Free Federation, so the Chief Round Table Mage is equivalent to the supreme leader.

"I don't know either." Li Cha said.

"As long as Pompeii and the Church of the Holy Light can reach an agreement, they can be restrained by agreeing on a coordinated attack time. As for San Jose and other large and small countries, there is no need to even notify. Those people are waiting to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. The reinforcements sent are too limited and insignificant."

Bishop Paul was silent for a long time before he said: "Actually, if all countries can really unite, with the power of the entire human world, there will be no problem at all in dealing with the undead."

"Don't dream in broad daylight, that's impossible." The lord waved his hand vigorously and sneered disdainfully.

In the past few days, he has been walking around the streets to inquire about the news, and he has seen the situation very clearly. In other words, Pompeii and the Mage Freedom Federation directly border the undead, and they are the most active and active.

As for other countries—I have to admit that what Liola said at the beginning was indeed reasonable—basically held the attitude of having nothing to do with themselves.

Shouting a few slogans and sending a few innocuous reinforcements, even if they can cope with face, there are even voices of gloating.

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