Ride and Cut

Chapter 265

Although Li Cha is a novice in Vanity Fair, he is no stranger to playing cards.

Stuart wants to remove the suspicion of the undead. The testimony of Pompeii, the other party to the Winter City incident, is very important, so Pompeii is his last family.

Pompeii wants to win peace. Whether the shit-stirring stick of San Jose will get in the way is crucial, so San Jose is Pompeii's home.

The basic premise of San Jose's desire to start a war is that Stuart must not reach a tacit understanding with Pompey, so Stuart is obviously San Jose's home.

If the cards are just like this, every family is both the top player and the current player, and it can still be played down.

But the problem is that once the mad king Stuart chooses to initiate a war.

The chain of mutual checks and balances will be completely broken, San Jose will easily get the cards they want, and Pompeii will become the biggest loser.

According to common sense, the probability of this happening is very small, because the cold climate will also cause great harm to Stuart, and their national strength in the past two years is not as good as Pompeii.

However, the lord stared at Belluni, who was surrounded by the crowd and was sitting on a luxurious high-backed chair.

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then there is undoubtedly a completely crazy soul hidden under this glamorous skin.

Li Cha could feel it—this person had an extremely strong tendency to self-destruct, and he had no scruples at all, no matter what he did, it was not surprising.

There was a small interlude during this period.

Whether it was Stuart or the San Jose mission, after entering the arena, most of them took the initiative to greet Paul, the newly promoted bishop of Pompeii, with a very respectful attitude, which made the lord look sideways for a while.

Although he has known for a long time that he used to be a cardinal and cardinal, and he still has the title of "the first person in magic arts in three hundred years". But after all, Paul has always been too kind in front of him, subconsciously it is always difficult to treat him as a famous giant.

But actually, think about it again. That's all for the cardinal, sometimes in order to make up twelve people, it is inevitable to mix in substandard goods. But how prominent is the title of "the first person in divine arts in three hundred years"!

"Everyone, please listen to me." After exchanging cumbersome and complicated diplomatic rhetoric, as the only His Majesty present, Belluni certainly had a slightly higher priority than other plenipotentiary ambassadors.

"First of all, let me declare that our country has no knowledge of the undead in Winter City. I believe that the biggest suspect should be attributed to Pompeii. Why? The biggest beneficiary is the first suspect. Everyone must know this simple truth."

He leaned on the back of the chair, tapped the armrest lightly with his fingers, looking playful.

"Looking back at that time, Seedorf was invincible in Cold Winter City, and the Pompeii army was unable to move forward. But since that night, the city's defenses were broken, and the Pompeii army was able to attack smoothly. So far, it has occupied a province of our country."

"And what about our country? It is difficult to count the losses of the army, people, and land. Our country is the biggest victim of the undead incident in Winter City." Belluni looked at Prince Schmidt of Pompeii with a half-smile, "Should your country give a reasonable explanation for this?"

The lord has to admit that this mad king, who is notorious among the people, does have a kind of coquettish and even evil charm.

Even a lunatic is a very demagogic lunatic.

"What His Majesty Belluni said has some truth." San Jose also has a prince as plenipotentiary ambassador.

As a unique figure, this Prince Abel is undoubtedly a bit young, it is said that he is just in his early thirties. And a delicate oval face makes him look younger than his actual age.

But whoever underestimated him would be making a big mistake.

Prince Abel wore a short golden stick around his neck, which was very eye-catching, like some kind of special medal.

Experts can tell at a glance that this short stick is the famous Nawin Dormancy Barrier. It comes with a constant temperature, humidity, and oxygen space. It is a special high-level alchemy equipment used for large mounts to sleep. It is a masterpiece of the alchemy masters of the ancient human empire.

A small stick with an unimaginably high technical content.

San Jose and Stuart, as the orthodox descendants of the ancient human empire, still inherit specific production methods. Pompeii, as a descendant of a rebel, has been unable to imitate it so far, so he can only look at it greedily.

There is also a more well-known alias for Navin's Dormant Barrier - "Dragon Flute". Because the cost is too high, and only one giant dragon can be bound within the period of use, Nawin's dormant enchantment will only be assigned to some dragon knights.

In other words, the Prince's ambassador in San Jose actually has the identity of a dragon knight at the same time.

You know, except for a very few lucky people like Higuain, or powerful people like the Magister. Regardless of whether you are born poor or rich, trying to win the favor of the dragon is undoubtedly a matter of both opportunities and risks.

For most aristocrats of good birth and comfortable life, it is not worth taking that risk.

But Abel, as a prince, was able to abandon all the glory he already had, and climb to the top of the mountain alone to win the approval of a dragon. It is enough to show that he has superhuman courage.

"The biggest beneficiary is the first suspect. This is correct." Prince Abel's wavy hair was as dazzling as gold.

San Jose was Stuart's next home and Pompeii's last home. Now the family asks for a card, of course they have to give it.

His tone was very casual, but the content really hit the point: "Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Pompeii is indeed the biggest beneficiary? Eh? It's really unexpected."

"This guy speaks so yin and yang, it's hard to be impotent." The lord whispered to the Pompeii envoy beside him.

The latter looked a little too nervous, sitting motionless on the chair, not even daring to turn his eyes, which made Li Cha feel very boring again.

"It's all just speculation, speculation without factual basis, it's better to listen to what other people say." John II wore a melon skin cap on his head. He was originally thin, but he looked more harmless under the arrogance of Beruni.

But this little old man is unusually calm, and he speaks calmly, with a very reassuring power.

"It's pointless to show off on this issue." Prince Schmidt said coldly, "Winter City is there. I think it will not be difficult to find some clues for such a large-scale undead riot. I think this is a hundred times more reliable than speculation."

"The poor Winter City has been separated from the motherland and is occupied by the enemy. Maybe it has already done something." Belluni laughed, as if he had heard some very funny remarks.

"His Majesty Belluni is really good at debating." Prince Schmidt looked back at Richard, "But Baron Richard of our country has already grasped the key evidence."

"Ahem." The lord cleared his throat and stood up, taking out a huge crystal from his pocket.

1. I took a look at the plot of the card today, but it took too much time, so I have to continue the double update tomorrow

2. I know that the part about the Battle of Winter City is not well written, but I have to try, I have never written it before

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