Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 990 Come Prepared

Mike's anger would only embarrass his colleagues. Naturally, everyone would not comfort him. What's more, he was just a pawn at best. The report of "Le Figaro" was just the beginning.

The BBC needs to spend more energy on the following matters. After careful selection, the reporters who took photos of Mike during the day found out the photos they were satisfied with and hung Mike on their own pages.

From an ordinary reporter, Mike became a world-class "star".

The BBC management had to convene a meeting quickly because they were concerned about the details behind this matter.

As Mike discovered, everyone used a method that seemed to be rubbing the heat, but in fact they were helping Huaxia speak out.

In the past, if the BBC released any false news, it was nothing more than some people would go to Fengxin and Qingfeng to refute some, reveal the truth, and then Fengxin tweeted, and Qingfeng Youtube presented two worlds, but that was it.

Sometimes some media get involved, but not too many media get involved at the same time, let alone so many well-known media get involved. This time things are obviously not right.

And many media are still making a deliberate attitude that because of Meng Qian's influence, everyone is chasing this hot spot.

"Just because of Meng Qian's voice, it is absolutely impossible to push things to this level. Our BBC has faced all kinds of world-renowned figures. No matter how influential Meng Qian is, it will not affect this. Behind this There must be other forces pushing this matter.”

"Judging from the current list of media that speak out, most of them are neutral media, which also plays a very good role in hiding, but no matter how many reasonable explanations are found, what is the voice of the traditional media in Germany, France and other countries? Facts that cannot be hidden.

Those media outlets feel that they are getting closer and closer to Huaxia in recent years. "

"The higher-ups have begun to get close to Huaxia. It is expected that their attitudes will change. It's just that they have come to get involved this time. It always feels that it is no longer a simple problem of closeness. But logically speaking, they will not be reduced to listening Huaxia's words."

"We can't be sure what's going on with the media right now, but everything that's happening in front of us is a real fact. You say, Meng Qian is making a fuss this time, is he giving us power? He wants us to be in China during the National Day. Stop?"

"I have something here that hasn't been fully verified, but considering what happened today, everyone may take a look." Someone took out a document that had been sorted out.

"This is the international public opinion network established by Huaxia?"

"In fact, we have talked about many things in this report in the past few years. In the early days, Huaxia Media Machine frantically established offices in various places and took root. Later, it used capital to acquire media organizations in various countries. It can be said that the purpose is very clear, just to slowly expand The emergence of an international public opinion network is very similar to the international development model of Huaxia financial institutions.

We have been paying attention to these things, but because their foundation is too weak, we always feel that the development of their network still has a long way to go, so we didn't spend too much energy on dealing with it.

However, what is strange is that our latest market report recently shows that China Media's international public opinion influence index is showing an explosive rise. "

"How did they do that?"

"At first I didn't want to understand this issue, until just now in the process of listening to your communication, I suddenly realized a point that we may have overlooked before. We are all patronizing and discussing traditional media now, but from the platform of Fengxin Since its appearance, it has created a brand new form of media.”

Someone immediately came to his senses, "You mean from the media?"

"That's right, self-media, and under the development of self-media, another key concept is involved: opinion leaders in the new Internet era!

History tells us that the influence of mass media on changing individual views is far less than that of opinion leaders. This is because in the process of information dissemination, not all information output directly reaches the ordinary recipients, but some can only First convey to some of them, and then this part of the people will pass the message to the most common audience around them.

Even if some messages can be directly conveyed to the general audience, in order for them to undergo expected changes in their attitudes and behaviors, opinion leaders need to explain and evaluate the messages and provide guidance or pointers on the situation.

However, in the past era, opinion leaders were very scattered. However, from the earliest public account to the current live broadcast, Dafeng Group has been doing one thing, that is, to cultivate online opinion leaders in various fields, and to gather these opinion leaders in on their platform.

Now these huge circles of opinion leaders developed based on platforms such as Fengxinqingfeng are affecting the decision-making and three views of ordinary people at the lower level.

This is already an area where traditional mass media cannot compete. If this thing is applied to the world public opinion network that China has been weaving for more than ten years, everything will be different.

Moreover, whether it is the international layout of Huaxia Finance or the recent global supply chain incidents, we can see that one of the characteristics of Huaxia is that it is particularly tolerant.

They are very aware of the gaps in which issues they are, and they can endure until they have established an absolute advantage, but once they stop forbearing, their opponents may not have time to react. "

People in the office began to whisper to each other. After this idea was put forward, it really gave everyone a new way of thinking.

But this line of thinking is not good news for everyone, because if this is the case, the next thing will be really troublesome for them.

"Meng Qian posted an article again!" When everyone was still discussing intensely, someone suddenly shouted excitedly.

"What happened?"

"This time it's for YouTube and Twitter."

On September 28, a drama in which Meng Qian bombarded the BBC became a global melon. Near midnight, when everyone was full and ready to sleep, a serial melon came.

Of course, this is Huaxia's time, and it is broad daylight on Omi's side. After all, this article by Meng Qian is mainly for them to read.

The new article is titled: "YouTube and Twitter, stop lying! "

The formula is almost exactly the same. In Meng Qian's article, the two platforms have long been committed to blocking speeches that are beneficial to China and continuously inciting evidence of confrontation. Delete posts, seal accounts, and do data in the background. As long as you do something, There will always be traces left, and these traces will eventually become evidence.

In fact, these things are often exposed on platforms such as Fengxin and Qingfeng on weekdays, and there are some small outbreaks from time to time. Meng Qian has also spoken out about these two platforms before, but this time, the storm is more violent.

Before the heat of the BBC incident had subsided, Wang Mengqian went online again, targeting Youtube and Twitter.

Meng Qian directly called the two platforms the shame of the development of human civilization.

Compared with bombarding the BBC, Meng Qian’s bombardment of YouTube and Twitter received a much faster market response. First, several national media who had experienced being manipulated by public opinion on these two platforms followed Meng Qian to expose what the platforms did.

Later, the media from European countries, which have always wanted to get rid of the control of public opinion, began to make a big fuss about the problems of these two platforms. France even bluntly stated that if these two platforms cannot give France enough operating rights like Fengxin and Qingfeng, then France will Consider getting them out.

At this moment, it is estimated that the two platforms have not fully realized what happened, but people inside the BBC can see clearly.

"Meng Qian and the others came fully prepared."

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