Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 574 Advance by leaps and bounds

Sometimes, the taller the Empire State Building is, the more violent it collapses. Today's Sharp is one of these many cases. On the first day of the new year, Meng Qian received a call from Machida Katsuhiko, and Sharp could no longer find anyone to rescue him.

But what makes Meng Qian interesting is that Machida Katsuhiko still wants to bet on the judai line, maybe because it's all for this sake? After all, Sharp has paid too much for this tenth-generation line, maybe, just like those who have paid too much in love but continue to know that the other party is not good, this may also be a kind of human nature.

It didn't matter to Meng Qian, he didn't have much interest in the 10th generation line, so the two parties finally decided that Meng Qian would acquire Sharp's large number of technical patents and technical talents, but the production line would not be touched and would continue to be left to Sharp. The patents are all authorized to Sharp, and they will not use their technology to get stuck in their necks.

At this time, Sharp has kept a few production lines, some remaining R\u0026D personnel, and the 10th-generation line that still needs to be invested. Soft sister currency.

In fact, during this period of time, companies such as Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, etc. have all been poaching people from Sharp, but Dafeng Group has already let it out that if they can buy Sharp's employees, they will not fire everyone, and Sharp's employees don't come to work in China. , Dafeng Group has a branch in Neon Country, you can continue to work in Neon Country, you don’t need to be separated from your family, you can get a salary increase, and you can be with familiar leaders and colleagues, so everyone doesn’t want to change Already working.

Especially for those core talents, people from the personnel department of Dafeng Group have already done work. When they come to Dafeng Group, they will raise their salaries and give conditions that Sony and Panasonic cannot. Of course, after these talents come to Dafeng Group , The company has indeed kept its promise, and many employees of other companies have begun to envy the acquired Sharp employees.

On the day of the handover, Meng Qian was invited to Sharp. After signing various agreements, Machida Katsuhiko brought Meng Qian to his office, "What is Mr. Meng's next plan after getting our Sharp technology?"

Meng Qian couldn't understand what Machida Katsuhiko wanted to do, and the official responded to him, "Don't worry, Mr. Machida, I can assure you that from the perspective of respecting talents and technology, you have made a correct decision."

"I know, that's why I'm trying my best to promote this transaction, but what I want to tell Mr. Meng is that Samsung is an opponent who knows how to seize opportunities, and he has been a little frequent in Taiwan recently."

It was only then that Meng Qian realized that Machida Katsuhiko had a good relationship with Taiwan Province. After some probing, he found that Machida Katsuhiko really wanted to help Meng Qian get through the resources of Taiwan Province. From the perspective of position, Machida Katsuhiko has indeed done his duty. At this time, he still wants to have the opportunity to cooperate with the Dafeng Group, and he also wants to hug the thigh of the Dafeng Group.

But he still misjudged the situation. At this time, Meng Qian has no interest in those companies in Taiwan Province at all. They can do whatever they like with Samsung. Meng Qian doesn't care at all, "Mr. Machida, if Sharp really If you want to be reborn, you should spend more time thinking about how to treat users in the future."

Seeing the back of Meng Qian resolutely leaving, Machida Katsuhiko sat on the sofa, his body was discouraged at once, "Sharp, do you still have a chance?"

This transaction not only made Machida Katsuhiko curious about what Meng Qian would do next, but the entire market is now also curious about Meng Qian's next move. Normally speaking, once the technology is in hand, it is of course necessary to make a drastic move. After the war, the gossip is that the Dafeng Group is going to burn 20 billion on this matter. In addition, various acquisitions have burned tens of billions this year. In the field of LCD screens alone, the Dafeng Group has spent no less than 50 billion this year, so Meng Does Qian still have the courage and ability to spend money to promote the technology of the mainland at this time?

Meng Qian used the facts to let everyone understand that never question the financial strength of Dafeng Group.

On January 3, the official announcement of Dafeng Power came out that Dafeng Group will spend 28 billion to build the first eighth generation line in China.

As soon as the news came out, the domestic LCD screen concept stocks were all up and down, the market was excited, the media began to spread the ground, and the Dafeng Group independently built the eighth generation line, which means that Huaxia has entered the first echelon in the field of LCD screens!

Because Meng Qian is very busy recently, the media could not interview him, so some media went to interview Wang Shengdong of BOE, because BOE quickly released the news that BOE would challenge the 7th generation line after the official announcement of Dafeng Electric.

"Mr. Wang, it is said that the rapid development of the domestic LCD screen industry in the past two years is led by Dafeng Group. What do you think of this statement?"

"In just two years, the domestic LCD screen has jumped from the 5th generation line to the 8th generation line. This is something that has never been seen or even imagined in the entire history of LCD screen development. Behind this miracle is inseparable The support of the country is inseparable from the efforts of the entire industry, and it is indeed inseparable from the efforts of the Dafeng Group.

In two years, under the background of the subprime mortgage crisis and the financial crisis, the investment is close to 100 billion. Which LCD screen company in the world can do it? "

"We saw that some netizens on the Internet are saying that the 8th generation line developed by Dafeng Group is entirely due to the acquisition of Sharp's technology and talents, and it is not a big deal. What do you think of this statement from netizens?"

Wang Shengdong couldn't help laughing, "Don't you think it's obvious that someone is playing the rhythm? The simplest logic, Dafeng Group has no skills, so how did he acquire Sharp? Why didn't Samsung acquire Sharp?

Don’t say anything because the Dafeng Group is rich. If you can achieve your own greatness by simply acquiring industry-leading talents and technologies, the development of technology will be completed and become a meaningless capital war. Obviously this is not the case. Dafeng Group was able to make the decision to build the 8th-generation line immediately after acquiring Sharp, because the company has already accumulated a group of talents and technologies, and the foundation has been laid. After Sharp’s technology and talents come, they come directly They built the platform, but they did not build the foundation.

What is the greatest significance of Sharp's technology and talents to Dafeng Group? That is to eliminate a lot of technical monopoly and patent barriers for Dafeng Group, so that the talents of Dafeng Group can finally use their talents to their heart's content, without being bound by those things that maliciously suppress us.

This is the talent reserve of Dafeng Group. Through the absorption and training of talents year after year, the talent fortress of Dafeng Group has been built. "

Wang Shengdong's words let the public know more about the situation of Dafeng Power, and also made everyone admire Dafeng Group more. At the same time, it also made some people realize that Meng Qian is not hotheaded, nor is he rushing to make big strides. Dafeng Group is real Ready.

On January 8th, the 18th Thanksgiving Season came as scheduled. Thanks to Koubei Life and Tenpay this year, this 18th Thanksgiving Season was even more lively. Various online and offline linkages have become a lively carnival for the whole people. The group directly feeds back more than 2 billion benefits to users, which has once again enhanced the image of Dafeng Group in the hearts of consumers.

On the same day, the 8th-generation production line of Dafeng Solar was officially located in Jinling and started construction. The construction period is 14 months, including equipment assembly, and it is expected to be put into operation in April 2010.

Originally, this incident was enough to attract the attention of the entire industry, but some media exposed an incident, which made the market more turbulent.

A certain media released a photo of the scene, which suspected that Deng Qingyun appeared at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Eighth Generation Line.

So a thing that has been exposed before has come into everyone's attention again: Deng Qingyun may be the CEO of Dafeng Electric.

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