Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 474 Large Double Standard Site

Jobs left angrily. In the end, the two of them didn't even have a drink. Instead, Meng Qian called a few entrepreneurs in Europe and they drank together all night.

On January 26, Meng Qian’s second dialogue began. The topic on the surface was the dialogue between the new technological landscape, but in translation it was actually the technological competition between emerging countries and established countries.

The representatives chosen for this dialogue are Bill Gates of Microsoft and Meng Qian of Dafeng Group.

The two represent the two camps respectively, but in fact, after the whole conversation, no one squeezed out any technical dry goods, but the netizens found the whole conversation very interesting, because throughout the scene, Meng Qian and Bill Gates were full of gunpowder. Heavy.

At the beginning of the conversation, the host first asked the two people their views on the changes in the technological landscape.

Bill Gates was the first to express his position, "The rapid development of science and technology in emerging countries is an impact on the global technology structure, but it is also a promotion. We can see that companies like Gale Group and Wipro have brought great benefits to the entire world. There are many surprises and ideas in the technology market, which is a good thing. It can bring healthy competition and drive the market to be active.

As for this change, my personal suggestion is to increase the cooperation between us companies, and idiom companies should play a leading role to make the global technology landscape more mature, more efficient, and better serve users. "

After Bill Gates finished speaking, the host turned to ask Meng Qian for his opinion.

"The core of technology business is still supply and demand, but the core of technology research and development may surpass supply and demand and be dominated by innovation. So in fact, I think the changes in the global technology landscape in recent years are an inevitable trend. As I said before, technology The goal of globalization is not for each country to do its own job well, but for global participation, joint research and development, and joint creation.

Because every country and every individual has the qualifications and talents for innovation, I think that the globalization of science and technology will become the first wave in the wave of globalization, and my expectation is more mature technology markets and technologies Companies can build a platform to promote the development of global technology. I think the global technology landscape will undergo earth-shaking changes in the next ten to twenty years. "

There is nothing wrong with what Bill Gates and Meng Qian said, and they both agree with the trend of changes in the technological landscape, but the difference still lies in the issue of dominance, which once again shows the core difference between Meng Qian and Microsoft.

Some netizens made an easy-to-understand translation. On the one hand, American companies overthrow the world, and on the other hand, the whole world coexists harmoniously after overthrowing American companies.

It is also from this opening that the two have not given way to each other.

Bill Gates emphasized the technological accumulation of established countries, Meng Qian emphasized the technological vitality of emerging markets, Bill Gates emphasized the customer advantages of established countries, Meng Qian emphasized the market advantages of emerging markets, Bill Gates emphasized the brand power of established countries, Meng Qian emphasized the cost performance of emerging markets.

For a long time, Microsoft and Dafeng Group have been fighting back and forth. On the surface, they are actually quite harmonious, and the superficial work is not bad, but this time the performance of the two sides in the Davos Forum is a bit obvious. Conflict, it seems to want to Bring the competition further to the table.

At the end of the conversation, for some unknown reason, Bill Gates suddenly mentioned, "Entrepreneurs should have more sense of social responsibility. We have made so much money, we should give back to the society and help more people. There are so many people in need of help, I suggest that Mr. Meng can think about this issue instead of putting his personal property in the bank."

Meng Qian wanted to give Bill Gates a hard look. It’s fine if you persuade Ma Yun to donate, but now you’re still persuading a person under 26 to donate

Meng Qian responded with a smile, "I think the greatest sense of social responsibility of entrepreneurs lies in providing users with better products, creating more jobs for human beings, and providing greater assistance for global economic development.

We do public welfare to bring more things to the society after we have finished our work and if we have spare capacity. I am only 26 years old after my birthday this year. Dafeng Group still has a lot of work to do. I have donated all the money, and I feel that I am not improving my sense of social responsibility, but evading my own sense of social responsibility. "

In this way, the two even fought each other on the last topic that had nothing to do with technology.

This also triggered a lot of speculation in the market, what exactly does this mean, but the two did not make any more statements when facing the media, but from this dialogue, the confrontation between Microsoft and Dafeng Group has indeed given A whole new sense of the world.

It always feels like something is going to happen.

In the evening, Meng Qian went to the Nobel Night and listened to some speeches. The Nobel laureate Phelps said that the Omi market is becoming less and less dynamic. The Middle East has money but no innovation. Now the world's investment is flowing to Asia. Especially China.

And the most important issue of the night is that Omi has built all its factories in Asia, which has caused a large number of Omi workers to lose their jobs. What to do about this problem.

But almost all the experts at the scene agreed, saying that it will be good in the long run, and it will indeed have a certain impact in the short term, and it will pass after a while. Then this statement became the mainstream for many years to come.

But more than ten years later, the United States shouted to build factories into the United States, shouted that China had taken jobs from the United States, and shouted that the United States had fed China.

At the beginning, it was the elites of the United States who desperately said that building factories in China was good for the United States. They insisted on doing so despite a lot of unemployment and civil protests. Looking back, they blamed China and made it controlled by China. It seems that the elites in the United States have forced them to come to China to build factories in recent years.

Really dead skin shameless.

The closing ceremony on the last day mentioned one thing again. The first Davos Summer Forum will be held this summer, and the venue is Changchun, China.

There will also be a special party at Davos on February 2, which is another promotion of Davos this summer and a showcase for China.

This is very happy news for Huaxia, but when netizens watched the live broadcast of the closing ceremony, some controversy suddenly arose.

Because at the closing ceremony, everyone found that Meng Qian was wearing an improved version of Hanfu today. Although it is very close to modern clothing, it is only through some obvious elements that it can be recognized as Hanfu. The problem is that everyone is wearing a suit. Only Meng Qian dressed like this, looking out of place.

"It's too inappropriate for the occasion. It's really rude to wear such a dress for such a big international conference."

"Although I understand Meng Qian's thoughts, it is a formal occasion after all. Wearing our Huaxia clothes will still make people feel very inappropriate. A suit should be worn on a formal occasion."

"It really made me feel so embarrassed that the cancer came out. What did Meng Qian think? Crazy? Did you go to Davos to embarrass yourself?"

"It's really too deliberate. It's completely unnecessary. What Meng Qian did this time is really wrong."

The reprimand of Meng Qian on the Internet occupied the discussion area, and those who wanted to defend Meng Qian couldn't react for a while, or they really felt a little strange deep down in their hearts. After all, no Chinese had ever dressed like this on an international occasion. Whether this is right or wrong seems to be unclear.

However, at this moment, a few eye-catching people entered the middle of the live broadcast screen, causing heated discussions again.

"You can tell that this costume belongs to me, a rich man in the Middle East, hahaha."

"They are all ruthless characters, with a halo of money, and you can tell that they are not ordinary people just by looking at their clothes."

"This is awesome. No matter where you go, you wear the clothes with the characteristics of your country. When the whole world sees them, they will know that they are local tyrants."

"Haha, this is called cultural confidence. I just don't wear a suit, what can you do to me?"

"To be honest, every time I take a group photo, as long as there are local tyrants from the Middle East, I can't see other people. It's too ethnic, and I like the feeling of the king and my father."

At this time, there were question marks in the comment area.

What kind of large-scale double-standard scene is this? ? ?

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