Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 452 Beidou System

In the morning of the next day, more than a dozen experts from the Shaanxi Refining Stone Mining Company sat around to check the information.

Standing beside Meng Qian were the leaders of the local mine management department, the leaders of Shaanxi Province, the leaders of the National Environmental Protection Agency, the leaders of the Ministry of National Defense, and the leaders of the military.

"Mr. Meng, why did the original data get lost?" An expert still couldn't help but came over to ask.

Meng Qian made a helpless expression, "Who would have thought that there were such important clues in the data managed by the previous employee, and they were accidentally deleted by mistake."

"What about the staff?"

"An intern, he left after the internship."

"Then there should be someone there, right?"

"I've looked for it, and now I'm going to the United States for further studies. Didn't I record all the information I communicated before. And now even if I get him back, the information is gone, so he can't do anything about it."


Several experts looked at each other in blank dismay, they couldn't find the original materials, and they couldn't find anyone to find them.

Several people communicated with each other with their eyes.

"According to scientific principles, we still have to figure things out, right?"

"It's not necessary. Meng Qian has no reason to lie. What benefits can he get? Expand the scale of mining? Is Dafeng Group short of this money?"

"Don't mess around, I plan to come to Dafeng Group for an interview in a while."

Seeing that several experts were silent, the military leaders took the initiative to ask, "What do you guys think?"

"From the research report, there is indeed a large amount of associated rhenium here." After all, he compromised in front of Meng Qian, "but because of the lack of original data, there is no way to determine the specific location."

The words of the expert group are actually enough, just like the industry insider Lao Hou said before, the five molybdenum mines here already know that there will be associated rhenium, but a large amount has not been mined rhenium, so now it is more reasonable to say that there is a large amount of associated rhenium, and it will not be very abrupt.

Next, the state will send a team to carry out further exploration and even mining work. After discussing with Meng Qian, it is finally agreed that the company will belong to Meng Qian, and the other things mined will also belong to Meng Qian. The state will spend money to buy whatever it needs. As for the price, Meng Qian will definitely not cheat the country, the normal market price will do.

In this way, Meng Qian’s work is not in vain. He can make a fortune. If the country can get rhenium, it doesn’t hurt to spend some reasonable money. Everyone is happy. As for when it can be mined, it depends on the ability of the national team Now, Meng Qian can only pray as soon as possible, because this mining area is really big

After communicating with the matter here, Meng Qian was mysteriously called to a local office by the Ministry of National Defense and military leaders in the afternoon.

"Who does the leader want me to meet?" Meng Qian asked this question naturally after sitting in the car and chatting with the leader for a while.

The military leader looked at Meng Qian with some seriousness, "Does Mr. Meng know about the Beidou system?"

Meng Qian frowned slightly, "Of course I know, our China's satellite navigation system."

The leader nodded, "One thing happened recently."

"What's up?"

"The EU kicked us out of the Galileo project."

Meng Qian's later generations probably saw this matter, but he didn't know the details very well, so he simply said that he didn't know the whole story, and asked the leader to explain it to him.

"Mr. Meng must be clear about the relationship between Europe and the United States in recent years. The EU wants to break away from the control of the United States in various fields, including the satellite navigation system. Therefore, in 2000, the EU proposed the idea of ​​independently developing the satellite navigation system. At that time Take the initiative to find us in Huaxia and invite us to join the game.

In 2000, when China was preparing to launch two satellites in geostationary orbit, we did attach great importance to the field of satellite navigation, agreed to enter the market, and invested 230 million euros.

However, the development of the Galileo project has not been satisfactory in recent years. Not long ago, the European Union made a sudden decision to kick out all participants outside the European Union. "

"For the European Union, we can cooperate, but we can't give too much hope. A group of masters with their own ghosts can't beat the United States." Meng Qian responded with a smile. There are some things he can't say. According to what later generations see Memoir, at this moment in 2006, the Galileo project burned all the money, and the difficulty of the project exceeded expectations. At this time, everyone should have contributed money and effort, but the EU countries began to haggle over each other, and the project almost failed. What plan?"

"No matter what the EU thinks, anyway, we in Huaxia will definitely continue to attach importance to the Beidou system. It's okay to leave, but we can pay more attention to our own Beidou system, and even some things can be done more freely."

"What do you mean?"

At this moment, the car has arrived at the destination, "Let Director Xie tell you."

"Director Xie?" Meng Qian entered the administrative building with doubts, and met another senior, who has been the chief designer of Beidou-2 since 2004, Xie Jun.

Meng Qian shook hands with Xie Jun to say hello, and followed everyone to call him Director Xie.

Here, there are not many things that need to be polite. After a brief greeting, Xie Jun understood what Meng Qian and others were talking on the road, and then started to talk about business, "Now there are two major problems in the Beidou project. Chips and atomic clocks.

Presumably Mr. Meng should have guessed that the chips used in Beidou-1 were imported from the United States. "

Meng Qian shrugged and smiled, "Understood."

"The EU's Galileo system also uses chips from the United States, and even more than 80% of its core equipment is from the United States. Generally speaking, the Galileo system is very dependent on the United States. This is why we think it is better to leave the EU. reason.

At first, we thought that Galileo, as the project of the European Union to fight against the United States, would definitely have a lot of self-developed technologies. Unexpectedly, except for this project proposed by the European Union, the entire technology is almost from the United States.

But we, China, absolutely cannot take this path. Our situation is different from that of the European Union, and our relationship with the United States is also different from that of the European Union countries with the United States. We must have our own core technology. From the perspective of the entire Beidou industry, we must have The corresponding basic chips are used as support, otherwise there will be neither industrial development nor the goal of ensuring national economic and social security. "

Meng Qian kept nodding to express his absolute approval. The former Beidou chip had to wait for Beidou-3 to achieve independent research and development. The core research and development company is Hexinxingtong Technology Co., Ltd., a chip company controlled by Beidou, which was established in 2009. .

"So Director Xie came to me today because of the Beidou chip, right?"

"I'm ashamed to say that I went to Godson a few days ago to find out that Dafeng Group has invested a lot in baseband chips, and I also went to Godson to know that Dafeng Group seems to be developing a new architecture?"

"Well, it's all true."

"Then I'll be blunt. We want to ask Dafeng Group to design our own chips for us."

Meng Qian was slightly puzzled, "Is it the relationship between Party A and Party B?"

After all, it is for the Beidou system to make chips, so handing over to a private company is not like the country's routine operation, but after thinking about it, Meng Qian understood that the architecture and general-purpose chips Dafeng Group has already cooperated with Godson. In fact, the Beidou system is skipping There is nothing wrong with Dafeng Group directly seeking Godson to cooperate, but they are all a family, and there is no need for Meng Qian to be picked out like this.

In addition, chip design in more subdivided fields still needs the Dafeng Group, so it can be done directly according to the model of Party A and Party B. Anyway, once the confidentiality agreement is signed, if Meng Qian betrays the country, he will go in and stay there.

"What is Mr. Meng's idea?" Xie Jun still respects Meng Qian's personal wishes.

As for Meng Qian’s personal wishes, he must be inclined to a joint venture company, because the Beidou system involves not only chips and atomic clocks, but also precision machinery, high-power amplifiers, high-end materials, sensors, and electronic components. These are all Meng Qian’s feelings. something of interest.

The research and development of the next generation of lithography machines requires a lot of cutting-edge technology and materials. Meng Qian can't wait to cooperate with top domestic projects in various fields, so as to bring back more cutting-edge technologies and materials.

So Meng Qian was not polite, "To put it bluntly, Dafeng Group should be regarded as the number one company in the research and development of our domestic private companies. Since Beidou wants to be fully independent, chips alone are not enough. Dafeng Group has also made certain achievements in other fields. The level of products including lithography machines and software should be obvious to all. It is impossible to build the Beidou system without software.

So I hope that Dafeng Group can achieve in-depth cooperation with Beidou and promote progress in more fields. Of course, the result will definitely be mutually beneficial. "

Meng Qian treated each other frankly, and Xie Jun didn't say anything. After meeting the leaders' eyes, he immediately agreed to Meng Qian's suggestion.

The next day, Meng Qian went to Yanjing to discuss cooperation details. Soon after, a Yunxiao Technology Co., Ltd. was established in Yanjing, a joint venture between Yanjing Beidouxingtong Navigation Technology Co., Ltd. and Dafeng Group, dedicated to SoC chips, navigation timing modules, high-precision OEM boards, atomic clocks, magnifying glasses, precision R \u0026 D and production of measuring instruments and other products.

The goal of this generation of Beidou is to complete the independent research and development of core technologies in the Beidou-2 era.

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