Like Meng Qian, James and Lin Yong, in fact, they just want to play when their hands are itchy, but they will not do it for other people’s base camp. After all, if Microsoft finds out that it is someone from the Dafeng Group who is messing with him, then this matter will be caught by Microsoft. This will definitely kill Dafeng Group.

The two even promoted the emotions in the circle through several layers of online relationships, and they could not leave evidence for Microsoft. Fortunately, they are all masters, so this matter can be handled with ease.

But for hackers out there who have decided to mess with Microsoft, anything is possible.

On the morning of November 11, Meng Qian, who had dark circles under his eyes, received a call from He Yating, "Mr. Meng, Microsoft's official website has been hacked!"

Meng Qian instantly became energetic. In all fairness, he was looking forward to the hacking of Microsoft's official website, but he was just looking forward to it. Historically, he only remembered that Microsoft's UK official website was hacked in 2007. He has no impression of being hacked by Meng Qian, maybe he was suppressed by Microsoft, so that's unknown.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Qian couldn't wait to check the latest situation of the incident. At this time, he was full of curiosity.

Microsoft's official website was indeed hacked, and a passage was posted on the official website:

Really disappointed, Microsoft claims that it is developing effective security measures with unprecedented strength and investment to help users overcome information security threats and improve the security of the business working environment during this special period.

However, the security of your company's own official website is surprisingly low. With such security measures, what can be used to protect users and give users a sense of security?

How can we trust Microsoft?

I didn't do any damage, and I didn't modify any data. I have renamed the real home page file.

From an Internet enthusiast who yearns for real security.

"Old driver." After reading the message, Meng Qian couldn't help sighing. This is obviously an old driver in the hacker world. This passage is very beautiful. It not only named why he wanted to hack Microsoft, but also expressed that he did not cause any damage.

After all, it is difficult to hack the official website of Microsoft in the United States. Another aspect is the price you have to bear when you turn back. If you really want to do this, you will really rub Microsoft's face on the ground. What, it's hard to say.

So the hackers who are doing this thing either don’t care about the consequences at all. There are indeed such a group of hackers. They just pursue glory and freedom, and they don’t care about anything else. Every genius is so reckless, and some hackers will protect themselves. Obviously, the one who successfully breached Microsoft's official website this time is the latter.

This passage puts the interests of myself and the common people on the united front, and specifically explains that I have done nothing else. From the public's point of view, this is a chivalrous man, and from the eyes of insiders, this is a great god. As far as Microsoft is concerned, even if he is caught, because he did not engage in other sabotage, and did not infringe on the security of users' information and property, no matter which country's laws are followed, the top-level punishment will not be too severe.

And based on Meng Qian's understanding of this circle, this person will definitely have a backup. Once he is caught, public opinion will protect him. Microsoft will not do anything because the official website is hacked, unless this person is also a company behind him. Then Microsoft will kill that company.

Under the dual effects of public opinion and public opinion in the circle, a person who surprised Meng Qian really appeared, although Meng Qian still doesn't know who he is.

In a slum in Thailand, a female man wearing hot pants and tube top turned off the computer, walked to a nearby abandoned rattan chair and sat down, facing the direction of Huaxia, "Meng Qian, I hope you won't it disappointed me."

At this moment, he suddenly received a call, "The latest target, the Iraq War."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Sha went to a room not far away. There was a Guy Fawkes mask next to his bed. If Meng Qian could come here, then he would definitely be able to see this mask. Gu Sha's identity has been guessed.

Back to the incident itself, the hacking of Microsoft's official website instantly sparked a whirlpool of public opinion, especially this short but highly contagious message.

"So Microsoft didn't solve the vulnerability at all? The patch package is completely lying to us?"

"If you can't even protect your own official website, what can you do to protect users?"

"Xiaobai doesn't know how to ask for advice. Is it really difficult to build a system? Why does the Windows system always have problems?"

"Building the system itself is quite difficult, but I really don't know if there is any intention to maintain the system. Everyone should remember the negative development of Microsoft IE6 back then. If China hadn't released a Kunpeng browser, what would IE be like now? I don't even know."

"What services do you expect from a company that thrives on monopoly?"

"Microsoft is relying on us to do nothing about it. Anyway, it can't be blamed on him for being infected with a Trojan horse virus. In the end, it is our own fault."

"Don't talk about Microsoft just selling the system, isn't the Trojan horse taking advantage of your loopholes? I didn't read any small websites, I just watched the news, but I just found a few niche news websites and was immediately poisoned. It's so easy. Is it true that Microsoft is not responsible for being linked to a horse?"

"Yeah, we have nothing to do with Microsoft, so I just want to ask if we have nothing to do with hackers now? So I dare not open any files on the Internet in the future, and dare not log in to any websites, right?"

"Is this the end of the Internet? Who will protect us?"

I don’t know why, but humans are always more efficient in spreading negative emotions. Emotions such as panic, fear, and hatred can easily form a group effect. Maybe they don’t blame Microsoft so much. When they see everyone scolding, they follow insulted.

In fact, Dafeng Group didn't do anything right now. It was the hacking of Microsoft's official website that aroused the emotions in the hearts of users, and the panic among netizens around the world began to explode.

And in panic, even a little bit of light will be magnified infinitely.

An article with a particularly marketing title suddenly began to spread on the Internet. What's even more amazing is that this article was not written by Dafeng Group.

The title of the article is: "The Kunlun System, the last line of defense for mankind? "

Looking at this title, Meng Qian couldn't help asking the company's operation team several times, did you guys really do this?

However, after finding out where the article was published, Meng Qian understood. This article was published by a lesser-known IT evaluation company in the United States. This company has been in business for five years, and I don’t know what went wrong. At this special time, they saw the grievances against Microsoft on the Internet, and also discovered the advantages of the Kunlun system.

For this kind of tepid enterprise, it is far from the time to talk about political correctness and capitalism. What they need now is survival, growth, and topic.

At this time, what is more topical than network security?

A long article made a comprehensive comparison between the Kunlun system and the Windows system, and also made a comprehensive comparison between the Kunpeng browser and the IE browser. As for the content of the comparison, it is naturally safe.

It can be seen from the article that some users who use the Kunlun system are also attacked by viruses, but more people are effectively protected by the firewall. When users use the Kunpeng browser, everyone opens some websites. There will be risk warnings from time to time, and even a certain interception function.

Everyone will also have risk warnings and certain interception measures when receiving files, and at the moment when the overall defense level is relatively low, the main related products of the Gale Group, including email, browser, Fengxin and games, have all done Prevention notice, now when you log in to these things, you will receive a notice to the user, listing the channels and methods that may be recruited, reminding everyone to pay attention.

In some user behaviors, such as when receiving files, because the current firewall of the Kunlun system cannot block all viruses, no matter what the other party sends, a line of small characters will appear below the file to remind the user to confirm sending.

Especially when cash transactions are involved, there will be verbal reminders to remind everyone to be careful.

Such a small operation does not actually require any technology, but it has been well received by users.

Combating network security from two directions through technical support and thoughtful reminders is obviously much more effective.

Looking at the development of global science and technology, the popularity of many products actually needs an opportunity.

Dafeng Group's success all the way is based on the fact that its products are really good. In the past few years when the Internet crisis began, Meng Qian knew that the response of global anti-virus software companies in the future would be a bit slow, and he also knew that Microsoft is in this field. It's not doing well, the public needs a safer guarantee, and this advantage of the Dafeng Group has become particularly prominent in this era.

In just a few days, the advantages of Kunlun System and Kunpeng Browser began to spread around the world.

However, just a few days later, more and more negative news about the Kunlun system began to appear on the Internet.

Microsoft's public relations department shot.

Perhaps Microsoft will indeed be slow in other areas, but when it comes to the system, Microsoft's response is absolutely in place.

If Microsoft was still observing at the beginning, then now, Microsoft has decided to take action, and the real confrontation has begun.

Thanks to He Yuan for the reward!

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