On February 15th, when Chinese people celebrated the Lantern Festival together, the outside world was also very lively. On this day, it was the famous global anti-war parade. Six million people from all over the world marched simultaneously in more than 600 cities, creating a historic milestone in human history. The largest anti-war demonstration ever recorded.

And this anti-war sentiment and anti-war activities have continued for several months.

Three days later, when the streets of the United States were still full of anti-war demonstrations, a fierce quarrel broke out in a company in Silicon Valley.

"Ellison, why do you refuse to let me host the press conference!" Herman's eyes were full of dissatisfaction and anger.

"Herman, you will no longer be an employee of Oracle from tomorrow!" Ellison looked at Herman arrogantly, "Do I want to hand over my press conference to an outsider?"

"Before we agreed on the launch of the new database as the deadline, are you going to secretly change the concept with me now?"

"Three months, you proposed it yourself." Ellison didn't care about Herman's anger at all, "What's more, we agreed at the beginning that you would help the company complete the research and development of a new generation of database, but we never promised to Let you host the press conference.

Herman, as a person who is about to leave Oracle, do you think it is reasonable for you to host the press conference? "

"After so many years of hard work, I can't get a final face, Ellison?" Herman showed a wry smile that made people feel sad.

"If you really still have feelings for Oracle, would you leave the company so resolutely? Don't you think your so-called feelings are ridiculous!" Ellison didn't give face when Herman was his employee, let alone Now to go.

"Ellison, oracle 10G is my painstaking effort!" Herman's anger made him already have the urge to hit someone.

"I hope you understand that oracle 10G is the hard work of hundreds of Oracle employees, not your Herman!"

Herman let out a long breath, and after a long silence, he showed a tired expression, "Okay, Ellison, I don't owe the company, I don't owe you, my last request is to revoke my non-compete agreement."

Can a non-compete agreement be revoked? Of course, the agreement can be revoked. In business competition and business activities, it is quite common to revoke or shorten the non-compete agreement for various reasons.

Especially in this era, because most of the competition agreements in this era are 3 to 6 months, unlike in the future, it will be 2 years at every turn. Many times, after analysis, companies will feel that there is no limit for such a short time, or because of the mutual non-poaching agreement Knowing that employees cannot go to competitors, they use the cancellation of the non-compete agreement in exchange for other benefits.

Ellison frowned in silence, looked around at the other melon eaters in the office, and finally softened his tone, "I'll think about it."

"Then I'll go through the formalities first." Herman turned and left, not particularly persistent, his tone was full of helplessness, expressing that you are willing to save some sympathy and cancel it, if you are not willing to even have this sympathy Here, I am too lazy to say more.

"Did you find out where Herman's next home is?" Ellison asked the people in the office as soon as Herman left the office.

But everyone shook their heads, and Oracle's deputy general manager in charge of personnel said, "Many people have contacted Herman some time ago, but there is no news about Herman's decision."

"I think the high probability should be SAP." Someone put forward his own guess, "SAP has been planning for an independent database in order to get rid of the limitations of the database. They need someone like Herman to lead the database project. They should do whatever it takes."

"In fact, the possibility of Microsoft is not small." Another person said, "There must be a reason why Herman suddenly proposed to revoke the non-competition agreement before leaving. Microsoft has been staring at our database technology recently. They in a hurry.

Moreover, we have signed non-poaching agreements with several other major competitors, but Microsoft did not sign with us at the beginning. "

"But whether it is Microsoft or SAP, to be honest, if Herman's next home is really theirs, the 6-month non-compete agreement will not limit anything. They are well-versed in how to avoid non-compete agreements, and they all Keeping a group of rogue lawyers, let Herman propose to revoke the non-compete agreement, just want to save trouble."

"So is it possible that Herman's next home is a small business." Ellison put forward his own ideas.

"Hellman is such an arrogant person, this possibility is too small." It can be seen that many people disagree, "And even if he is willing to condescend, it is a question of whether small businesses can make good use of Herman's value."

"Then what if it's a Chinese company?" Ellison suddenly thought of something.

"Gale Group?" Someone immediately thought of it.

"This is even more impossible." John was the first to deny, "Herman had a very unpleasant fight with Meng Qian when he was in China, and at the World Congress of Mathematicians, Herman questioned Meng Qian's incident, which caused a lot of trouble. The attention of the global media, the two of them have such a past, how could Meng Qian hire Herman? How could Herman go to China?"

"That's true." Ellison was persuaded by John. After all, it would be absolutely impossible for him to dig someone who had insulted him.

"I think the cancellation of the non-compete agreement may have nothing to do with Herman's next move. It may really be just Herman's personal needs. After all, he certainly doesn't want to stay at home for six months. He is a workaholic."

"In any case, Herman's influence in the industry is still quite large. The matter of resignation will definitely be followed by the media in the past few days. I think that since Herman is not continuing to be stubborn on other things, we might as well give him this The last affection."

Ellison narrowed his eyes and carefully weighed it for a long time, "Forget it, Herman has been in the company for so many years, so I will give him a parting gift, but in exchange, let Herman keep the technology he once took away. .”

Everyone in the office looked at each other subconsciously, suppressing the emotion of wanting to sigh and shake their heads. This is Ellison.

In the evening of the American time, Herman calmly moved several cardboard boxes to the parking lot.

"Mr. Hermann."

Herman, who was stuffing things into the trunk, froze for a moment, and turned around after a few seconds as if standing still, "Meng Qian."

Meng Qian smiled at Mr. Herman, "Do you want to help?"

"Why are you here?" Herman still couldn't react.

"I heard that Mr. Herman might be leaving Oracle Bone Inscriptions today, so I came here specially for fear of being robbed." Meng Qian's face was full of sincerity.

However, Herman is not very convinced at the moment, "Mr. Meng must have other things when he comes to our country."

"Other things." Meng Qian made an expression that made me try to think about it. "I heard people say that the air in America is sweet. I want to feel it."

"Is it sweet?" Herman gave a response that surprised Meng Qian.

The corner of Meng Qian's mouth raised slightly, "It's a bit disgusting."

Herman calmed down a bit, and didn't ask any more questions. After all, did Meng Qian come here entirely for himself? You can't get an answer to such a question, "Has Mr. Meng eaten?"

"I ate it on the plane at noon."

"If Mr. Meng doesn't dislike it, come to my house for a while?"


Meng Qian started to help Herman move things, and after closing the trunk, Herman was stunned for a while, looking at a dozen burly men not far away, and reacted for a while, "Mr. Meng's battle is a bit big. "

"No way, I'm afraid to come to the United States, you are too free."

Herman signaled Meng Qian to get in the car, and the dozen or so bodyguards Meng Qian had found followed in four cars, and they went to Herman's house together.

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