Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 223 Candle Dragon

The specifications of this press conference itself are not low, but the media influence is far worse than those of the previous press conferences of those companies. The previous press conferences of those companies were all global media gathered together, but now this release 80% of the meeting will be Huaxia Media, and the remaining 20% ​​will basically be Neon Media.

Moreover, some of these neon country media are selling Dafeng Group's face, and some are selling Sony's face. Before Meng Qian asked Xiao Boshi to go to Sony to make a decision, that is to say, he clearly told Sony that he would develop a press conference by himself. Of course, Xiao Boshi's attitude was very good, and no one wanted to turn his face.

So at this time, Sony has to express its position, or it will really turn its face, or it will endure this matter, and help push it by the way.

In the end, Sony chose the latter, and the reason is actually very simple. The current development of Dafeng Group is so good. It really doesn’t make sense to turn over this matter for this matter. It will push Dafeng Group into the arms of competitors in a while, and Sony will lose money. bigger.

What's more, Sony knows the level of Meng Qian's CMOS image sensor. Even if it can't completely control this thing, it must not fall into the hands of competitors.

In fact, what Meng Qian didn't know was that Sony didn't launch its own CMOS image sensor at this press conference because he felt that he had Meng Qian's trump card in his hand, but he didn't expect Meng Qian to be so restless.

Of course, in order to appease Sony, Xiao Boshi sent Sony a new contract on behalf of Meng Qian, the core related industry agreement. Some of Sony’s core industries or related industries of core industries are mentioned in the agreement, naturally including CMOS image sensors. Regarding these industries mentioned, Gale Group will give Sony an absolute second say right and a lifetime unlimited system.

Of course, this thing sounds very useful, but in fact it is a concrete supplement to the previous cooperation agreement, which further confirms that Dafeng Group will never become a restriction of Sony, even if everyone does the same industry in the future, they can also eat meat together.

This kind of thing is just a statement, and everyone has to give in. After all, as long as Sony doesn't turn his face, Meng Qian still needs his help in important matters.

And Sony also took advantage of the situation to put forward its own needs. It is not afraid to ask for demands when doing business, as long as the other party can do so.

What Sony is most worried about now is Meng Qian's independent sales rights, so Sony wants to further ensure Sony's rights and interests on the issue of sales rights. In the end, Meng Qian promised Sony that at least in the neon country, he could not compete with Sony for sales. . As for Sony in other countries, don't worry about it. After all, Sony can't go too far, so this matter is settled.

It’s just that Izui didn’t know it at all. He was worried that Meng Qian would cooperate with other companies in Neon Country through sales rights, and what Meng Qian really wanted to cooperate with was never a company in Neon Country or Omi, but something they looked down upon at all now. Huaxia Enterprise.

After arriving at the press conference, many media found out that this press conference was jointly signed by Shanghai Seagull and Dafeng Group. The press conference started, and Qu Tao came on stage in person. It can be seen that he attaches great importance to this press conference.

In fact, it is true, because he is very clear about the significance of this conference.

A total of three cameras were released at the press conference. In addition, there are three major technological innovations. The last is the new CMOS image sensor mentioned in the previous publicity. technological innovation.

The first is monomolecular film self-assembly technology. Seagull can have better light transmission than ordinary coating coatings through monomolecular film self-assembly technology, and can also increase the mechanical strength of the glass surface.

The second is the auto-focus system. There are not many digital cameras that can do auto-focus systems, but Seagull has done it.

The third technological innovation, which is also a very important technological innovation, is the optical image stabilization technology. When it comes to the optical anti-shake technology of the camera, the Internet is full of remarks that the optical anti-shake technology of domestic brands is blank.

Indeed, most of the camera companies in China are unable to achieve optical image stabilization. After this technology is popularized in later generations, everyone uses other people's technology, but not including Seagull. Seagull has already done it, and it is independent. In 2011 At that time, the super anti-shake technology pioneered by Sea-gull on the basis of the original optical anti-shake technology was in the leading position in the world.

Of course, at this moment in 2002, Seagull did not have super anti-shake technology. Seagull used lens anti-shake technology. The first company in the world to implement civilian lens anti-shake technology was Canon. In 2002, the world could realize this technology. There are only two companies in China, Canon and Nikon.

Now there is a third company, and that is Seagull.

As for why Seagull can do it, because there is a key word here is civilian use. In fact, in the military field, Seagull realized the lens optical image stabilization technology as early as the 1970s, but it has not been used in civilian applications, mainly because of cost and other issues.

But now, in order to cooperate with Meng Qian's sensor, Seagull decided to spend all his money.

After Qu Tao finished talking about Seagull's three major technical advantages with two cameras, the atmosphere on the scene was really different, especially those media from the Neon Country. Spirit.

Although Sea-gull still has a gap with Canon, Nikon and Sony in their opinion, at least it is a company with potential and strength, which is different from what they imagined. A little bit of anticipation.

In everyone's little expectation, the third camera, Seagull 509, appeared on the screen.

Sure enough, with monomolecular film self-assembly technology, auto-focus technology, and optical image stabilization technology, this is a high-end product that combines the advantages of Seagull technology, and then the words CMOS image sensor appear on the screen.

"About this CMOS image sensor, let us applaud its designer, Mr. Meng from Dafeng Group, to explain to us."

Qu Tao handed over the stage to Meng Qian, and Meng Qian took the stage amidst not very enthusiastic applause.

To simply say hello, Meng Qian didn't talk nonsense, and pressed the control pen, a picture of the sensor appeared on the screen, and then two words appeared below the sensor: Zhulong.

"This is a new CMOS image sensor independently designed by our Dafeng Group. We named it the Candle Dragon series. Why is it called the Candle Dragon? Friends who know ancient myths must know that the ancient mythical beast Candle Dragon is daytime when it opens its eyes. Close your eyes. It is night.

It's like our sensor. "

There was a little scattered applause at the scene, because some people thought the implication was very innovative and thoughtful.

"Next, let's take a look at the performance of the first-generation Candolon image sensor. Our Candolon image sensor is the first in the industry to have a built-in analog-to-digital converter.

As we all know, when an external ADC sensor transmits data, the signal generated by each column of pixels will first pass through the noise reduction circuit, converge and then be transmitted to a single or several ADCs through an external bus.

And the Candle Dragon sensor has an independent ADC for each column of pixels, which can directly complete the analog-to-digital conversion on the chip, and finally transmit it out through the digital bus.

Therefore, due to the large number of ADCs in the Candle Dragon sensor, each ADC can operate at a low frequency, only reaching the kHz level, which is far lower than the MHz level of the external ADCs that everyone is using on the market today, effectively reducing noise , is also conducive to high-speed reading.

Moreover, the output of our Zhulong image sensor is a digital signal, which has better anti-interference performance and is easy for long-distance wiring. "

When Meng Qian said this, there was a burst of discussion in the audience. He paused for a while and then continued, "In addition, we have adopted a new chip structure, a back-illuminated structure. Under the back-illuminated structure, the light is no longer blocked. The signal-to-noise ratio is greatly improved, which allows us to use more complex and larger-scale circuits to increase the sensor reading speed, increase the S/N ratio by 25 times, and realize the high image quality of the CMOS image sensor.

Moreover, our back-illuminated structure adopts the L-shaped gate pixel structure, so that almost all electrons are completely transferred, and the image signal output without smear is realized, which also solves the problem of power consumption very well. Our power consumption is only 15mw , is currently the image sensor of the same size with the lowest power consumption in the world, and our pixels can reach 16 million. "

After Meng Qian dropped a series of data, all the reporters in the industry were stunned for a short time. Because of their expertise, they all knew that if what Meng Qian said was true, it would not That is. Technological revolution? !

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