After leaving TSMC, Meng Qian did not leave Taiwan Province, because he had another very important thing to do, which is also the reason why Meng Qian told himself not to spend money randomly, that is acquisitions.

The foundation of the semiconductor industry itself is too weak, and the advantages that rebirth can bring are relatively small, so Meng Qian often needs to rely on external forces, including acquisitions.

After all, the way of acquisition can not only obtain talents but also obtain the resources of the original enterprise in this field.

What's more, let alone a company with no foundation like Dafeng Group, even a semiconductor company with a foundation, acquisition is their necessary business model.

It is precisely because of this that it is a pity that Taiwan's semiconductor companies are basically bought by Western companies. Even if they are not bought, a large amount of Western capital has infiltrated. TSMC's foreign investment ratio in 2019 is as high as 70%.

There is one thing that many people don’t know. In the 1980s, during the outbreak of semiconductors in Taiwan Province, there were more than 1,000 companies in the semiconductor field in Taiwan Province. But in later generations, there were only a few hundred companies left, and some of the remaining companies went bankrupt. But more are actually acquired.

The biggest wave of acquisitions occurred in 2008. There are conspiracy theories that the 2008 financial crisis in the United States was also self-directed and self-acted. It is impossible to know whether it is true or not, but some things seem really strange. After the 2008 financial crisis, neon A large number of semiconductor companies in China, Taiwan Province and other places were acquired by the United States. Micron alone has acquired or invested in more than 30 semiconductor companies in Neon China and Taiwan Province.

The entire US semiconductor industry has swept over 300 semiconductor companies in Asia through acquisitions, and these acquisitions were very low-key. At that time, everyone’s attention was basically on the financial crisis, and no media paid attention to this, or the media deliberately did not pay attention to this. But this wave of acquisitions is a very scary thing. It was after 2008 that the technological status of the United States seemed to become more monopolistic and firmer.

As for the economic losses caused by the financial crisis to the United States, they are originally the money printing machine of the world currency.

Therefore, taking advantage of the wave of semiconductor acquisitions in the West has not yet started, there are many companies that Meng Qian can choose from. However, after the economic crisis in 2008, many companies were facing bankruptcy, so the West used a very low price to buy. Meng Qian is now buying If so, the price will be higher.

But for the current development, there is no way. It is impossible to wait until 2008. Meng Qian plans to take advantage of these few years to acquire some first, and establish a place in the semiconductor field before 2008. Then, in 2008, he will compete with the West for companies. Regardless of whether he directs and acts on his own, anyway, Meng Qian will have to take advantage of this advantage at that time.

It's just that for the acquisition, I originally wanted to wait until I had more funds and more preparations, but now that the cooperation between TSMC and ASML has reached this point, Meng Qian can only speed up the efficiency of the first round of acquisitions.

That night, Xiao Boshi flew to Taiwan Province to meet Meng Qian, and Meng Qian specially asked him to bring Qin Mo with him.

"How's the money thing?" Meng Qian went straight to business when they met.

"I asked Zhang Shuxin for help. The bank can provide a loan of 1.5 billion for 5 years." Xiao Boshi took out a document from his briefcase, "The company currently has 1.2 billion of turnover available."

"What about business analytics?"

"It's all here."

As I said before, there are too many semiconductor companies in Taiwan Province. Meng Qian needs to go through a round of screening. Acquisition is not like sales. You can’t run one by one, because this matter will spread. Under limited circumstances, one by one ran to ask people if they sold the company, and it was easy to leave the impression of playing tickets.

The first screening criterion Meng Qian set was that the company's strength is currently concentrated on chip design. There are many semiconductor companies, in addition to fabs, there are also equipment companies, component companies, design companies, testing companies, and so on.

The entry point of Dafeng Group is design, because Meng Qian's rebirth advantage and his own technical advantages can be maximized in this matter.

Afterwards, through some memories of Meng Qian's previous life and this enterprise analysis form made by the company, several goals were finally finalized.

From the second day onwards, Meng Qian and He Yating were in a group, Xiao Boshi was in a group with Qin Mo, and they split into two groups to start their operations.

In the next week, Meng Qian and Xiao Boshi successfully negotiated the sale intention of five companies, including Jinghao Technology, which was established in 1998. It has a strong university talent resource and is one of the top ten chip design companies in Taiwan Province. But at the moment, due to a serious lack of money, it is almost impossible to continue the business.

Lingyang Technology, a veteran chip design company, has a strong foundation, but because of the large plate shop in the past two years, it has been losing money continuously and is in urgent need of blood supply.

Founded in 1996, Lingwei Technology is a fast-growing star in the chip design industry in Taiwan. Unfortunately, the original boss was kicked out due to capital problems, resulting in three consecutive years of losses for the company, but the technology and talents are still there.

Founded in 1993, Yuke has 120 design talents. It used to be a computer chip designer, but it has been severely beaten in the past few years and began to transform. It just hits off with the plan of Dafeng Group.

The last one is Xinfei, a new company that has just been established for two years. What Meng Qian likes is the network of this company in the neon country.

Although Meng Qian failed to acquire leading Taiwan chip design companies such as Novatek and Realtek, these five cards in his hand are now enough.

On June 7th, Meng Qian went back to Hangzhou first, leaving Xiao Boshi in Taiwan to continue the acquisition.

Not long after arriving at the company, Ji Kai, who knew that Meng Qian was back today, came to Meng Qian's office with a complicated look on his face, "I told them about ASML's confirmed cooperation with TSMC after I came back that day. In recent days, the company's There have been some subtle changes in the overall atmosphere."

"Are you all scared?"

"I can't say I'm afraid. I'm worried, worried, and I have some ideas. The immersion lithography machine is not only our trump card, but also everyone's opportunity. Now I suddenly know that two companies like ASML and TSMC are coming to us. Competition, it is difficult for everyone to lose their minds.

After paying so much and waiting for so long, I finally see hope now. If I get cut off in the end, no one will feel bad. "

Meng Qian thought for a while, "I see."

At five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, near the end of get off work time, the employees of Shanghai Weidian Technology suddenly received an internal email from the company, and the sender of the email was Meng Qian.

"Good afternoon, everyone from Shanghai Microelectronics.

Regarding the cooperation between TSMC and ASML, I have personally confirmed that it is true, and through communication, their research and development direction is the immersion lithography machine, which is almost the same as our direction.

In a sense, we have encountered the biggest opponent since the establishment of the company.

However, it is not the biggest obstacle.

Because if it is worth worrying about such a normal thing as meeting a colleague, then the problem must be our own.

Lack of experience, outdated technology, lack of funds, shortage of talent, these are the obstacles we have encountered.

Looking back on the past year, the obstacle is like a tumbler, no matter how hard we try, he can always stand up and stand in front of us again.

However, under such circumstances, from fully automatic systems to nanoscale operations, from laser emitters to optical lenses, we have overcome countless obstacles, just because we have a spirit.

That is, fearless.

The translation is that losing is not shameful, but being cowardly is shameful.

I am often inspired by this spirit, never hesitate, and move forward firmly.

The cooperation between TSMC and ASML is just another identity after the tumbler who has just been knocked down by us gets up again, but this time everyone may need to work harder, so let's work harder together.

That's all.

On June 7, 2002, Meng Qian. "

At 6 o'clock in the evening, at Institute 45, Liang Zhiguo led a team, "Director, we apply to be stationed in Shanghai Microelectronics Division for a period of time."

"How long do you want to stay abroad?"

"Wait until we get the lithography machine out."

At 7:00 p.m., at the Changguang Institute, Wang Dayan ordered troops personally, "Everyone's thinking is that getting together can improve efficiency a little bit, and it is still inconvenient to always communicate with Fengxin by phone, so we went to Shanghai Microelectronics Department to stay together. A while ago."

"Us? The old director, are you going too?"

"I'm an old bone, let's see if I can do something."

At 8 o'clock in the evening, in Jiang University's principal's office, Pan Yun gave Ji Kai a list, "You should contact these people."

Pan Yun glanced at it with uncertain eyes, "Are they willing to come back?"

"I threw away all my old face, and they will still give it to me."

In the next few days, more and more teams gathered at Shanghai Weidian Branch.

On June 15, 2001, the strongest combination on the surface in the field of Huaxia lithography machine was established.

On June 15, 2002, the strongest combination on the surface of the ever-expanding Huaxia lithography machine field gathered.

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