Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 137 The Seed of Backlash

With the in-depth test of MSN in Asia, especially in China, the products are gradually becoming more precise. It can be seen from MSN's advertisements and online publicity in the next few days that in this life, MSN's positioning is finally clear, a business tool for white-collar elites.

Fengxin positioned its users as young people, while MSN positioned its users as elite white-collar workers, and the difference in product positioning appeared naturally.

People who have experienced the stage when MSN first entered China should still remember that MSN back then was a symbol of compulsion, and from this there was a chain of contempt for instant messaging. Those who used MSN looked down on those who used QQ, which was very popular at the time. It represents a phenomenon of the times, and this phenomenon is a bit of a rise in this life.

In particular, Microsoft has continued to promote the development of this chain of contempt in the following period of time.

There has been a heated discussion on the Internet about MSN following Fengxin.

"In the past few days, after the company's computer was replaced with XP system, everyone used MSN to go to work. The boss said that we have to use MSN to go to work in the future. Fengxin asked us to uninstall it."

"Why do I have to use MSN to go to work?"

"The boss said that Fengxin played too many things, which affected everyone's work."

"Doesn't MSN also have space?"

"The space on MSN is basically used to send work news, and it feels like everyone doesn't play much."

"Come on, let me show you the different statuses posted by the same person on MSN and Fengxin.

Colleague A, his status on MSN this morning: he woke up early with a cup of coffee, set new goals for himself a year ago, and prepared well for the business review at the end of the year.

Status on Fengxin: It's so fucking cold! How did the cold air come so early this year? My old lady just wants to lie in bed and sleep late! "

"Not to mention anything else, MSN's mailbox is really easy to use, but adding friends is really troublesome, and you have to know the other person's mailbox number to add."

"Yeah, MSN seems to have tried friend recommendation for a while before? Now this function seems to be cancelled."

"That's the difference. MSN takes the business route and refuses to be disturbed by strangers. He did this on purpose to differentiate himself from Fengxin."

"Have you noticed the daily hot topics in the news circle, games, love, novels, stealing food, and then look at the daily hot topics in the MSN community, cars, watches, fashion, international current affairs news."

"So? What do you want to express upstairs?"

"I'm just stating an objective fact. Fengxin's users are indeed very young, and there's nothing indisputable about it. MSN provides a more comfortable environment for business people. Microsoft deserves to be Microsoft. Let's beat Fengxin."

"Hey, using MSN makes you feel superior, why don't you use MSN to go to heaven!"

"Fengxin doesn't seem to be able to communicate internationally yet? Only after using MSN this time did I realize that I can still chat with foreigners."

"But you have to have a laowai's MSN account, otherwise you won't be able to add laowai."

"But this function itself is very international, isn't it?"

Regarding the advantages of MSN, there are still those, system binding, content commercialization, less entertainment functions, internationalization, backed by Microsoft's big backstage.

At that time, MSN relied on these advantages to quickly seize the QQ market, and triggered a long-term chain of disdain for social software.

But there is another prerequisite for MSN to have that kind of performance back then, that is, what QQ did in the same way back then, but Fengxin in this life is different.

Meng Qian has been paying attention to the latest data report of MSN and the data changes of Fengxin.

From the background data, it can be seen that even though MSN has a loophole, it has gained 5 million registrations in just one week after entering China. One of the important reasons here is that MSN also has a positioning that is similar to office. software.

As many companies regard it as an office software to require employees to use it, and it is free, why not do it.

Therefore, the positioning of an office software allows MSN to naturally harvest a group of office worker users. But Meng Qian noticed a very interesting phenomenon that Fengxin's user activity has hardly been affected at all. If you have MSN, you will give up Fengxin.

While MSN seized users, they did not cut off users' stickiness to Fengxin.

Some interesting phenomena are happening here and there.

In the lobby of an office building, a man in a suit and leather shoes is greeting a woman in a long black dress.

"Mr. Chen, long time no see." The lady took the initiative to say hello.

"Daria, why are you here?"

"I'm here to sign the contract, how are you doing recently?"

"Not bad, Daria, you are really becoming more and more fashionable, no wonder Mr. Li kept mentioning you at the Private Party some time ago."

"Mr. Chen is absurd. Oh, by the way, our company has an event next week. If Mr. Chen is free, give me a compliment?"

"It's my pleasure, My pleasure."

"Then I'll send you the event, does Mr. Chen have an MSN account?"

"Of course, our company now uses MSN uniformly, so I'll write to you."

The two exchanged MSN accounts, and the man looked at the time and walked quickly to the parking lot, "I've been delayed for so long, I have to go back and steal the food."

In the evening, a man went home and turned on his computer, logged into the forum habitually, and saw many people chatting about MSN and Fengxin.

After a quick scan, the man came out with a career elite persona, "MSN focuses on the business sector, only those who use it understand the real difference between him and Fengxin.

To describe it this way, using MSN to view information is like visiting a shopping mall in the center of Shanghai, while using Fengxin to view information is like visiting a street stall night market. The difference in management and content is obvious. Fengxin will never be better than MSN.

Moreover, the information security of MSN is far superior to Fengxin. Strangers can comment on Fengxin without any personal privacy. Using MSN, you can feel safe. This is the difference between Western and Eastern cultures. People pay attention to it. Privacy, we never care about other people's privacy.

As I said before, Fengxin took advantage of the inferiority and low quality of Chinese people, and the emergence of MSN showed us what is called Western gentleman culture. "

After setting up "pointing the country" as an elite person on the Internet for a while, the man gained a certain amount of support, and his account got more attention. Satisfied, the man quit the forum and logged into Fengxin.

"Stupid MSN, it's better to use Fengxin to make social networking so closed."

Microsoft's high-end positioning has allowed MSN to harvest a group of active and passive users, and it has indeed aroused the vanity of many people.

However, Microsoft has overlooked a problem, who is born as a human being, everyone is just a layman.

The so-called high-end does not rely on self-labeling and hard-topping, and deliberately divides people and things into high-end and low-end, but it is a manifestation of self-confidence.

Microsoft’s current gameplay of setting up high-end personalities is planting a seed of backlash for itself

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