Return to Primitive Society and Become a Chief

Vol 2 Chapter 409: -Sing and Harmony

"I know the patriarch."

Usma agreed, and was about to speak, when a patriarch Lihuo ran in from the outside and stood at the door, bowed his head respectfully and said, "Master patriarch, the patriarchs of the other six tribes are here."

The thief turned and smiled when he heard the words: "Our gold master is here."

As he said, he strode out.

When they came to the valley, they were catching up with Chief Lin and they led the clansmen with the wood, and they were reconciling with A Jie's logistics department.

"A few patriarchs, here comes."

Ji thief raised his hand and said hello with a smile.

Several patriarchs all laughed, and the Chongji thief said: "Warrior, why did you come out yourself?"

In the past, when these patriarchs came to exchange trees for prey, it was A Jie who came forward to be responsible. It was the first time that Ji thief showed up actively like this.

Ji Thief smiled and said: "Isn't it a long time I haven't seen a few older brothers, plus I've been busy recently and can't get out of my body for a while."

The patriarchs looked at each other. Among them, the Clan Wolf patriarch was more curious. He pointed at the foundations of the erected oak poles in the valley and asked: "Warrior, have you been busy with this these days?"

Ji Thief nodded and said: "What's the matter?"

"No, nothing."

When saying these words, the expressions of the patriarchs were a little weird.

Seeing that it was going to be cold, the thief gave Usma a look. The latter knew, so he coughed, attracted the attention of other patriarchs, and said: "Master patriarch, our spear throwers have already been made, you See how to deal with it?"

Originally, the patriarchs planned to change their prey and just walked around with a few words of Hara, but after hearing Usma’s words, each one of them stared and turned around to look at Usma: " Spear weapon?"

Usma sighed: "Yes, spear throwers. The patriarch asked our engineering department to make 500 spear throwers, but after making them, we found that we couldn't use so many. After all, we only have the combat department. The hunting department needs this, and there is much more."

Hearing this, some of the patriarchs couldn't hold back the restlessness in their hearts.

Whoever uses the spear thrower knows.

In the past, the thief gave five spear throwers to each of their tribes. Now, this spear thrower is hidden by them as a treasure, so they are not easy to use.

But suddenly I heard that Ji thief had made another five hundred pairs, why didn't he be moved?

"Ahem, um, don't you have nearly six hundred clansmen, it's okay for every clansman to use a spear thrower," Chief Lin said with open his mouth.

The thief screamed: "It's not fighting with others. What are you doing with so many spear throwers? Forget it, Usma, please destroy those spear throwers. The disassembled materials can also be used to strengthen the breeding pen. It can also be used for cooking."

When several patriarchs heard Ji Zei's words, their eyes would stare.

What? destroy?

This is too prodigal.

Then the spear thrower is destroyed if it is destroyed?

Usma, who had already aligned the script with the thief, sent a look, and then said with a melancholy expression on his face: "Master Patriarch, those are five hundred spear throwers, are they all destroyed?"

Ji thief said: "Otherwise?"

Several patriarchs stared at a pair of bull's eyes, as if you dare to destroy, we dare to beat you.

Regardless of whether their tribe can fight too much, but Ji Zei's wasteful behavior is shameful and absolutely not allowed.

The thief who knew what these patriarchs were thinking in their hearts pretended not to see them, and said to Usma: "All are destroyed, not one is left."

Usma sighed heavily: "Oh, patriarch, that is five hundred pairs. We spent more than 20 days to make them. If we destroy all of them... Forget it, destroy it, even though you are Where's the patriarch."

As he said, Usma said: "When I go back, the tribe will be destroyed, although these Celestial tribes have worked hard for nothing, it's a pity, a pity."

Several patriarchs nodded in response to Uthma, isn't it a pity.

Five hundred pairs, five hundred spear throwers.

"Wait for Usma first." Ji thief said.

Seeing that things are still turning around, the six patriarchs couldn't help but shine.

"Everyone wasted more than 20 days to make it. It would be a pity if they were destroyed." Ji Thief said.

Isn't it true that the six patriarchs thought, so many?

Ji Zei held his chin, thoughtfully, and looked up at the six patriarchs: "Or, give these spear throwers to some older brothers?"

Surprise, great surprise.

The six patriarchs just wanted to break their heads but didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly.

They murmured: "Well, this is not so good, I, we didn't do anything to take such a heavy gift, this, this is a bit embarrassing."

Knowing that the patriarchs were being polite, Ji Zei turned his head and smiled.

He used his eyes to signal that Usma should play for you.

The latter returned a clear look, then took a step forward and said awe-inspiringly: "No way, Lord Patriarch! Can't give it away."

When the words fell, the six patriarchs were stunned and looked at Usma.

Just now, I had a good impression on Usma for blocking and destroying the spear thrower.

"The spear thrower has been made for so long. If you give it away, what will the people below think?" Usma worried.

The patriarchs were stunned when they heard the words, and said that although what Usma said was not good, it still made sense.

Just now Usma said that all the clansmen of the Engineering Department made these spear throwers in more than 20 days, and the thief changed hands and gave them to himself.

Yes, this is very good for myself. Put yourself in your place and think about it, Ji Thief can't explain to the people below.

To put it better, this is the generosity of the Ji thief, this is the generosity of the Lihuo tribe.

In the worst case, if the clansmen below are dissatisfied with the Ji thief, then he who has received the spear thrower is a sinner.

But having said that, everyone really wants that spear thrower.

Seeing the expressions of the patriarchs that were difficult to choose, the thief knew that the time had come, and pulled his face down to rush to Usma: "Shut up, I am the patriarch of the Lihuo tribe or are you the patriarch?"

Usma shrugged: "You are the patriarch."

"Since I am the patriarch, just listen to me. As allies, what happened to us giving some spear throwers?"

Usma: "But the patriarch, I'm afraid of the people below..."

"Whoever refuses to accept, let him talk to me by himself, so let's do it." Ji Thief said.

The other people in charge who followed were all dumbfounded, no, what tricks the patriarch and Usma were playing with? How do you say it makes you quarrel?

"Master Patriarch, I know that you have a good relationship with Patriarch Lin, but you have to take care of our own tribe. If nothing else, just spend the time doing spear throwers. How much work is lost on average for our tribesmen? If you pull it out, if you have the skill to make these spear throwers, everyone can catch back 1,500 prey." Usma said with a grieved expression.

"Prey, prey, you know the prey, right!" Ji thief shouted aggressively.

The six patriarchs hurriedly stopped forward: "Oh, warrior, what are you doing? What are you doing so arrogantly? It’s all from your own family. In this way, we want those spear throwers. But don’t worry, we will definitely not want them for nothing , For each spear-thrower, we trade it for prey. By the way, Usma, how many prey can you catch when you make these spear-throwers?"

Usma felt aggrieved and said, "There are probably one thousand and five hundred heads who can live even death."

The six patriarchs opened their eyes, "So many!!!"

Usma looked upset: "The hunting department captures about a hundred dead animals alive in one day. Although our engineering department is not better than the hunting department, even after 20 days, even 1,500. Can't you catch it?"

Several patriarchs sighed, thinking that there is nothing wrong with Usma's calculation.

As a result, these patriarchs immediately turned to the thief and said: "So, we want these spear throwers, we want them, how about giving them 1,500 prey?"

Ji Thief looked at you and looked down at me and stared back: "One thousand and five hundred! Is my Ji Thief such a stingy person? Isn't it just some prey? I only need one thousand, each spear thrower, two. Prey, that’s it. Whoever wants to say anything, I’ll be anxious!"

The six patriarchs sighed and said to their hearts that you were so excited that we thought you didn't want it.

"Then, then, according to what you said, a spear thrower and two prey, we divided these five hundred pairs, how about it?" Chief Lin said.

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