Release that Witch

Chapter 1071: Flying wing (below)

"How, still don't worry?" After everyone boarded the plane, Tilly walked to Roland.

"You see it?"

"It's clear that for a day, every sentence is like a goodbye, and you can't see it." She shrugged. "Are you doubting my technique, or doubting Anna's ability?"

For this dilemma, Roland can only report a bitter smile.

The structure of the seagull is extremely simple. Except for a few operating rods and the corresponding movable rudder surface, it is basically a container for people. The essence is less complicated than the test model. With Anna's processing skills, it is difficult to come up with problems.

After it was built, it also carried out several test flights, and also simulated the emergency landing. The results were very satisfactory. Tilly’s extremely powerful control ability did not say that Wendy had made great progress in the running-in and always appeared in the right place. The airflow in the position keeps the aircraft stable at all times.

For the safety of the voyage, the passengers also took the lava and Molly, which is foolproof.

But even so, he still feels nervous.

Concentrating half of the elite witches of the Winter City on a brand new aircraft and walking alone to the wild hinterland 500 kilometers away is enough to be a reason for concern. If there is not much work to be done without Wintertown, he even wants to go with the Seagull.

After gently vomiting the gas, he looked at Tilly. "I think it should be irrelevant to doubt, but I care too much. I hope that you can live in peace and peace until the end of the new era."

After the two of them looked at each other, Tilly opened her head. "I know, I am only joking... If you change to be me, you should be uneasy."

Without waiting for Roland to react, she had turned and stepped on the ramp.

"Then I am leaving, my brother."


After the door was closed, a guard came over. "Your Majesty, everything is ready outside."

Roland took a deep breath and blew back. "Get started."


As the password is released, the procedures are working in an orderly manner.

"The stopper is open!"

"The road is empty!"

"All the people left the runway!"

"Open the library door!"

As the hangar door slowly slides to the sides, the dazzling sunlight shines into the room, reflecting a light path on the ground.

The guide lifted the green flag high.

"The Seagull, you can take off!"

At the same time, the whistle of the whistle also rang through the airport.

Roland felt the wind.

It was a wonderful feeling that he stood in a position that should have been absolutely windless, but still felt the tidal air flowing over his cheeks.

It is unfair to think of the Seagull as a pure glider to compare with its kind. The latter has everything it wants to obtain, and it has been owned from the beginning.

The airflow violates the common sense of flow, and it appears precisely on the side of the airfoil. The breeze pushes the aileron that rises upwards, like an invisible hand. This power seems insignificant, but Roland knows that it was the result of Wendy's deliberate control. The residual wind is soft and gentle, and it can be in the range of the number from the airfoil, but it is a strong wind that can make people difficult.

In other words, in the area affected by Wendy's ability, the direction and speed of the wind are controlled by her.

This also means that the Seagull does not need to rely on the wings to maintain the flight, but also can make other gliders stunned. For example, the short-distance take-off and landing speed seems to be in exchange for greater lift. If you can get lift directly. Speed ​​is no longer an indispensable thing.

Of course, such a fluttering fly away may be a terrifying feat in the eyes of the experts, but in the eyes of the layman, it is obviously lacking a point.

What better than a big guy with a few tons of weight, screaming across the top of the head, and then slowly climbed until it disappeared into the clouds and more shocking scenes?

Roland shook his head in a funny way when he thought of the expression of Tilly's eagerness to present this idea.

It seems that she has completely regarded the Seagull as her big toy and can't wait to show off to others.



At the same time as the whistle sounded, Goode also noticed that the visionary soldiers at the end of the Blackrock Road dispersed, and the iron gate of the shed was opened. A strange gray giant bird slowly slipped out and turned half. After the circle, they drove onto the avenue where they were.

"Hey, look, what is that?" Obviously, he alone discovered the giant.

"The train? It's not like... there are no rails on the ground."

"Probably the new invented machine?"

"Is it what the eagle-faced adult said?"

"It seems to be coming over to us."

Wait, this thing he seems to have seen it! Goode thought for a while, and suddenly there was a flash of light in the minds of those books given by His Royal Highness, did not have a similar cover map? Like a bird and a bird, the slender symmetrical wings seem to be a bit like it.

Think a little, he thinks that the two are simply not right. Not to mention the difference in the shape and the number of wings. On that cover, he can at least see the driver, and he can understand the reason why the objects in the picture seem to float in the air. After all, it is a lot better than the skeleton support. The huge wings, in a sense, are a magnified kite. Although knowing what the king and the princess value is certainly not so simple, it is reasonable to be able to figure it out.

And this thing in front of you is completely a type that can't be figured out.

By comparing with the surrounding soldiers, it can be seen that its head is far above the former. Except for the wings, the whole body is round and round, and the whole body is wrapped tightly. The slender belly seems to be able to stuff a lot of things. According to this size, let alone fly, even climbing on the ground should be very difficult.

But the next moment, Goode found out how ridiculous his thoughts were.

The other party began to accelerate.

And soon exceeded the speed of the horse running, and did not mean to stop.

At the beginning, they also talked about the various teams, and they all quieted down unconsciously.

Everyone heard the roar of the far and near.

"My God..." Fingin swallowed. "It has to hit us."

This is also the common feeling of most of the preparatory students.

Intellectually, as long as they stand still, the two don't really hit each other, but the reason is rational, and the bodies of the people seem to be shaking uncontrollably.

Not everyone can face the monster when they can step on their own meat sauce.

And the comer is such a behemoth

They don't even have the other's wheels high!

As it got closer and closer, the whistling wind was almost stunned, and the ground was also slightly trembled. According to legend, when the Cavaliers charge, the hooves can make the enemy collapse, but compared to the monsters that are pressed against themselves like a mountain, Goode finds the Cavaliers.

He suddenly remembered the sneer of the eagle's face.

Instructor... Have you experienced it already?

Still not thinking about it, a gust of wind passed!

In a short period of time, it ran hundreds of meters of road and went straight through the crowds on both sides.

Under the impact of the airflow, Goode did not control his feet after all, and his knees fell softly on the ground. Perhaps before the gust of wind, he had subconsciously made a dodge.

He couldn't take it up, but turned his head and looked back.

And the next scene is to make him stunned!

I saw the giant beast raising his head, his feet off the ground, and suddenly vacated and flew toward the blue sky. The sun shines on the wings, forming a circle of colorful spots.

Is this... an empty knight?

Goode couldn't help but clench his fist.

He wants to control such a monster even if he offers everything!

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