Reincarnation Paradise

Chapter 3409 Unprecedented Pie in the Sky

In the realm of darkness, in the shrine at the innermost side of the town.

The skeletons piled up against the wall formed a slope. The structure of these skeletons was special. Multiple skulls were squeezed together, and the neck bones were short and thick. The ribs further down were thin but dense, with three layers, glued to each other, and the limbs were more shaped. Approaching the beast running on all fours.

It is worth noting that these skeletons all have traces of bone cracks or comminuted fractures. They must have had flesh and blood originally, but they were removed, and the organs inside the ribs have become black and shriveled.

As if aware of Su Xiao's arrival, the light messenger sitting in front of the table stopped praying.

Perhaps because he knew how strong his image was and did not fit in with the first impression given by the light transmitter, he had a mustache on his chin and wore glasses with a chain on them.

Unfortunately, these concealing attires looked particularly helpless compared to the clergy robes that were stretched tight by the pectoralis major and biceps.

"New residents, welcome to "Dawn Town". Darkness will always pass and dawn will eventually come. "

The transmitter smiled kindly, but at this moment, a slightly burnt aroma wafted out from the small wooden door on the inside.

"My name is Anderson, and I am the light bearer of "Dawn Town". Here are the candlesticks and wax. Take them. If you encounter any trouble in the town, you can come to me." "

The light bearer Anderson handed over an old copper candlestick and a white and black candle.

"You have chosen a good place to live..."

In the middle of what Light Bearer Anderson was saying, the wooden door leading to the back room made a banging sound, and something tapped against the door inside.

"It's my pet. It may be hungry. Wait a minute, I'll take care of it."

Anderson stood up and walked towards the back room. After he stood up, his height of 2.7 meters made him feel oppressive.

As soon as Anderson opened the door, a dark claw poked out from the crack of the door, scratching and groping left and right. This black claw gave people a strong sense of evil, filth, and distortion. There is no doubt that this thing is not easy to mess with, but from this black claw Judging from its groping movements, it was filled with fear.

Anderson pushed it back calmly, as if he was worried that Su Xiao would suspect something. He also explained: "It seems that it is really hungry."

A few minutes later, Anderson took care of it and walked out of the wooden door. He was holding a tray with several large hard breads and some dried fruits on it.

Liming Town is not a place rich in resources, but the residents here will not starve to death even if they don't eat.

Anderson sat on the floor, placed the tray between him and Su Xiao, and made a gesture of invitation.

Su Xiao picked up a piece of toast but didn't eat it. He judged that the toast must be older than him. It was because of the special environment of Liming Town that it didn't rot.

Su Xiao took out some food from the storage space. Anderson still just ate the expired toast in his hand. He warned:

“Eating these filling meals as quickly as possible and forgetting about their taste will reduce the pain of missing them long into the future.”

Anderson spoke. As the only person carrying light in the town, he also could not leave the realm of darkness.

Rather than saying that this is a realm of darkness, Su Xiao feels that this is more like a place of exile, where dangerous and unstable existences are exiled.

This is not a random guess by Su Xiao. Don't forget that the only entrance and exit to the Dark Realm is under the queen's bed, which is under her personal care.

Of the three residents of darkness I encountered before, two of them gave off a dangerous feeling. Brother Pig was intensely savage and ferocious, like a world-eating mouth, while Mimic Man was weird, pure and weird to the extreme.

The last Arya, who is also the queen's sister, is here most likely because she has nowhere to go, or she may be the queen's spy here.

Thinking about it this way, Arya is the watcher, Anderson, the light bearer, is the caretaker, and Brother Pig, Copycat, etc. are the most vicious people who were exiled here.

From the previous prompts, Su Xiao learned a piece of information. Among all the people here, the most rule-abiding ones are chaotic neutral, followed by chaotic evil and extremely evil. Looking at the entire Liming Town, there is no good person.

During the meal, Su Xiao learned some things from Anderson's words. For example, Anderson was not a native of this world.

Anderson comes from a place called "Nedipor Continent", and he once served as an executioner.

In a huge, decaying empire that is about to be destroyed, coupled with a cruel and murderous monarch, and many imperial ministers who obey orders, the end result is a royal city with a population of over 2 million and on the verge of chaos.

Adding these factors together, you can imagine how busy Anderson was as an executioner at that time. He was beheading and executing people every day. He was so tired that his back ached at night, and his arms were so swollen that he couldn't sleep.

From some unknown time, Anderson could hear many strange sounds. One night, he dreamed that he was sinking into a dark mire, and he woke up covered in sweat.

Early the next morning, 'Master An' started a new day's work. As soon as he cut off the head of the first prisoner, he discovered that a strange power flowed into his body. A few minutes later, when his body absorbed this The strange energy made him stronger.

As a price, the messy murmurs in Anderson's ears became more obvious, but the work had to continue, and Anderson repeated the daily execution.

The situation in the empire became increasingly chaotic. Anderson's execution targets ranged from ordinary people to warriors, then to relatively weak extraordinary beings, and then to quite powerful extraordinary beings. In the end, among those executed, there were occasionally famous people. ruthless character.

Anderson discovered that the more powerful the prisoner he beheaded, the more strange energy he could absorb, and the more powerful he became.

Anderson's treatment became worse and worse. He originally worked 10 hours a day, then 16 hours, 18 hours a day, and finally 24 hours a day.

The prisoners were brought up, pinned to the stakes, decapitated with an axe, and the heads dropped into the bamboo basket. This was what Anderson repeated every day. It was boring, bloody and cruel.

The name of a sleepless executioner even attracted the attention of the cruel monarch, who personally visited Anderson's execution and rewarded him.

Although the huge empire has decayed, it will still be several years or even longer before it falls. This also means that Anderson is about to become an execution machine. Until one day, Anderson cuts off the prisoner's head with an ax and finds that he has cut out With a black mark, he used what could only be regarded as an ordinary execution ax to cut open the space.

An executioner gained the ability to continuously strengthen his body through killing. In addition, he had forgotten how many people he had executed. At that time, even Anderson himself did not know how strong he was.

The bad news is that the mumbling sounds that Anderson heard became more and more obvious, and he continued to carry out the executions because these mumblings were so annoying that he couldn't sleep.

Finally one day, Anderson's power exceeded a certain limit. He grabbed those "dark wandering souls" from an unknown place with his bare hands and chopped them apart with a few axes.

At that time, Anderson felt that the world was clean. After 4 years, he was finally able to sleep peacefully. After sleeping for a whole week, Anderson returned to his previous work, execution, execution, only execution and blood every day.

This kind of life lasted for another three years. Anderson was completely fed up. He couldn't understand why there were so many people from the royal family to be killed. There are too many enemies of the royal family.

In order to solve the problem from the root, that night, Anderson went to the palace alone and had an execution axe. He killed the general known as the strongest general in the empire with one axe, and then bloodbathed the palace.

Anderson left no one alive or even a witness. After doing all this, he returned to the penal institution. For him, power, money, etc. were meaningless. His greatest pleasure was chatting with those on death row. Every word spoken by the dying prisoners was spoken from the heart, with very little hypocrisy or lies.

The royal family of the old empire was slaughtered, and the new empire was established. Anderson, as an executioner who did not involve rights, was not affected. Of course, this was also related to the fact that he was very difficult to mess with at first sight.

At first, Anderson's work increased. After a few months, he ushered in the off-season and only executed a few people every day. This gave him plenty of time to chat with those death row inmates because he had enough money to do so. After buying wine and meat, those death row prisoners were naturally willing to chat with him.

Unfortunately, Anderson's good days did not last long. Sixty years later, he found that the number of prisoners to be executed was gradually increasing. Everything seemed to be back to what it was before, and this time it was even more extreme. The newly formed royal family had been investigated many times for unshaven men. He has a sloppy image, but why has he shown no sign of aging for more than 60 years?

There were more prisoners to be executed, and Anderson had no time to chat with them. In addition, the royal family kept making small moves to test them. Finally, Anderson got tired.

Everything was the same as 60 years ago. The royal family and the guards in the palace were driven out and killed overnight. According to eyewitnesses, it was the work of an evil spirit with black smoke rising from its body.

After the demise of Empire 2.0, Empire 3.0 was established in a short period of time. Anderson was still not affected. His feeling at the time was that this royal family seemed to be okay.

Anderson was careless. Empire 3.0 only lasted for more than 40 years. It was almost the same as Empire 1.0 and not as good as Empire 2.0.

Anderson, who was a little tired, dug out the ax from the ground that he had used to destroy two generations of royal families, and wiped out the royal family of Empire 3.0.

After Empire 3.0 was destroyed, Empire 4.0 appeared in just ten days.

Everything seems like yesterday, with the constant alternation between rebirth and destruction. Hundreds of years later, when Anderson watched the establishment of Empire 12.0, he was extremely disappointed with people's hearts and human nature. People always thought that if they were the monarch, they could be there. He did better in the seat. In fact, it was just that he had never sat in that seat.

At that time, Anderson figured out a lot. People hated greedy ministers, but they also envied power and pleasure. People hated the monopoly of wealthy businessmen, but they wanted their products to be unique. People ridiculed the empire's atmosphere and corruption, but they made mistakes in themselves. Later, he spent money to build relationships in the hope of avoiding punishment. This made Anderson understand that what people are angry about is not unfairness, but anger that they are not in a favorable position and have failed to become a vested interest. This is the human heart, this is human nature.

When Anderson was enlightened, something attracted him: faith, belief in gods.

Anderson left the royal city and went to the sacred place representing faith and became a servant of God.

But not long after, Anderson discovered that the god known as the Lord of All Things seemed to have impure motives and that anyone could believe in him. Moreover, those who committed great evil and evil would immediately receive God's gift as long as they were willing to correct their evil ways. , On the contrary, those simple people who have loyally believed for decades were punished by God just for a little mistake.

Full of questions, Anderson approached the Lord Priest, the representative of the Lord of All Things in the human world. The Priest was furious at Anderson's question and shouted on the spot: "Take down this heretic."

As a result, the heresy was not captured, and most of the sacred place representing faith was destroyed. From the beginning to the end, the Lord of all things did not come.

It's also hard for the Lord of All Things, who is just a god. Seeing Anderson, whose whole body's "grievances" were about to solidify, the "Lord of All Things" felt a chill down his spine and a buzzing head.

But the stubborn Anderson decided to find an explanation from the Lord of All Things. He was full of piety. Why was he called a heretic?

The final result was that the Lord of All Things found three other gods to deal with Anderson as if facing a formidable enemy. However, because of a wrong answer to a certain question, all four gods were hacked by Anderson.

Just after the battle, Anderson was swallowed up by the gushing darkness. When he woke up, he had come to the tree world. It was still the Dark Age, the heyday of the Ada civilization.

The Yada people's desire and belief in light moved Anderson. He saw many shining points of humanity in the Yada people, so he became a light bearer, walking in the darkness with the Yada people and spreading light. He no longer kills people easily and gradually calms down his violent temper.

Whenever he shares his light with others and sees the happiness on their faces, Anderson feels a sense of fulfillment.

In the final battle between the Adars and the darkness, Anderson was swallowed up by the darkness. After an unknown amount of time, when Anderson woke up again, he was already in the realm of darkness. At that time, Dawn Town had been established, but that At that time, there were more than a dozen rows of houses, unlike now, where there are only two rows on the street left by the darkness.

After hearing Anderson's nostalgic self-narration, Baha swallowed his saliva, and BooBoo Wang was dumbfounded. Although Anderson said this in a calm tone, the content was too violent.

"These are all old things from the past, just listen to them as stories."

Anderson smiled kindly and was not proud of how powerful he was. On the contrary, when he talked about Chuangguang, he was very detailed.

"Anderson, do you believe in a god who represents light?"

"I no longer have any faith, I am just a messenger of light."

Anderson, who was sitting cross-legged, put his hands on his knees and smiled a little more kindly.

"Have you ever heard of anyone believing in the sun?"

"Believe in the sun? What kind of god is that?"

"Not a god, but the sun."

Su Xiao threw a vial to Anderson, which contained the power of faith, the sun.

After Anderson opened it, tiny golden light particles floated out. Anderson tried to touch it with his hand. The next moment, his eyes became dull, but he seemed to have seen thousands of things.

After a long time, Anderson's eyes regained their luster, and his slightly shocked face seemed to say: 'Is there such a great way to believe in this world? ’

Instead, Anderson shook his head, said nothing else, got up and walked towards the back room.

Su Xiao left the shrine, found an uninhabited stone house on the street, and pushed in the door.

This stone house is about 30 square meters. Although the tables, chairs and beds are a bit old, they are all available. An entire wall is occupied by bookcases. In the wooden compartment above, there are many books on display, mostly historical biographies, etc. I didn't see them. A valuable book.

The bedding on the bed was already black and stiff. Baha threw it out. Considering that he might stay here temporarily, he put new bedding on it.

With a bang, the metal door nearly 10 centimeters behind closed. Not to mention other things, the residents here have a strong sense of 'anti-theft'. The material of the doors and windows, coupled with the blessing of dark extraordinary characteristics, cannot be blasted open with naval gunfire.

In the darkness, Su Xiao lit the wax, and the white candlelight shone out. Together with the closed and safe environment of this place, it gave people the urge to live here forever.

This is obviously some kind of inducement from Dawn Town to keep the dark residents here at home and not to cause trouble.

Su Xiao sat cross-legged on the bed and took out the Queen's Crown. This thing was of great use. He had drank [Blood Wine] with the Queen in the Queen's chamber before and completed the "Hidden Mission: Stinging Pain".

The [Stone Throne Supplementary Device] obtained from the mission is used in conjunction with the Queen's Crown.

First, Su Xiao needs to return to the "Underground Gathering Siyi" located in the cold cemetery, and go to the deepest sealed palace there, where the Stone Throne and the Queen's adoptive father, the Betrayer Golu, are located.

At that time, Su Xiao can use the [Stone Throne Supplementary Device] to complete the Stone Throne and obtain the notarization of the Reincarnation Paradise.

The cold mist of soul will drift out from the stone throne. If Su Xiao wears or holds the crown and sits on the stone throne, the crown can filter out the coldness in the mist of soul and obtain pure soul energy.

This soul energy will pass through the [Stone Throne Replenishment Device], and after the impartial transformation of the Samsara Paradise, Su Xiao can directly absorb it to enhance several of his own abilities.

The effectiveness time limit of [Stone Throne Supplementary Device] is 5 hours. To put it simply, Stone Throne + Supplementary Device + Samsara Paradise Notarization + Crown is equivalent to a 5-hour skill enhancement authority.

Su Xiao sensed his own situation and fought with the Queen, leaving him seriously injured to the point of death. As an alchemist, he had recovered a lot from his injuries with the combined treatment of Vitality Liquid + Spiritual Shadow Line.

This deadly battle gave Su Xiao a lot of hidden gains. For example, after this battle, the energy of Qinggang Shadow has been completely stabilized.

Su Xiao took out the [Old Beast King's Essence], activated the devouring core ability, and began to absorb the energy in the essence. After being filtered, purified, and purified, the biological energy in the essence turned into a colorless energy, which was absorbed into the soul. When it entered Su Xiao's body, it was quickly absorbed by the green steel shadow energy in his body.

Two hours later, the empty soul shell floating in front of Su Xiao turned into powder.

[Tip: Qinggang Shadow has been upgraded to Lv.50. 】

An immortal-level soul enhances the level 8 Qinggang Shadow ability. This is the benefit brought by the increased energy absorption rate.

[Qinggang Shadow: Lv.50 (active/passive skills)]

Conditions of use: After turning on the Green Steel Shadow ability, it consumes 240 mana points per minute (increased by 30 points).

Active effect: Each melee attack will burn the enemy's mana 782 points (increased by 32 points), and cause real damage of burned mana x 1.7 times (1329 points of real damage + Dragon Slaying Flash increased by 25% + Green Shadow King increased by 30% =2060 points of true damage), the enemy will suffer severe pain after the mana is burned.

Defense form: Aoge (active)...

Combat form: Spell destruction (passive). After you sustain Spell damage, the green steel shadow energy in your body will be further activated, thus continuously improving your Spell resistance (incremental improvement).

Tip: If no legal damage is received within 40 minutes, this bonus will gradually decay.

Tip: After each battle with the magic system, if you have suffered multiple magic damage, your magic resistance will be slightly permanently improved.

Tip: When you withstand lightning, fire, freezing and other effects, the corresponding resistance will be permanently increased slightly (this is a growth-type improvement, and the improvement speed is slow).

The real damage caused by the energy of the Green Steel Shadow has exceeded the 2000 point mark. This is a new characteristic that has been accumulated and powerful and has not been awakened. It has also been awakened this time.

This passive characteristic called "Destruction of Laws" can be described as simple and unpretentious. After enduring the attacks of the law system, Su Xiao will continue to increase the resistance of the law system, and may eventually reach the point where the law system enemies cannot be beaten.

Combined with the 60% immunity to legal damage provided by the Demonic Physique, Su Xiao's defensive power in the legal system will reach a particularly exaggerated level.

This made Su Xiao understand one thing. When the spell destroyers and spell casters fought, why were many spell casters besieging one spell destroyer? The reason was simple and helpless. If they didn't besiege the spell casters, they wouldn't be able to defeat the spell destroyers at all. Dharma.

No wonder Marvin Waltz said at the time that if you want to fight, you must first ensure that you can survive. This ability called "Spell Destruction" fully implements the fighting method of a Spell Destroyer against a Spell Caster, that is, You beat me for a long time, I'm fine, but if I give you a knife, you are seriously injured even if you don't die. This is the battle form of a spell destroyer against a spell caster.

Su Xiao exhaled turbid air, and his physical condition was much better. He took out the [Container Core] from the storage space, and replaced it with Tiao Yingling's right arm. He was going to combine the two.

The most ideal way to combine the two is to add some other materials as a balance. He took out five [Active Crystals], a certain amount of [Fire Gold], and about 10 ounces of the Power of Faith·The Queen of the Sun. , began the combination of the container core and the original energy of the shadow spirit.

The candlelight flickered from time to time, and Su Xiao was not in a hurry to leave Liming Town. Part of his goal had been completed, and the pressure was suddenly reduced.

At the moment, he and the Gray Gentleman don't seem to have a direct confrontation, but in fact they are secretly competing with each other. He wants to get the Soul-Breaking Shadow Stone and find the talent awakening device to awaken the spell-killer's unique talent.

He was convinced that the Gray Gentleman was also completing something, so the two sides were restraining each other at this stage. At most, they were entrusting collaborators to make each other feel disgusted.

The current situation is that once Su Xiao finds the talent awakening device and awakens the unique talent of the spell destroyer, he will be able to free his hands. The only thing left for him then is to catch the gray gentleman and beat him up, which will make the gray gentleman Uncomfortable vomiting blood.

On the other hand, if the Gray Gentleman had completed what he wanted to accomplish first, he would be able to free up his hands and hit Su Xiao hard. Even Su Xiao would be beaten to pieces.

Therefore, it seems that the two parties have not met yet, but in fact they have the same attitude: 'When I finish what I am doing, I will beat you to death. ’

Su Xiao has already finished half of the work. One problem is that he doesn't know where the talent awakening device is. He asked Caesar before, and the guy used the Ouroboros board to predict it, but the answer was very unclear.

This means that the talent awakening device affects too many causes and effects. While Su Xiao was thinking, the door was knocked. Baha came to the door, cleared his throat and asked: "Secret code."

"Boobu on the tree."

"The code is correct."

Baha opened the door, and Bubu Wang beside him was very confused.


Su Xiao looked at Caesar who walked in. This code was so unique.

"My dear friend, there were so many people here before that I didn't dare to say it. A few days ago, I went back to my hometown to bring you some local products."


Su Xiao didn't say anything. He was not interested in the local specialties brought by Caesar, because when he gave gifts, he always attacked the urinary system, except for whips.

"This is the Five-Continuous Whip Medicinal Wine I brewed. You're welcome. Just take it."

Caesar held the wine bottle in his arms and patted it. Sure enough, there were indeed five whips in it.


Su Xiao put away the "Five-Continuous Whip Medicinal Wine". It was a rare gift from Caesar. In addition, Su Xiao was planning to sell the "Five-Continuous Whip Medicinal Wine" to Sias. Anyway, the other party has an ancient divine system and will definitely not die from drinking it. Even the product guarantee is not guaranteed. no.

"Caesar, do you have a way to get the residents here to leave the Dark Realm?"

"no way."

Caesar looked regretful, but after working together for so long, Su Xiao noticed that his hand rubbing movements were slower. Every time Caesar's interests were likely to be damaged, he would have similar instinctive actions.

Su Xiao estimated that Caesar would be able to do this with a high probability, but he would have to pay a high price or take high risks. For Caesar, life safety is the absolute highest echelon, followed closely by his wealth.

"It's a pity. I originally wanted to use it as reward."

Su Xiao took out the scroll from his arms. It recorded "Decay and Dangerous Fermentation". Su Xiao had not studied this type of alchemical knowledge, but he felt that Caesar would be very interested in this aspect.

"My dear friend, you have given Caesar a lot of alchemical knowledge. I have not yet fully mastered that knowledge, so..."

Before Caesar finished speaking, Su Xiao seemed to have missed the scroll in his hand, causing the scroll to fall out of hand and unfold half of it on its own.

At this moment, Caesar seemed to be possessed by a printer, his eyes widened to the extreme, recording the dense and tiny void text and complicated illustrations on the scroll.

It only took 0.72 seconds for Caesar to record the first third of the scroll. Unexpectedly, Su Xiao closed the scroll.

Caesar began to sort out the knowledge in his mind. This made the evil smile on his face disappear a little, and his eyes showed a rare seriousness. He found that "Decay and Dangerous Fermentation" was a 'natural match' for him. If he had this knowledge As a basic foundation, he has many unattainable ideas, but he can master them. For example, one of his "three artifacts", the [Vulgar Foot Wrapping Cloth], can be greatly improved.

Caesar's eyes changed from solemn to tangled, to uncomfortable and heart-wrenching. He tentatively asked: "My dear friend, is it okay to only bring one person to the outside world?"


"That... can be done."

Caesar had a desperate expression. Seeing this, Su Xiao knew that the time was almost ripe, and the more critical point now was to wait.

Su Xiao left her residence, came to the stone house of the Queen's sister Arya, and knocked on the wooden door covered with black lines.

"Is it Mr. Spellkiller?"

Arya's gentle voice came from inside the door.

"How do you know I am a law destroyer?"

A different look appeared in Su Xiao's eyes, and she pressed one hand on the handle of the knife.


Arya was speechless for a moment. She thought about it seriously and said, "I guessed it."



As if she heard the sound of a sword being drawn, Arya inside the door became slightly nervous. She hesitated and said, "I actually, um, can predict some things. Yes, I am a prophet."


Lidya Su still didn’t speak.

"I'm sorry, I lied. The light transmitter told me."

Arya began to lie crazily within the limited knowledge of intelligence.


Su Xiao remained silent because the light transmitter didn't know that he was a law destroyer.

"I... saw it."

After saying this, Arya sighed. After hearing this, Su Xiao's hand let go of the handle of the knife, and the Dragon Blade that had not yet been completely unsheathed slid back into its sheath, making a crisp sound.

"Since I was a child, I have been able to see many things, some of which I can understand, and some of which are beyond my understanding. I can both see and make wishes."

"Make a wish?"

Baha on Su Xiao's shoulder answered, and it decided to negotiate on Su Xiao's behalf temporarily.

"Well, making a wish, as long as it is something I wish for, it will definitely come true, but there will also be a price to pay, a very... painful price."

"So, your parents are both outstanding ghosts?"

Bach continued to test.

"My mother is from the ghost tribe, but apart from her beauty, she is very different. As for my father, I have never seen it, I have only heard many people mention it."

Arya's chatterbox opened up and she could be said to tell everything she knew.

"After chatting for so long, we can be considered friends. At least tell us your father's name."

Baha discovered that although the queen's sister Arya was a gentle queen, she had the same mind as a child.

"Okay, people call my father...the abyss."

Hearing her words, Baha's eyes trembled, but he asked calmly: "Abyss? Is this a person's name?"

"My mother said that she accidentally walked into the darkness one day. When she came out, her belly was already very big. The next morning, she gave birth to me and my sister."

Hearing this, Su Xiao thought that in the queen's information, the category was the ghost clan/eldest daughter of the abyss. He had previously thought that the queen was severely eroded by the power of the abyss, but now it seems that this is not the case.

The queen's mother had been affected by the power of the abyss. Not only did she not die, she also became pregnant due to multiple coincidences and gave birth to a pair of sisters.

The younger sister among them has amazing qualifications. Although she was delayed by the old people of the ghost clan and was selected as the "successor", her strength continued to grow stronger. When she was able to act freely, it only took her two years to become the "successor". Echelon, suddenly became the strongest person in the Northern Continent and became the Queen of the North. What a terrifying talent and qualification this is.

As for the queen, her sister Arya, if Su Xiao guessed correctly, she is an abnormal existence. She does not have the powerful qualifications of the queen, but she has two abilities from the beginning of her birth, "seeing" and "making a wish" ”.

As long as Arya makes a wish, it will definitely happen. Afterwards, everyone related to this wish, except Arya herself, will have to pay an extremely painful price.

The ghosts once attached great importance to this ability. A few years later, the ghosts threw Arya into the Black Forest. In the eyes of the ghosts at that time, Arya was simply a monster wrapped in a soft skin.

Regarding the danger of Arya, Su Xiao knew from the beginning. The previous reminder of the reincarnation paradise had made it obvious that there was no good person in the entire dark realm.

Su Xiao will not make a wish through Arya. This ability that seems to be able to reach the sky in one step has an unimaginable price behind it, but "seeing" this can still be used.

"Arya, can you help me "see" something? "

"Okay, but you have to make an equal exchange with me, otherwise something will be "connected" to you. Also, each person can only let me see it once. "

As Arya spoke, a rectangular flat wooden box without a lid was pushed out from under the door.

Su Xiao pondered for a moment. Since it was an equal exchange, soul crystals or soul crystal cores were the best choices. Considering the seriousness of what he asked about, he took out five soul crystal cores and placed them in a flat wooden box without a lid. , he spent a lot of money this time.

The wooden box was dragged over, but after a while, it was pushed out with disgust.

"I don't want these crystal stones. I won't bite them at all... ahem, they have no meaning to me."


Su Xiao frowned and put away the five soul crystal cores, while wiping off the saliva on one of them.

Su Xiao took out some of Beni's favorite desserts from the team's storage space, including caramel pudding, ice porridge, soufflé, osmanthus cake, yogurt and fruit fish, etc., and filled the flat wooden box without a lid completely.

After the lidless wooden box was pulled back this time, within a few seconds, there was a sound of sucking and jelly being sucked from inside the door.

Su Xiao lit a cigarette. If he had known it was so easy to pass away, why would he even take out the soul crystal core?

"Bai Ye, what do you want to know?"

Arya spoke from inside the door. Her name for Su Xiao had changed from Spell Destroyer to Bai Ye. This obviously meant that her friendship had greatly increased. It can only be said that they are indeed twin sisters, and they are both foodies.

"Where is the talent awakening device I'm looking for?"

"Is there anything else going on at the great ruins?"


"Then I'll keep eating. This is so delicious, sweet and soft."


Su Xiao walked towards his temporary residence. The talent awakening device was in the "Great Ruins". This was both good news and bad news for him.

The bad news is that the "big ruins" are in the extreme south, the farthest place from the extreme north where Su Xiao is.

If he returned the same way, he would pass through the "Black Forest", "White Swamp", "Cold Cemetery", and then to the "Adagu Capital" in the middle.

After arriving at the south side of the ancient capital, we first entered the "Hot Jungle", then passed through the "Sunshine Wetland" next to the "Hot Jungle", then passed near the "Soul Arena", and finally arrived at the "Great Ruins".

There are three original trees in the tree world, one in the Black Forest, one in the ancient capital, and the last one is in the great ruins in the extreme south.

If the climate is cold as you go north, the weather gets hotter and hotter as you go south. As you walk, Bubo Wang may be so hot that he temporarily transforms into a fool.

After returning to his temporary residence, Su Xiao settled down and waited. He would wait up to 12 hours. If he failed, he would immediately set off south.

The person he wanted to wait for did not let him wait for 12 hours. The person came to the door more than 5 hours later.

Dong dong dong,

There was a knock on the door, Su Xiao motioned to Bubu Wang to open the door, and Anderson walked into the room.

"Is something wrong?"

After Su Xiao finished her daily meditation and breathed a long sigh of relief, she came to sit across from Anderson at the wooden table and made him a cup of maple leaf tea with hot water heated by Baha.

Anderson did not refuse. The aroma of tea was irresistible to him. Even though he was a non-tea drinker, he couldn't help but pick up the teacup.

"It's not a very important matter. I just want to ask you about belief in the sun. Is it a sect? Or a force?"

"This is for those who have nothing in their hearts, something to fill the vacancy in their hearts. There is no corresponding god, no dogma, no power, or even a specific joining ceremony. The sun is in the sky. If you believe in it, it will give back to you. It's that simple."


Anderson didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I have met many people who believe in the sun before. Believing in the sun is both easy and difficult."

"How do you say this?"

Anderson took a sip of maple tea while asking questions.

"In the outside world, it's easy to believe in the sun and just praise the sun, but here, can you see the sun?"


Anderson smiled and shook his head. In this dark realm of darkness, the sun cannot be seen, so naturally there is no belief in the sun.

"This is something someone else gave me. I have no use keeping it. Since you are interested in the belief in the sun, I gave it to you."

Su Xiao took out a glass column and threw it to Anderson. Inside was the Devourer, Lieyang.

"This is?"

"If you coexist with it, you can have the ability to spread the belief in the sun. I don't know the specific circumstances. After being "sent" by this thing, it will take at least 4 to 5 days before it can be safely peeled off. "

"This gift is too valuable."

Anderson is very interested in "The Devourer of the Sun". As a light transmitter, it would be very meaningful to him if he could spread the belief in the sun. After all, the sun also represents light.

Anderson looked at the "Eater of the Sun" inside the glass column, with mixed feelings in his heart. He not only knew that there was such a great belief system as the Sun Faith, but also had the qualifications to be a preacher of the Sun, but he could not escape from the Darkness. Whoever leaves the territory will suffer.

Su Xiao does not want to develop the Sun Legion stream. According to the known information, the Northern Continent will never develop. It is a waste of time. The last world could develop because the current situation gave opportunities.

What Su Xiao wants is the power of faith, the sun. As long as someone spreads the faith of the sun with "The Devourer, Fierce Sun", it must be guided by the ring of the sun. In this way, the power of faith, the sun, generated by those living beings, They will all be absorbed by the Ring of the Sun held by Su Xiao.

"Caesar, I think Anderson is a good person, please think of a way."

Baha spoke.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible. This is a place that has been eroded by the abyss. I even suspect that this used to be the connection area to the abyss passage."

"I'm sorry, you are so stingy."

"It's not a matter of being stingy. This is very difficult for me to handle."

Caesar sighed. After hearing this, Anderson's eyes changed. He was trapped here, not here voluntarily.

"You might be able to use this."

Anderson took out a palm-sized wooden sculpture and placed it on the table. After Su Xiao picked it up, a prompt appeared.

[You obtain an ancient idol (special equipment). 】

【Ancient statue】

Origin: Tree-born World·Ada Civilization

Type: special equipment

Durability: 107/107 points.

Equipment effect 1: Recording (active), can record the initial tree.

The initial tree has been recorded: Adagudu·The initial tree.

Record upper limit: 19/20 (1 occupied).

Equipment effect 2: Go (active), you can use this equipment as a medium to teleport to the recorded initial tree.

Tip: This teleportation requires more than 20 seconds of guidance (if more than 2 units are teleported, the teleportation guidance time will be additionally increased).

Tip: Each use will consume 1 point of durability of this equipment. After being soaked in water, this equipment will slowly recover its durability, but each large amount of recovery will cause the upper limit of durability to be permanently reduced.

Introduction: The idol made by the Adars. In the Dark Ages, there were many initial trees. This idol has also become a must-have for the explorers among the Adars. This is the highest honor given to the brave.

Selling price: Soul Core × 3.

Su Xiao calmly accepted the [Ancient God Statue]. This thing has strategic significance in this world.

Although there are only three original trees left, one is in the extreme south, one is in the middle, and one is in the extreme north. They are all in good locations.

Now that the initial tree in the middle has been recorded, Su Xiao can use the [Ancient Statue] to teleport there at any time, which can save a lot of time on the road.

Seeing Su Xiao put away the [Ancient Statue], Caesar understood everything, and smiled evilly and motioned for Anderson to follow him.

After achieving the goal, there was no need to stay any longer. Su Xiao returned the same way, left the Dark Realm, and returned to the queen's chamber at the bottom of the big tree cave. She continued to retrace her steps until she left the tree cave and stood under the original tree.

Su Xiao activated the [Ancient God Idol] in his hand and started recording. After a while, he checked the information of the [Ancient God Idol].

"The initial tree has been recorded: Black Forest·Initial Tree"

Very good, there were two places where he could teleport. Su Xiao waited for nearly an hour. When Caesar arrived, he activated the [Ancient God Statue] and teleported to the Initial Tree in the ancient capital of Ada.


A wave of waves spread, and everything around him became hazy. After a few dozen seconds, the thick fog around him dissipated, the world became clear, and a breeze came with an earthy smell.

Su Xiao looked around. He had returned to the ancient capital under the original tree. On this circular grassland, there were still traces of the previous battle for the supply box.

With the crown still in his hand, Su Xiao rushed north again. He wanted to pass through the cold cemetery again and reach the "underground gathering place Siyi" there.

A few hours later, in the snow and wind, Su Xiao saw a huge hole in the snow ahead. As soon as he entered the hole, warmth came to him, and the "Underground Gathering Place Si Yi" arrived.

There is still no one in the underground gathering place. After what happened before, looking at the corpse of the ghost clan hanging on the vine above will give you a different feeling.

Behind the hanged corpse of the ghost clan, there is a stone wall with many horizontal and vertical bars marking the number of days, and the last message: 'Your Majesty, please take me away too. ’

Su Xiao walked deeper into the underground gathering place. Soon, he saw the sealed palace, the metal door that had been forcibly opened, and the claw marks on the edge of the metal door.

The ghost tribe besieged the queen in this palace. As a result, they were poisoned and more than half of them were killed. In the end, the queen escaped. The ghost tribe is a typical good-looking and fun-loving person.

As the saying goes, stupid people have stupid blessings, but stupid people do not, especially stupid people who constantly seek death. If the ghost clan does not seek death, with the abilities of the queen and her sister, they will definitely be able to force the ghost clan to the north. The dominant force in the mainland.

There is a conjecture about why the ghost tribe treated the Queen and her sister like this. Their births are closely related to the abyss, and the ghost tribe is extremely hostile to the power of the abyss. This led to the fact that from the beginning, the senior leaders of the ghost tribe were wary. He also looked down upon the Queen and her sister.

Su Xiao walked into the sealed hall and suddenly felt the temperature drop suddenly. As if aware of his arrival, the traitor Golu, who was sitting cross-legged next to the stone throne, opened his eyes.

"Destroyer, did you succeed?"


"It seems you succeeded. Bring the crown. It originally belonged to my ghost clan, and now it belongs to its original owner."


A bloody spear penetrated the head of the traitor Golu and nailed him to the wall behind.


The betrayer Golu's face showed an angry look, his expression was very ferocious, and he no longer hid his strength.

Bang, bang!

Two more blood guns came out, piercing the neck and chest of the traitor Golu, causing him to stop on the spot.

Su Xiao came to the Stone Throne. After making sure that the attack just now did not affect the Stone Throne, he was quite satisfied. He could not hand over the crown.

Everything was ready, and just as Su Xiao was about to take out the [Stone Throne Supplementary Device], he received an announcement from the Void Tree. It was almost 12 noon, and the coordinates of the special overlord unit, Adore Papa, were about to be announced.

Killing the opponent can get 100 points of killing merit. So far, Su Xiao has only obtained 147 points of killing merit.

Su Xiao didn't pay too much attention to this, but in the next second, after coordinate sharing appeared, his eyes suddenly showed surprise. He turned his eyes to the ceiling directly above. The special overlord unit Adore Papa was on the surface above. No more than 200 meters away from him.

Su Xiao didn't react for a while. After all, this kind of pie-in-the-sky good thing was really the first time he encountered it from the first level to the eighth level. With his usual luck, he felt a little uncomfortable at the moment.

"My dear friend, please do not kill her."


Su Xiao looked at Caesar.

"Be sure to catch them alive, this is a big deal."

After hearing Caesar's words, Su Xiao knew that this guy was about to take action.

The first update is 11,800 words. Today’s update is late. It’s really helpless. It snowed heavily all day, and I didn’t call until night. I’m writing now. I’m so sleepy. I’m going to sleep. Good night to all readers.

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