Reincarnation Paradise

Chapter 3387: Be generous?

In front of the main gate of Steel City, the magnificent metal gate opened wide, and the wild boar cavalry left the city one after another through the main gate and the four side gates on both sides.

This morning's attack target is the "Liberty City" of the sentry tower. Steel City and Liberty City are not far apart. There is no need to bring the Sun Fortress. Just leave it next to the Steel City and continue to transform the citizens of the Sun.

After Su Xiao negotiated with He Candewe last night, he exchanged 100,000 family soldiers for 700,000 pig-headed men. These pig-headed men were sent overnight from "Free City".

It is difficult to count how many pig-headed people there are in the territory of the Familia. The official number is no more than 6 million. In fact, the number of pig-headed people in the territory of the Familia has probably reached 1:1 with the Familia.

Why is this so? Because everyone in the Familia is very lazy, and counting time, the Familia has been exploiting the pig-headed people in the current way for at least two hundred years.

Today, a kind of custom has formed in the culture of the family members. All family members who are engaged in hard work will even be despised, despised, and even bullied by others.

It’s no wonder that the Familia is like this. All of them, from birth, have the same impression of physical labor as pig-headed people. The Familia had this impression when they were young. Only pig-headed people can do manual labor.

This resulted in a scarcity of labor among the dependents. At that time, the senior officials of the dependents had two options: 1. To guide the trend and correct this misconception through newspapers, media, education and other means. The disadvantage of this was that it would be criticized by the people. rebound sentiment.

The second way is to relax the control over the pig-headed people's business and issue approval documents that allow the pig-headed people to engage in multi-industry production.

The disadvantage of this is that the number of pig-headed men will explode due to supply and demand.

With the foresight of the senior leaders of the Familia at that time, they were prepared to solve this problem in the first way, controlling the number of pig-headed men to increase so as not to be overturned by this ethnic group.

But at that time, the war with the human race was fierce. The war + the lack of productivity made the emotions of the civilians of the clan like a powder keg.

In desperation, the senior officials of the clan at that time chose to amend the law and issued multiple approval documents.

From then until now, the happiness of several generations of civilians in the family has been unbelievably high, but everything has a cause and effect.

The bad consequences of the situation at that time revealed an extremely fatal point. There were too many pig-headed people in the territory of the Familia. Now these pig-headed people seem to have not changed, but once they arrive at the Sun Fortress, they will be able to fight with ten percent of the pig-headed people. At the cost of one's mortality, one becomes a warrior.

Since the first confrontation with the Sun Fortress, Hercules Condiv issued an order to immediately execute all pig-headed people in the territory.

At that time, the Sun Fortress only showed that it could compete with the Familia side, but it was unable to invade the Familia territory and could only defend passively.

H. Condeway's choice was ruthless and correct, but as soon as the approval was issued, he encountered strong backlash. At that time, H. Condeway was not the supreme leader of the clan, but one of the four people in power, and was Alliance leader Toyin pressed his head.

When H. Condeway and others were assassinated and Toyin died, H. Condeway succeeded in taking over and became a leader in the true sense. At that time, he issued an order to immediately execute all the pig-headed people in the territory and sealed the title. Stop the "Life Factory".

This time, He Candewei failed again. He was defeated by more than a dozen capital families on the side of the family. Some of those families even trace their origins back to before the catastrophe.

Even so, He Candewe still did not give up. When the Iron City fell, he issued an order for the third time to execute all the pig-headed men in the territory.

This time Toyin died, and the dozen or so capital families were frightened by the combat power of the Sun Legion and no longer dared to stand up to oppose them. As soon as the purge began, Su Xiao's contact came.

In fact, the family members did not execute 70,000 pig-headed people. They massacred more than 700,000 pig-headed people in a shocking way and speed. This was just the appetizer for the night of purge.

Su Xiao's statement made He Candewe immediately stop purging the pig-headed men. The reason was that Su Xiao's attitude was very clear. If He Candewe cut off the source of troops on his side, then he would have nothing to do when he attacked the city. Whether they were Familia soldiers or civilians, there was no concept of prisoners after that, and the direction of the war changed from defeating the Familia to killing the Familia to extinction.

If the top brass from the human race had said this, He Condewe would have just barked, but Su Xiao's past behavior made He Condewe not doubt that he could do such a thing. This is considered an advantage of the evil camp. .

The sky was covered with clouds. Su Xiao, who was standing on the dragon's back, looked down. After capturing the Steel City yesterday and adding a large number of Sun citizens living in the city, the morale of his own legion has fundamentally changed.

In the past, the Hog Riders were willing to follow in the war, not only because of their belief in the sun, but also because of the good food.

With Steel City as their rear base, the Hog Riders obviously felt like they belonged there.

This is a very good bonus. Su Xiao only cares about whether he can defeat the enemy. Su Xiao doesn't care much about why the Boar Knight fights. He just needs to obey the orders.

The roar of the dragon pierced the sky, and Su Xiao saw Liberty City in the distance while marching rapidly.

Although Liberty City is also a T0-level fortress, it does not have a city wall. In addition, the entire city is in an expanded state. There are various buildings built above the expanded part. If this T0-level fortress is folded, more than 70% of the buildings in the city will be destroyed. will be damaged.

Liberty City does not have a city wall, but hundreds of sentry points around it all have positional heavy artillery-level weapons. These heavy artillery-level weapons are called T-019 Executors.

The firepower of this heavy artillery-level weapon can no longer be described as powerful. There are a total of 7 ground defense states.

Only the capital "Liberty City", which serves as a sentry tower, can afford hundreds of heavy artillery-level enforcer defensive sentry towers.

Not to mention the manufacturing cost of these heavy artillery-level weapons, once a large number of enemies attack, such weapons that use active ores as their energy source will consume a huge amount of active ores and special ammunition in a short period of time.

Therefore, there is no city wall built around Liberty City. The distance between each enforcer defense tower can radiate to each other. Hundreds of enforcer defense towers surround the oval-shaped Liberty City.

Excluding the Executor defense tower, the Familia side has 300,000 Familia soldiers stationed here.

The small number of troops does not mean that the defense is weak. Su Xiao led 490,000 wild boar knights to attack the city. Not all wild boar knights were responsible for the siege.

When the fight actually started, hundreds of thousands of wild boar warriors attacked the city and charged, while the remaining wild boar knights were divided into several large groups to attack the family members' troops reinforced from all directions.

Looking from above, we can see our own black army pressing down on the border. On the opposite side, the family members have set up a defense line.

At the front of the family members is a row of 5-meter-high armor plates. Judging from the thickness and weight of this armor plate, this thing is most likely an armor plate for the fortress. It must have been the charge of the Sun Army yesterday, and it was for Whitley. Will leave a shadow.

That's right, the senior military officer of the military clan guarding the city is none other than their old rival, Lieutenant General Whitley. He himself is an officer of the sentry tower. At this time, it is normal for him to be transferred back to guard Liberty City by the sentry tower leader Ferdinand.

If Iron City represents the face of the three major forces of the Familia, Liberty City is the lifeblood of the sentry tower. If this place is captured, the blood pressure of the senior leaders of the sentry tower will soar on the spot. The older ones may not be able to breathe and say goodbye. This beautiful world.

The "Free City" of the Watchtower, the "Loyash" of the Inquisition, the "Kwab Ring City" of the Familia Alliance, and the "Eternal Light" of the Aurora Council.

These places are extremely important to the family members, and the loss of any one of them will have a wide-scale impact on the nearby areas.

After experiencing the great catastrophe, both the Familia and the human race have developed in a centralized manner, such as a large area around Liberty City, and the rest are small cities or medium-sized ring cities centered on T2~T1 level fortresses. Although these places are important , but they all rely on Free City as the core of trade and resources.

A simple metaphor is that without the 'power station' of Liberty City, all the 'lights' in the surrounding areas would go out.

Under the cloudy dome, the formerly bustling streets in Liberty City were particularly cold at this time. This steampunk-style city began to fall into silence this morning, and every house was closed.

Some senior members of the Familia clan have proposed allowing the residents of Liberty City to evacuate, but the question is, where can such a huge population go to evacuate?

At present, only the front line of defense has been broken, and those guarding there are all the troops of the Familia Alliance. Regarding this, the people of Liberty City always believe that the soldiers in the sentry tower are stronger than the soldiers of the Familia Alliance, so Liberty City is the safest place. .

It is not known why the people of Liberty City are so confident in the soldiers in the watch tower. As the leader of the watch tower, Ferdinand is particularly unsure of the combat effectiveness of the soldiers in the watch tower.

At this time, it is located in the top floor conference room of the Yongwang Lighthouse, a representative building in Liberty City. The entire conference room is circular, with no walls around it, and is a single-lens reflex glass structure.

Watchtower leader Ferdinand stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his back, looking down. Even from a long distance, he could see the mighty Legion of the Sun pressing in, and the Storm Winged Dragon roaring from time to time in the sky. He said: If you don't feel frightened by this scene, it would be a lie, but Ferdinand must remain calm now.

In addition to Ferdinand, there were more than a dozen senior watchtowers in the conference room. These were all big bosses in the past, but today, their eyes were all focused on Lieutenant General Whitley. Regardless of military rank, he was the most proficient in war. Yes, it must be Lieutenant General Whitley.

Lieutenant General Whitley, who was wearing an officer's uniform with a mainly black tone, gold-blue sleeves and epaulettes, was sweating on his forehead at the moment.

"Whitley, what are your chances of winning this battle?"

"Don't mention the odds of winning for now, Whitley, tell us, how sure are you of holding Liberty City?"

"It's not difficult for Whitley to defend the city. What's difficult is how to repel the enemy. Whitley, how confident are you in repelling the enemy in this battle?"

After pressing down the questions one by one, Lieutenant General Wheatley didn't know how to answer them for a while. He wanted to say at this moment: 'This Chancellor of Finance who said it was not difficult to defend the city, why don't you give me a try? Yesterday, all members of the Steel City were soldiers of the Familia Alliance. Such a brave border city was beaten until the commander led the soldiers to break through and escape. Do you know how strong Brigadier General Reitz was when he attacked the human race? He is a brigadier general because he only wants to be a brigadier general and has refused to be promoted many times. I am a general. I can only climb to this position. ’

Lieutenant General Whitley had a lot to say, but due to the dozen or so people present, the one with the lowest official position was also his immediate superior, so he could only respond politely.

At this moment, Lieutenant General Whitley's idea is to find an opportunity to surrender. No one knows better than him the gap in combat effectiveness of the soldiers between the sentinel tower and the Familia Alliance. Assume that the combat effectiveness of the soldiers in the Familia Alliance is 30, and the combat effectiveness of the soldiers in the sentinel tower is 8. That’s pretty good.

In the past, when fighting against the humans, the Familia Alliance fought forward, being extremely reckless, while the sentry tower shouted the loudest from behind and exerted the least effort.

"Whitley, the war is about to begin. Don't give me any hesitation. Tell me straight away whether you have any chance of winning."

"The odds...are very low."

When Lieutenant General Whitley said this, he felt relieved and felt ridiculous. Do these big shots in the conference room really not know the quality of the soldiers in the sentry tower? In the past, he thought these big shots were pretending not to know.

After hearing Lieutenant General Whitley's words, more than a dozen people present were in an uproar. The battle had not yet begun. As a result, their commander did not even have the confidence to win the battle.

"Whitley, you are timid before you fight, as expected of you."

Chancellor of the Exchequer Nahum made sarcastic remarks while Lieutenant General Wheatley looked at his nose and mouth, looking as if he could say whatever he wanted.

In fact, Lieutenant General Whitley cannot be blamed. He was a little autistic after being beaten by Su Xiao. In addition, he has been at the front line and knows the situation of the battle better than anyone present.

Lieutenant General Whitley's lack of confidence, and even Lieutenant General Xun's indifference, made everyone present feel confused. They didn't know how to fight this city defense battle. Their commander actually gave up.

Watchtower leader Ferdinand's face was extremely ugly. He was in urgent need of someone to stand up, which made his eyes subconsciously turn to his confidant, Finance Minister Nahum.

Noticing Ferdinand's gaze, the Chancellor of Finance had an inexplicable look in his eyes. He lowered his eyes. This was a subtle request for Ferdinand's consent. After discovering that Ferdinand touched the ring on his hand, the Chancellor of Finance had something in his mind. .


The Chancellor of the Exchequer slapped the round solid wood discussion table in front of him, pointed angrily at Lieutenant General Whitley, and scolded: "You have no chance of winning. Why didn't you fart last night?"

"You didn't ask, I thought you all knew."

Lieutenant General Wheatley was completely disappointed. Ferdinand was his uncle. He did not believe that he would be executed today. At most, he would be demoted.

Seeing Lieutenant General Wheatley's reaction, the Chancellor of the Finance was stunned. Thinking that Ferdinand was Lieutenant General Wheatley's biological uncle, he snorted coldly and asked:

"Ferdinand, do you believe me?"



The finance minister whispered a few words to his confidant behind him, who hurriedly ran out. A few minutes later, a military officer under the age of 30 walked into the conference room. He was well-dressed and dignified. He was a military brigadier general.

"This is my eldest son, Molly."

When the Finance Minister introduced his eldest son to Ferdinand, he also patted his eldest son on the shoulder.

The others understood what the Chancellor of Finance meant instantly, but they all looked worried. It was really inappropriate to change the commander at this time, but the previous commander did not even have the confidence to win the battle. So thinking about it, changing the commander temporarily, It seems acceptable.

Of course Ferdinand also thought of this, and he looked at Brigadier General Morley with "satisfaction".

"You are very good. From now on, you will hold the title of Lieutenant General."

Ferdinand promoted Brigadier General Morley on the spot. This was not as simple as a two-level promotion in a row. In fact, it had more meaning.

Brigadier General Morley, no, Lieutenant General Morley tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart and said calmly: "Sir Ferdinand, I will not betray your trust. This time I will go to the front line in person. Unless I die, the city will not be destroyed."


With Ferdinand's sophistication, he slapped the armrest of the seat.

Lieutenant General Morley glanced at Lieutenant General Whitley, and walked out of the chamber with a victor's attitude, heading straight for the defense line in front of the city. This was Lieutenant General Morley's confidence. In terms of command, he was not as good as Lieutenant General Whitley. , but the force is several levels stronger than Lieutenant General Whitley.

Seeing the victor-like posture of Lieutenant General Morley before leaving, Lieutenant General Whitley was filled with ecstasy. He had been sleepless all night last night and didn't even think of how to get rid of this pot. But now, someone is rushing to take over. .

Lieutenant General Wheatley looked at the Chancellor of Finance. His eyes were full of gratitude. This made the Chancellor stunned for a moment, and then he felt sad. He believed that Lieutenant General Wheatley had been beaten mentally by the enemy.

In front of Liberty City, three rows of shield walls stand. 200,000 defenders form a semi-circular defense line in front of Liberty City. The shape of the defense line just fits the overall circular shape of Liberty City, firmly blocking Liberty City behind.

Behind these defenders are many enforcer defense towers with a height of more than 30 meters. These enforcer defense towers are made of metal structures and stand there like loyal and majestic steel guards.

On a high metal platform in front of the city, Lieutenant General Mori, who had just arrived, stood proudly above, with 30 personal guards behind him.

Looking at the Legion of the Sun two kilometers away and coming to the battlefield in person, Lieutenant General Morley felt a lot of pressure, but he knew that this was also his opportunity.

Lieutenant General Morley knew how he climbed to the position of brigadier general. Without today's opportunity, he would never have been able to advance even an inch in his official career, even if he had a high-ranking father.

But Lieutenant General Morley is not stupid. In his opinion, with the quality of the sentry soldiers, there is absolutely no problem in defending the city. What is more important is the 617 enforcer defense sentry towers around Liberty City.

With these war weapons that can be called the Slaughter Spire, the enemy will definitely not be able to attack. In addition, he was ordered to do so in a critical situation. As long as he defended Liberty City, it would be a great achievement.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Lieutenant General Morley's face, and he looked at the Storm Winged Dragon in the sky. The enemy leader was on the dragon's back. If he could kill him...

Lieutenant General Morley had just thought about this when a long horn sounded. The sound seemed to come from ancient times. Following the sound, Lieutenant General Morley saw a huge shadow of a sheep-headed man behind the enemy. His appearance is old, his clothes are in tatters, almost in strips, his hair is grey-black, and he carries a huge ancient war drum on his back.


The horn sound became longer and longer, and the next second, Lieutenant General Morley heard a neat roar. It was the enemy knights, hitting the ground with their weapons. There were obviously many people, but the sound was particularly neat.


The storm dragon roared in the sky, and the man on the dragon's back pointed forward with the dragon lance in his hand. This was not a meaningless action, but the War Lord's title ability 2 was fully activated, and the whole army charged.

"All-Army Charge (Active): The morale of all your own soldier-type units immediately reaches Lv. MAX, and the morale tank enters the "burning tank" state. The effect lasts for 100 seconds.

Tip: In this state, the charge speed of all your own soldier-type units is increased by 30%, the knockback characteristics are increased by 1 level, and the pain is reduced by 90%. "

Accompanied by this dragon roar, a wild boar knight's body rose with angry flames, and the mount beneath him became extremely violent.

Hausman looked up at the sky. After receiving Su Xiao's order, he urged the mount under him and rushed to the front.


With Hausman as the vanguard, all the wild boar warriors in the rear rushed out. The distance of two kilometers was enough to complete the charge.

On the enemy's defense line, a soldier from the Famous Family clan stood behind an armored plate more than 5 meters high. Although this was not the best way to attack the cavalry, there was nothing that could be done about it. Su Xiao only showed the cavalry card yesterday.

A soldier from the Famous Family was waiting in full formation. As the enemy in front got closer and closer, they felt the earthquake under their feet get stronger.


A series of loud noises spread far away. Don't forget that in addition to the Hog Rider, heavy tanks can also be blessed by the charge effect.

The charging Hog Riders suddenly separated to the left and right, revealing a heavily armored tank with full charging momentum.

Not to mention using armor plates to block it, even a living tank can be knocked away by a heavy tank charging at full speed.

The sounds of metal breaking and twisting were heard one after another. A large area of ​​a row of armor plate walls fixed to the ground was damaged. The soldiers behind were unlucky to be pushed against the armor plate wall behind by the charging heavy tanks. , died on the spot, and some of the survivors kept wailing.

After a roar, the three-layer armor plate wall was broken through, but this defense was very effective. The charging momentum of the heavy tanks was exhausted, and large nets were shot out to cover the heavy tanks.

After the update, several rows of Familia soldiers stood in each row, each armed with a sharp long weapon, instead of their usual swords. These were all deployed by Lieutenant General Wheatley, who now took advantage of Lieutenant General Morley.

Under the gaze of Lieutenant General Morley on the high platform behind, the Hog Riders rushed forward as if they had no brains.

The sharp long weapons penetrated the bodies of these Hog Riders, and the bleeding holes on them spurted blood outwards, causing something Lieutenant General Morley never dreamed of to happen. These Hog Riders acted as if they had no pain, allowing their bodies to be penetrated and swung their hands. With his war hammer, he aimed it at the clan soldiers in front.


A hammer hit the head. Just when the wild boar knight was about to hit a few more strikes, he found that the Familia soldier on the opposite side had his brain split and was dead.

The boar rider was confused. He calmly pulled out the long weapon that pierced his chest, and then used his war hammer to strike at the enemy lying in front of him. After confirming that the enemy was dead, he scratched the mane on his head in confusion. .

In the past, when fighting with Familia soldiers, if they didn't hit their vital points, they would scream for more after seven or eight blows. Even if they hit vital points like their heads, those guys with metal cells in their bodies would have to resist at least two or three hits before they died.

The Wild Boar Rider was very uncomfortable with smashing the enemy to death with one hammer. This was not the Familia soldier he knew.

Located in the sky, Su Xiao held the thunder stone in his hand. He originally planned to hit the enemy's key areas hard when attacking, but now it seems that there is no chance to experiment with the thunder stone this time.

After turning on the "All-Army Charge" ability, our own army almost rushed directly into Liberty City. If the Executor Defense Tower hadn't activated the plasma net, our Hog Riders would have rushed in.

Based on previous investigations from various aspects, the result is that the soldiers in the sentry tower are weaker than those of the Familia Alliance and the Aurora Council, but the resources of Liberty City are abundant, and the defense strength here must not be lower than that of "Loyash" and "Kwab Ring City".

Now that the fight has begun, except for the enforcer defense tower, which is under a bit of pressure, the soldiers on the sentry tower side are simply broken at the touch of a touch.

At this time, on the melee ground below, plasma cannons bombarded each other, and laser beams swept continuously, causing heavy casualties to the Hog Riders.

But on this basis, our own Hog ​​Riders are simply slaughtering the soldiers in the sentry tower. Some Hog Riders are killing and killing, and they all suspect that these are civilians with a little training. In the cognition of the Hog Riders, as long as they They cannot kill civilians without the lord's order, unless the other party chooses to take up arms.

During the melee, Hausman looked at the soldier in front of him who was about eighteen or nineteen years old and fell to the ground with tears on his face.

"Take up arms."

Hausman pointed the mace in his hand at the enemy. The young man sitting on the ground opposite shook his head firmly and raised his hands.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Hausman's eyes twitched. He was particularly uncomfortable at this time. He was used to fighting with the tough guys from the Familia Alliance, but now when he encountered these weaklings from the sentry tower, he was a little acclimatized.

Nearby, Gang Ya looked at the three Familia soldiers in front of him who had thrown away their weapons and knelt down with their hands raised in astonishment. Gang Ya couldn't adapt anymore.

Last night, many outside professionals predicted that today’s battle would be between the Sentinel Tower and the Sun Army. According to the analysis of those military scientists, although the Sun Army had the advantage, this battle would last at least a week. .

The real situation is that more than three hours after the war started, 20% of the defenders of the guard tower were killed, and the remaining 80% surrendered.

Compared to this side, the 100,000 Hog Riders led by Baha fought even more fiercely with the reinforcements from the Familia Alliance from the north. They were a heavily armed and heavy artillery force, and overall they were just like the Iron Bastards. It almost made Baha sick.

When the six troops coming from the surrounding area for reinforcements learned that Liberty City had been breached, the commanders of these six troops believed that this was a trap by the enemy and that there was a problem with the communication channel.

When they, who were fighting hard, sent out a reconnaissance team to learn that the news was true, the six commanders almost vomited.

They came from the Aurora Council or the Familia Alliance and retreated full of doubts. What made them even more nervous was that the enemy was cavalry. If the enemy wanted to retreat, that was fine. If they wanted to retreat, they would have to be chased and beaten by the enemy for a long time, not to mention that there were How frustrating.

Located under the Everview Lighthouse in Liberty City, Su Xiao is walking at the front, followed by Bubo Wang, Amu, Baha, Hausman, Gangya, and Gluttony. As for Beni’s whereabouts, it is not known yet, and she doesn’t know where she is going. Go treasure hunting.

After receiving the "Traveler's Favor", this cat became obsessed with hiking, and the more luck he got, the better.

Two wild boar knights squatting next to their mounts were guarding both sides of the main entrance of the Yongwang Lighthouse. Seeing Su Xiao approaching, the two wild boar knights knelt down on one knee. They didn't know where they learned this etiquette. .

Take the glass elevator up to the Everview Lighthouse. As the elevator rises, most of Liberty City gradually comes into view.


The elevator stopped at the top floor. Su Xiao took Bubu Wang and Baha out of the elevator, but Eminem, Hausman and others were almost crushed by the overloaded elevator.

Under the guidance of a tearful girl from the clan, Su Xiao walked into the conference room on the top floor of Yongwang Lighthouse.

There were only two people in the huge conference room, Ferdinand and Lieutenant General Whitley.

"We meet again. Have you had lunch?"

Ferdinand spoke in a calm voice. After being a leader for so many years, he still had the tolerance to accept failure and death.

"Not yet, I'll send someone to make arrangements later."

"Well, then I'll have a meal with you. Now I can't order anyone, and my family is all dead. If you think about it carefully, I can't even do something as simple as cooking."

Ferdinand smiled self-deprecatingly, and Su Xiao motioned to Boubouwang to find the chef. It was almost noon, and the Wild Boar Riders were all hungry after playing all morning. It was time to arrange meals.

"Bai Ye, let me tell you in advance that I have no treasury here. Before you attacked, my subordinates took away a lot of resources and fled to Kwabo Ring City."

"Ferdinand, why don't you run?"

Bach opened his mouth, and upon hearing this, Ferdinand smiled and poured himself a glass of wine.

"The Free City held out for 3 hours and 20 minutes before being breached. I, Ferdinand, cannot afford to lose this person, and Hercules Condeway cannot afford to lose this person."

Ferdinand picked up the wine glass and pretended to drink it all. Bach said: "It is not a good habit to drink before a meal. Lunch will be delivered soon."

After hearing what Bach said, Ferdinand smiled freely and put down the wine glass in his hand temporarily, but he put his hand on the rim of the glass, obviously not wanting anyone to take the glass of wine away.

Both Ferdinand and Lieutenant General Wheatley could escape, but the former did not escape for the sake of the civilians in Liberty City.

As the leader of the watchtower, Ferdinand knew very well that if he escaped to the "Kwab Ring City" today, all the civilians in Free City would become prisoners.

But if he is still alive, Su Xiao can use him as a puppet to stabilize the residents of the city and allow the factories in Liberty City to continue to operate in an orderly manner. Controlling a functioning Liberty City is worth a hundred times as much as occupying it.

"Since you have already made this choice, why do you regret it temporarily?"

Bach looked at the wine glass in Ferdinand's hand. Ferdinand sat back on the seat, exhaled a long breath, and removed his hand from the cup. At this moment, Su Xiao received the prompt.

[Hint (Reincarnation Paradise): You have captured Liberty City. 】

[This is a historical event in this world. 】

[You get victory badge ×5. 】

[Victory Badge: A unique resource in the World War. 1 Victory Badge can be converted into 1.5%~3% of the world's source in any native world (if used in this world, 1 Victory Badge can be converted into 5% of the world's source) source of). 】

[You get drift paper (fragments). 】

[Tip: This item is a product of alchemy and a unique reward for this world. 】

[Victory Badge] Su Xiao has obtained a total of 8 pieces. If replaced by the source of the world, it would be 40% of the source of the world. How to use this thing is not urgent yet.

Su Xiao took out the [Drift Paper (Fragment)] that suddenly appeared in the storage space. It was a triangular piece of paper that looked thin, but was actually harder than metal.

Su Xiao has confirmed that there is no inheritance of alchemy in this world, but this is a unique reward in this world. In other words, this thing came to this world by chance, just like [Dark Powder].

The function of [Drift Paper (Fragment)] is unknown. When looking at its properties, it is full of question marks. It must have a large background.

Capturing the Free City was a big step forward for Su Xiao, but there was one thing he cared about. When Ferdinand decided to stay to protect the people, all his confidants ran away, including the Minister of Finance. It took away all the extraordinary resources in the Liberty City vault.

Of course, this kind of Caesar behavior must be severely punished. Su Xiao has always been thinking about the extraordinary resources in the Liberty City vault.

However, the opponent used the teleportation array to sneak into the "Kwab Ring City", which was difficult to handle.

Su Xiao took out the communicator and dialed Caesar.

"My dear friend, what do you want from Caesar?"

Caesar is in a very good mood. He has recently been gathering wool over the human race, which should be quite refreshing.

"There is something wrong with me. After the capture of Liberty City, the resources in the treasury were taken away by the Minister of Finance in advance."

"And this is a pity, my dear friend. Money is something external..."

Caesar was mid-sentence when he was interrupted by Su Xiao, who said: "It was originally one-third of you."


Caesar on the opposite side immediately lost his voice, and you could still hear the 'dedede' sound from the communicator over there due to jitter.

Caesar asked urgently: "What is the name of that Chancellor of the Finance? Where is he?!"

"His name is Nahum, and he is in the Ring of Kwab."

"Caesar, go now!"

"It's very dangerous over there now..."

"Bai Ye, for the sake of our friendship, this little danger is nothing! Just wait for my good news."


Su Xiao hung up the communicator.

At the same time, the human territory and capital Genli.

On the second floor of the Munitions Office, Caesar put down the communicator. His hands were still shaking. He was angry. One-third of the various resources that originally belonged to him were about to be dedicated to Hercules by a finance minister named Nahum. ·Candewei, this is unreasonable!

Thinking of this, Caesar was so angry that his hair almost stood on end. He took out the dirty Ouroboros Slate from his arms and said:

"Snake, take me to Chancellor Nahum."

‘Don’t think about it. ’

The words on the Ouroboros slate reflect its strength.

"He~ Bah!"

Caesar accumulated a large mouthful of sticky phlegm and spat it out onto the Ouroboros Stone. With a click, the Ouroboros Stone cracked on the spot.

The trembling slabs of Ouroboros emitted bright light, enveloping Caesar in it.

A few seconds later, the scene in front of Caesar changed. He was already in an underground port, next to a two-story building. The surrounding and interior of the building were heavily guarded.

Hiding next to the trash can behind the small building, Caesar looked around in a secretive state. After confirming through the Ouroboros Stone that the Chancellor of Finance Nahum was in the stone building, Caesar looked embarrassed. He is a kind man. , didn’t want to attack the guards inside, but ‘the situation forced it’, he didn’t want to either.

Caesar sighed. He felt that he was too kind. Thinking like this, he poured some yellow powder into his shoes.

After putting on the shoe, Caesar took out the timer and let it ferment for about half a minute. When he felt that the soles of his feet were getting a little spicy, he took off the shoe, and then took off the sticky socks, and a smell of shit-yellow smoke came out. Gradually drifting away on this sock.

Caesar came closer and smelled it, rolled his eyes so hard that he almost couldn't breathe.

Feeling that the fire was almost done, Caesar quietly opened the window and secretly threw the socks into the two-story building.

About ten seconds later, a sharp wailing came from the small building. A man as strong as a bull jumped out of the window, gasping for air for the rest of his life. His eyes were red, his face was tear-stained, and there was vomit on the corner of his mouth. His expression was as if he had been raped on a spiritual level.

Yellow smoke billowed from the doors and windows of the second-story building. The visibility inside was less than 10 centimeters. Caesar, wearing a gas mask, walked into the building. A moment later, a strong light suddenly appeared on the second floor.

When Caesar escaped from the space fluctuation, he was already in Warehouse No. 1 of Liberty City. Finance Minister Nahum, who was foaming at the mouth, fell at his feet. His body jerked up and down due to shock, and his crotch was wet. .

After a while, Su Xiao, Bu Bu Wang, Eminem, and Baha, wearing gas masks, walked into Warehouse No. 1.

"Should I do it or you?"

Su Xiao spoke, and after hearing this, Caesar said: "I'll do it, your methods are too cruel, Caesar is afraid that he can't bear to see it."

While Caesar was talking, Eminem dragged Nahum, the fat and wide finance minister, to a square pillar, made him sit in a sitting position, and tied him to it.

Caesar dragged a chair and sat on it, facing Nahum, the chancellor.

Several crystal needles pierced the face and head of Finance Minister Nahum. After taking a deep breath, he suddenly woke up and looked around in fear, but he still hadn't realized what was going on.

Whenever it comes to benefit, Caesar is fully efficient. He asked:

"My friend, where did you put the extraordinary resources stored in Liberty City? You won't take those resources with you when you go to He Candewe this time, so tell me."

"What resources? Who are you!"

Chancellor Nahum made up his mind and pretended to be confused.

"Okay then~"

Caesar sighed, took off his shoes, and put his feet in front of Chancellor Nahum.

Just by looking at it visually, Bubu Wang, who was wearing a gas mask, instinctively retched. From this, you can imagine the feelings of the person involved.

A few seconds later, a scream came from Warehouse No. 1.

The first update is 9800 words. Yesterday, I saw a famous reader saying that I should ask a Chinese medicine doctor to regulate my body. I was deeply inspired and decided to give it a try. My dad contacted an acquaintance and made an appointment the day after tomorrow.

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