Reincarnation Paradise

Chapter 3359 Tragic

After all the one-star titles were redeemed, Su Xiao closed the title shop and looked down at the battlefield below. Wherever he saw it, flames exploded all the time. Although the combat uniforms of the Familia soldiers had excellent defense, they did not resist heat.

A simple analogy is that if the "physical defense" of this combat uniform is 80, it would be good to have 20 points of fire resistance.

This is made of metal fiber mixed with sand cotton fiber. It has excellent anti-cutting and anti-penetration effects. However, the wild boar warriors are heavy weapons with bludgeoning + fire damage.

In the chaotic battlefield, the shirtless Hausman, holding a nearly 2-meter-long mace and bearing the "Ring of the Sun" mark on his back, stood out. He was the soul of his side on the battlefield, but compared to him, there were five other guys. It's a vulgar style.

These are the five wild boar mage brothers. After mastering the power of the sun, these five guys showed their extraordinary talents. Their fighting methods have not changed. They still have a stick that looks like a barbaric wooden staff, but is actually wrapped inside. Fireball staff with black maple branches.

They still rely on amplifying fireballs to fight, because the five brothers all have the passive ability of "Spell Resonance". When they blast out big fireballs with their staffs, they have a high probability of causing five fireballs in a row.

If that's the case, the Fireball Team can be regarded as an elite team at best. After mastering the power of the sun, everything has changed. The big fireballs emitted by these five dicks have turned into solar fireballs. This is no longer a shotgun exchange, but a direct change. Shotguns crossed over to ICBMs.

It would be fine if they could only blast out one sun fireball at a time. The key point is that they have the ability of "spell resonance". When releasing the sun's fireball, there is about a 20% chance of performing five consecutive "burst, burst, burst, burst" sun fireballs.

This is not the most shameless thing. The five brothers of the Fireball Team are inseparable. Let alone sleeping, they even squat in a row to poop.

During the battle, the five brothers will fight against the enemy together. Five consecutive fireballs from one of them are enough to bear on the enemy. Do you think this is the end? No.

Whether these five dicks are self-taught, or whether they finally understood the low-level spell notes Su Xiao gave them, or whether they mastered it during their transformation, the five of them have the second spell skill "Burning".

The skill of "Burn" is very simple. It first locks the enemy mentally, and then ignites the enemy, causing the enemy to be ignited with flames, causing the enemy to continue to suffer physical burns and sustain fire damage.

There is no concept of overlapping spells in real battles. The Five Wild Boar Brothers start with five "burns".

After this ability is applied to the enemy, it is not certain how many layers of "burning" the enemy will endure, because this ability can also trigger the "spell resonance" effect. If luck explodes, the enemy will immediately receive 25 layers of "burning" effects the moment the battle begins. .

Usually when this happens, the enemy will scream and be burned to death. The 25 layers of "burning" effects are superimposed, and the enemy is like a lit match.

The military officers are very powerful, and some of them have strong survivability. Even if the five wild boar brothers explode with 25 layers of "burning" effect, they cannot be burned to death in a short time.

The real purpose of the "burning" effect is not to kill enemies. This ability can kill enemies because the five wild boar brothers can stack it to 25 levels, resulting in a qualitative change in strength. The original function of this ability is positioning.

First, the "burning" effect is applied to the enemy. After that, the fireballs released by the five wild boar brothers will track the target suffering from the "burning" effect to a certain extent.

Although it is not the kind of exaggerated tracking like tracking missiles, it can also trace arcs. Don't forget how powerful the five wild boar brothers are in releasing solar fireballs. The five of them together are a magic machine gun that keeps bursting.

In the melee on the battlefield, the role of the five wild boar brothers is not as good as that of five heavy tanks. In the final analysis, after the power of the sun in their bodies is exhausted, they will pull their hips on the spot, but they are officer killers.

The five wild boar brothers are not responsible for the melee. Those five pairs of vicious little eyes will hide obscenely among the other wild boar warriors.

At first glance, they appear to be unevenly tall, short, fat, and thin. They look similar to pig dwarfs. They are about 1.3 to 1.5 meters tall. They are either so thin that they are too thin, or they are so fat that their clothes cannot cover their bellies.

But they are officer killers on the battlefield. From the beginning of the war to now, 12 middle and low-level enemy officers have died in their hands, and the highest ranking officer is a family captain.

They hid among their own wild boar warriors and used the "burning technique" to burn the enemy alive. The captain of the Familia clan roared particularly unwillingly before he died.

It was these five guys who burned two Holy Spirit-level treasure chests for Su Xiao. The five of them were not completely soldier units, so they had such a high treasure chest drop rate.

Su Xiao looked at the five wild boar brothers hiding in the pit in the distance. He had cultivated this talent in vain.

The war situation is already good for our own side, but Su Xiao is always worried about one thing, which is whether the family members have brought heavy artillery-level weapons this time. Bubo Wang has gone to the rear of the enemy camp to conduct reconnaissance, but has not gained anything yet.

Heavy artillery-level weapons are no joke. Fortunately, those things are large in size. This time the family members urgently mobilized troops, and they don't value their own wild boar warriors. The probability of bringing heavy artillery-level weapons is very low.

The melee on the battlefield continued. As a wild boar warrior swung his war hammer, the Familia soldier who was fighting with him immediately raised his sword to block. The skin of this Familia soldier was gray and slightly metallic.

The teeth in the gray-faced family member's mouth were clenched, and the biting muscles on his face were protruding. With the huge force coming from his hand, a burst of flame came towards him.


The flame explosion pushed the gray-faced family member to stagger back. The skin on his face was burning with pain, but he did not pause at all. Instead, he took a few steps forward, avoided the enemy and swung the war hammer from above, holding the handle of the war knife with both hands. A sweeping sweep.


The huge head was chopped off, leaving a trail of blood. Blood and fire intertwined on the battlefield.

After killing the enemy, the gray-faced family member exhaled a big mouthful of hot air. While gasping for air, he felt that his lungs were about to be on fire.

At this moment, the evil wind hit him from the side. He looked sideways and saw a war hammer covered in golden-red flames. He even saw the burned bones adhering to the surface of the hammer. slag, and a burning smell.

After the gray-faced clan member cursed "pig" in his heart, a loud sound rushed into his ears. This was the last sound he heard.

The Familia soldier was engulfed in flames. Due to the impact of the blunt blow, his broken body flew out of the flames and landed with a thud.

The wild boar warrior who had just killed an enemy turned his attention. A cold light struck him, followed by a sharp cutting sound. His perspective quickly lowered, and as his eyes gradually darkened, he heard the noise, screams, and wails of the battlefield, as well as the sounds of the generals. The moans of the dead gradually fade away and eventually disappear.

Next to the body of the wild boar warrior, a military officer holding a sharp sword walked past. His expression was stern, his hair was naturally curly, and the mustache on his chin gave him an inexplicable sense of sharpness.

Located not far away, five pairs of vicious eyes stared at the military officer. The five wild boar brothers found their prey and hid among the wild boar warriors.

It won't be long before the five wild boar brothers become notorious among the enemy, notorious officer killers.

On this tragic battlefield, anyone can become someone else's prey.

The flame explosions caused by the Wild Boar Warriors' "Raging Flame" ability caused the enemy's defense lines to collapse layer by layer. Even if the enemy generals integrated the originally deployed dozens of layers of defense lines into three layers of defense, they still could not stop it.

In the end, our own wild boar warriors and the enemy's family soldiers started a melee on the vast Gobi Desert.

After the battle lasted for 2 hours, the enemy tried to shrink its defense line. However, the battlefield was too chaotic.

After the battle lasted for 5 hours, the sky began to get dim, and the enemy commander-in-chief issued a retreat order. However, the soldiers and soldiers who were fighting together could not retreat if they wanted to.

After the battle lasted for 8 hours, that is, at 8 a.m. the next day, the family members finally couldn't bear it anymore and formed a non-retreat defense line by forming a death squad, and other soldiers took the opportunity to withdraw.

The first battle ended in an extremely tragic way. A total of 200,000 enemy troops marched out to the border area, and only more than 60,000 soldiers returned. Originally, the number of casualties was not as high as this, but due to the enemy's pursuit, the rear retreat was slow. The wounded troops chose to stay behind, and many of them were killed and wounded, and many were captured.

Not to mention other things, the soldiers of the "Familia Alliance" are both capable of fighting and have backbone. In the first battle, due to the ability of the wild boar warriors to restrain the Familia soldiers, if they were replaced by ordinary Familia troops, the battle would probably not exceed 5 hours, let alone 8 hours of fierce fighting. The whole line fled.

In the general command room, Su Xiao looked at the battle report calculated by Baha. The enemy attacked about 200,000 family soldiers, 60,000 escaped, captured more than 30,000, and killed about 100,000. The rest are missing. , it should have been broken up into small groups.

The result of victory is sweet? No, a total of 105,792 of our own wild boar warriors died in battle, and there were many wounded. The death ratio with the enemy was about 1:1.

This made Su Xiao feel that the situation was not good. If the soldiers of the family had such fighting power, there would be no need to fight unless the evolution nest could be upgraded to another level.

The current casualty rate is about 1:1. Our advantage is that we have Sun Faith + Zerg's fighting instinct + War Lord's morale + 70 points, and the willpower of the wild boar warriors has been improved many times, so they will not be easily afraid. , a type of rout, it is unlikely to rout before 70% or 80% of one's own side is killed, and fighting to the death is the key to one's side winning this victory.

Su Xiao picked up the communicator, first contacted Caesar, and then contacted Leigh Siniway.

Because it was after the war, it was not difficult to find out the details of the enemy. Su Xiao knew why the enemy was so troublesome. The enemy's commander-in-chief this time was named Reitz, with the rank of brigadier general.

Su Xiao had contacted this person before and investigated him. After Brigadier General Reitz dies, his deeds will definitely be included in the history textbooks of the family schools.

This famous general served as the commander-in-chief of the "Batu Tuo River War Zone" during the war with the human race. His Warhammer troops were one of the three elite troops on the front line.

Warhammers, magnetic blasts, and heavy artillery are recognized as the three strongest troops of the Familia in the war zone. The warhammers and heavy artillery are both under the command of the "Family Alliance", and the magnetic blast troops are under the command of the "Aurora Council".

If the combat strength of the troops under the three major forces of the Familia is calculated equally, then the ranking of the troops is that the troops under the Familia Alliance are the strongest, and they are the most capable of fighting. After all, they are arms dealers.

Next is the Aurora Council, where biotechnology is developed.

The last one in the list is the sentry tower. It's no wonder that they always act like good guys here. They can't beat their other 'two brothers', so they can only pretend to be good guys and maintain the face of being a powerful force in the clan.

Su Xiao understood why the battle was going to such an extent. The Familia Alliance itself was the most powerful among the three major forces of the Familia clan, and the Warhammer force they faced this time was one of the two elite forces in the Familia Alliance. , this is the elite among the strongest, it is surprising that it is not difficult to defeat.

Calculated in this way, the average combat power of the wild boar warriors has been improved to a satisfactory level.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to defeat the Familia with the current army of wild boar warriors, at least before the progress of this world ends.

If the stay time in this world reaches the limit, that is, the longest time limit for the World War, the Void Tree will forcibly teleport all the participants in this world away, which will cause the war mission to fail.

If the current level is not good enough, we must find a way to go further. Su Xiao's original plan was to take the risk of upgrading the "evolution nest" for the fourth time. The evolution nest is a fortress organ. Upgrading it is similar to strengthening a weapon. The more times it is upgraded, the more The risk is higher.

A simple metaphor is that the current evolutionary nest is +3. If you want to upgrade it to +4, even if you are fully prepared, the probability of failure is very high. Once you fail, all previous efforts will be in vain. Without the ability to replenish the number of wild boar warriors, sooner or later Will be destroyed by the dependent clan.

After a historical event was triggered, the situation took a turn for the better, and the Void Tree opened its title store.

In addition to taking the risk of upgrading the evolution nest for the fourth time, Su Xiao saw a second strategy, which is to continuously increase the exchange level in the title store, from Lv.1 to Lv.7, and then use soul coins to buy all the titles in it. , and then burn these titles through the title burning disk, and synthesize them into seven-star titles.

Su Xiao currently has 4 seven-star titles, namely: [Uncrowned King], [War Lord], [World Invasion], and [Blood Intent].

Among them, [War Lord] and [Blood Will] should be retained. The latter can permanently increase the strength of blood when increasing blood, which is a rare good thing.

Su Xiao's idea was to upgrade the [War Lord] from the seven-star title to the eight-star title. Anyway, this was not the first time that he had behaved badly with the enemy contractor, so he might as well be more ruthless.

Su Xiao is well aware of how 'good' his luck is, so he will not rashly upgrade [War Lord] until the success rate of upgrading to the eight-star title reaches 100%.

If you want to 100% promote [War Lord] to the eight-star title, you need to embed it in the center of the title disk, and in the 5 surrounding grooves, embed 5 seven-star titles as sub-titles, and then consume these 5 In the case of a secondary title, start title burning. This can ensure that the [War Lord] is promoted to the eight-star title.

Among the existing seven-star titles, [Uncrowned King] looks particularly strong, but due to Su Xiao's sword master, melee master, 560 points of soul strength, soul gaze (Lv. MAX) and other multiple control exemptions, exemptions and rejections are determined. Under the control, [The Uncrowned King] suffered an unprecedented weakening in the hands of Su Xiao.

The originally very powerful title can only be thrown into the corner to eat dust. This thing must withstand the enemy's judgment ability, and it can only take effect after Su Xiao's judgment is successful.

The situation Su Xiao faced was that he rarely experienced successful judgments. He usually relied on judgment exemptions. He could not reach the step of success. Every time he wanted to trigger the effect of [The Uncrowned King], he suddenly got stuck.

Normally, Su Xiao wears the five-star title [Dark Blue Shadow] instead of [Uncrowned King] because the former improves his own strength more.

So this time, Su Xiao decided to say goodbye to this guy who looked very tough but actually had no title.

[World Invasion] is also a seven-star title. This title is particularly powerful. It was obtained by Su Xiao when he invaded the Dark Star World last time.

The main effect of this title is not the strongest, but the strongest one is the following characteristic.

"Tip: If you use this title as a subtitle for title burning, this title will be equivalent to two subtitles of the same star level."

In other words, [Uncrowned King] + [World Invasion] is equivalent to already having 3 seven-star sub-titles. If you get 2 more seven-star titles, the war lord can be promoted to an eight-star title.

At that time, we can let the family members, the Golden Earl, Psalm, Orlandi and others experience what the upgraded version of the White Night Legion style is.

To do this, you must not only have a high enough exchange level in the title store, but also have enough soul coins in your hand.

If you want to get an eight-star title in a short time, it must be a huge expense.

In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, and when the two cash withdrawal girls have been squeezed out, Su Xiao wants to find another cash withdrawal girl. If she is like Mo Lei and Yue Apostle, who does not hold grudges and whose life is more important, there is no need to kill them all. , if you are vindictive, you will be silenced immediately after withdrawing money once.

In addition to Cashier Ji, Su Xiao saw in the World Contact Platform before that the prince and others were also in this world.

The mining team of Paradise Team made him miss it a little. The ore he grabbed last time was really valuable, so he would take as much as Reed had.

Reed's original words were that this was high-end goods dug by Tianqi. Regardless of the collection process, processing after breaking out of the ore veins, and later storage, they were all top-notch specialties. Of course, you can collect as much as you can.

Su Xiao frowned and thought about how to find the Paradise team. The contract signed with that team last time had somehow completely expired without any trace. Perhaps it was due to the protection mechanism of Apocalypse Paradise for miners.

Su Xiao was not helpless. He had to activate the title [Apocalypse] first. By then, he had a high probability of being able to reactivate the world contact platform at Apocalypse Paradise.

At that time, there will be room for maneuver whether it is searching for a new 'Cashboard Girl' or 'Brother Charity', or finding the location of the Paradise Team.

And it can also obtain enemy intelligence in real time through the world contact platform, achieving multiple goals with one stone.

Somewhere in the territory of the family members, in an underground mine a thousand meters underground, the prince who had just raised the mining pick suddenly shivered. He himself was a little confused and raised his hand to rub his nose.

Beside her, Belle, who was wearing a miner's hat, a little freckles on her face, and a reddish nose, asked, "What's wrong? Is it cold?"

"I don't know why, but I was suddenly startled. It's really strange."

The prince calmed down and raised the mining pick again. In his opinion, mining was the source of happiness. Except when he was robbed, he was happy at other times.

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