Reincarnated Devil King

Chapter 170: crisis

"Animals! What an animal! How did I become like this?" Niah looked at her trembling hands and asked herself.

He lay in front of him the young girl of Chiguo. They all fell asleep, but the red and swollen lower body still squeezed a trace of blood stains and milky essence from time to time.

They have just experienced the crazy sign for three consecutive days and three nights in Niya. Fortunately, Niya's physique is different from ordinary people, otherwise it is estimated that they would have died. But it was inevitable that for a while, these girls could take turns in battle, but they were also a bit overwhelmed.

I am also at this moment.

Shania had a deep understanding of the exalted state of ex-ante as a demon, and afterwards as holy as a Buddha. In the face of the beautiful girls before, he rode without hesitation, going back and forth madly, but now afterwards he began to disagree and felt regret for what he did.

"I obviously only want a serious and pure relationship, so I have a special feeling for a clean neighbor girl like Feina. How did it turn out again. Is it because I have endured too long before, this next outbreak "... Nia sat alone on the ground, analyzing to herself, her momentum could no longer be controlled by desire!

Look again at the girls lying in front of them, those exquisite carcasses, all with beautiful faces and devil-like bodies. Niah couldn't help but reached out to one of them and groped, several times like this, the levy valve that had been stopped and reopened. Nia quickly shook her head, thinking that she would be fine if she came back, but the girls would definitely not be able to bear it, especially Fina, after being tossed by Nia a few times later, she is now lying peacefully and happy On the feet of Ya.

When she saw Feina, Nia was sober: "Little Black!" Nia naturally called the little Elt's name.

"Master!" After a while, Xiao Hei flashed in front of Nia, deliberately or inadvertently, and curiously looked at the girls on the ground. He was curious as to what a human girl could do, which would make her master so addicted. And secretly remembered, decided to use this to please the owner in the future!

"Go and find some clothes! Armor and the like will do! It's mainly for them!" Nia stroked Fina's red hair.

Xiao Xiaohei didn't say anything and disappeared directly.

Uh ...-

"The great wind spirit, in response to my call, sacrifices my magic power to break the magic sword prison!" Cortana finished singing a large range of wind blade magic. Numerous cyan wind blades volleyed in the air, destroying them without fear in a Captain Demon captain.

The blood of the yak demon splattered, his eyes were red, and he felt a great loss of vitality.

Suddenly at this moment, Han Tingsen and Iger flashed quickly from both sides of the demon. The ox demon's legs made a clicking sound together, and two thicker blood columns floated!

The yak demon body fell forward as soon as it was soft, and Ana's figure suddenly jumped, holding a short dagger in both hands, and the purple-red bucket gasified to make a sword, and straightly took the ox devil's neck.

Roar--! "Humans ... you ... will ... pay for the price ..." Finally, the cow demon unwillingly issued a vicious curse with a last breath. With a bang, the body slammed into the ground.

At this time, Kotana and a team of men and women passed by for three days, wandering in the maze along the way, the maze was deep, as if it would never go to the end. First, I encountered several gangs of goblins. Although they were successfully resolved, it was still inevitable to reduce staff. There was even a companion who could not stand the threat and left the team for a long time after entering the maze.

This is the first time their team has encountered a team of three bull monsters. The number is small, but the strength is obviously better than the previous monsters.

"哧 ——" After getting the devil Han Tingsen, he took a breath and sat on the ground. His left foot was rubbed by one of the devil's hand axe, and the wound was more than ten centimeters in length. It looked shocking. Endure the pain in the death fight. I stopped now, feeling that my entire foot was numb, uncontrolled, as if not my own.

"Damn! Cortana will stop Han Tingsen from bleeding, so this won't work! Our staff is getting less and less!" Iger put a giant sword on the ground. Hurried to Han Tingsen to observe the injury.

"Well, don't relax your vigilance, the monster may still appear at any time. After entering the maze for a few days, the way back is already unsafe. Maybe we should exit and reorganize again!" The **** beauty thief danced with one hand The dagger will shake off the blood of the demon demon stained on it. Put it in the sheath and say.

"Carney was right, but the problem now is that the returning ghosts remember ..." Han Tingsen gritted his teeth.

"Don't forget that our captain is a thief. This one can't beat her." On the other corner, the muscular woman and the little girl carrying the box leaned against each other, carrying several small bags on her body, which contained the maze on the way. Discover the gains.

Now there are only a few people left in this squad. The muscular female arm was also wrapped in gauze loops, looming dark red blood stains.

Several people are about to converge and are preparing for the next step, but at this moment, there is a clear sound of heavy footsteps! Did not wait for everyone to respond. Suddenly a voice came from a passageway.

"Hmm! Still want to leave? You can't run any of them today! Especially that female warrior ~ ~ 俺 I like it like this! Be obedient to leave as a 俺 toy!"

"Captain, that, that 俺 also likes it."

"Get off, 俺 first look. The next one is for you."

"That's too small, you can't be a mount, don't."

"Abominable don't fight, they killed several of our companions, **** humans!"

Uh ...

A dozen axe axemen encircled Ig in a short while (ps these axe and goblins belong to the Asian race, walk upright, speak, and have a certain IQ).

"Boss Iger, that's not good! So many bull spirits, you concentrate your firepower to retreat, I'll take it behind. Anyway, I will certainly not be able to walk for a while, it is also a burden to walk with you." Han Tingsen simply dealt with the wound Facing the demon with a gun, his determination was already in his eyes.

"What a joke, how could I ..." Iger was furious and died with Han Tingsen. He has been a good friend for many years, so he can't leave Han Tingsen here. He didn't wait for him to finish his words before he heard the sound of a huge ax cutting through the air.

Bang, 哧 Card! Iger pushed a hand and pushed Han Tingsen away. Han Tingsen felt a huge force coming and the whole man flew out. But the giant axe split along Iger's arm, a long arm flew up and down, and rolled twice on the ground. Five fingers are still pumping.

Han Tingsen looked back just to see that Iger stroked his right arm with his broken arm, his staring boss, and his teeth were bitten together. "Boss Iger--"

"Hum, humble humans, how dare we ignore us in front of us and discuss tactics face to face? When we are fools?" A bull devil retracted his axe, sneered, mockingly.

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