Reforged Wizard

Chapter 65 - Evolution

Wang Tiejun's attitude towards Sun Wei is very complicated!

He believed that Sun Wei had no ill intentions towards them.

However, Sun Wei is a character with too many uncertain factors for him.

Such a person is too complicated.

He didn't want his baby sister to befriend such a person!

Moreover, from his point of view, his younger sister is clearly interested in this guy!

This is not allowed!

This is puppy love!

And he is such a guy with a complicated background!

Absolutely not!

After awakening the day after tomorrow, let my sister stay away from this guy!

"Brother Serena, he is not a bad person..."

"I know he's not a bad guy, but he's too dangerous and complicated. I don't allow you to get close to him! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Wang Xiaorou pouted depressedly, and said sullenly.

Although Wang Xiaorou is favored at home, there are also many people who can control her!

Wang Xiaorou, who grew up in a military family, has a very good family education, discipline and obedience!

Liu Wei silently collected information and made an analysis and summary of this human experiment.

"I didn't expect that what I thought was a good way of doing things has such obvious disadvantages!"

It's not a good thing to be guarded by the experimental subjects like this!

"There is only conceptual common sense, no memory of coming to the world of heaven before, and no specific experience at all! I need to summarize the experience from the beginning!"

Thinking that there is experience in the plane of the end of the world, that is Liu Wei's wrong perception of himself.

"When I come to another world in the future, I can't be so reckless! I need a disguise! I also need, um, acting skills! That's the word! Well, that's it!"

The result of this human experiment was not ideal, but the experimental effect was good.

With Liu Wei's wisdom, he quickly got a new solution, another extreme character design.

Specifically, we will have to wait for the next time to come, after the experiment, the result can be determined.

This time, it can only be like this!

It's the first time, it's normal for such an extreme character design to have flaws!

Even if it fails next time, it's okay.

Liu Wei has plenty of time and opportunities to perfect the skills of coming to another world! Identify the right persona.

After dinner, Liu Wei first gave Wang Xiaorou a wake-up call.

Got the last five-element control spell skill map.

Elementary wood control technique!

Then give them a consciousness training as usual.

After finishing, Liu Wei concluded: "The effect is getting worse and worse!"

"It seems that three times is the best number of times for consciousness training!"

Consciousness training is one of his experiments, that is, to experiment with this new method of consciousness training, and to collect data on the application of five-element control spells.

Liu Wei, who is forward-looking, always likes to do experiments with one experiment, and to carry out multiple purposes together!

He is also too unfamiliar with the different universe, and there are too many experiments that need him to do. When he is doing one experiment, he always thinks that he can do another experiment at the same time, so he combines the two experiments.

"It's a bad habit to do that!"

Liu Wei also realized this.

Decide to correct it later!

But it is definitely not possible at this stage. As long as the experiment does not conflict, Liu Wei does not mind doing one more step and doing one more experiment.

It's just an experiment to distinguish between priorities and priorities.

Liu Wei analyzed himself and analyzed the reasons.

"I'm still affected by the original body's memory!"

The lives of mortals are short, and they have a perverted obsession with time!

But time is not a problem for Liu Wei, a wizard!

Liu Wei believes that he will transcend reincarnation again and gain eternal life.

So he has plenty of time, and he doesn't need to be in such a hurry!

Can be more calm!

It doesn't matter if the experiment is slow.

It is also a good idea to collect some good memories between experiments!

In fact, he has already begun to make conscious corrections, and has begun to do so.

For example: tasting food on the main plane.

For example: teasing little sister Xiaorou in this plane.

Wizards' obsession with truth doesn't mean they won't enjoy life!

Wizards need to collect good memories.

Every wizard has a tendency to collect good memories, or his own hobby!

Liu Wei's main hobby in the wizarding world in his previous life was "stage play"! There are countless other small hobbies.

In the words of Blue Star, the wizard's "stage play" is: play. In the words of the wizarding world: when doing some small experiments related to human beings, guide, watch, and even participate in performances with evil tastes to achieve better experimental results.

Liu Wei didn't deliberately remain the same as his previous life, either.

Wizards believe that everything is always changing! And not afraid of these changes! Also looking forward to these changes!

Changes often mean that new experimental data, materials, information, information, etc. have been harvested.

"Change is the shortcut to truth!" Wizards generally believe in this truth!

Many transcendents of other professions think that wizards are a group of people with changeable personalities, and they are very difficult to deal with. Because you can never predict what changes he will have the next time we meet!

Now the universe is different, and the living environment is also different. Everything has to be overthrown and restarted.

Liu Wei decided to re-select and define all other small hobbies except the main hobby.

Now Liu Wei's little hobbies are: tasting delicious food and teasing pure and beautiful girls.

These changes of Liu Wei were naturally recorded in detail by him as experimental data for his own research.

Studying yourself has always been the most important thing for wizards!

Wizards have never had any taboos about studying themselves!

Instead, enjoy it!

"The deeper you study yourself, the faster your strength will improve!" The wizard firmly believes in this!

Liu Wei is equally convinced of this.

The wizard's conviction is naturally supported by corresponding experimental data.

In the words of Bluestar, it is supported by big data analysis.


"Tamu Town is two kilometers ahead." Wang Tiejun reminded the people on the way again.

Liu Wei looked at the forest around the front, his eyes sparkled, and he whispered to himself, "These zombies, and other zombies? Didn't the broadcast say that the number is very rare? I think this number is quite a lot!"

The proportion is about one-sixteenth!

"What are they doing standing motionless in the woods?"

Liu Wei was very curious about this. I want to study these alien zombies.

Liu Wei didn't look carefully for something in the county, and he didn't run into it on the way.

When I came here, I encountered so many at once.

"Or was it awakened innately in the last days?! Was it evolved over time?!"

Liu Wei tends to the latter speculation.

There's no reason to lie on the radio.

Moreover, when he was in the county, the number of heterogeneous zombies was indeed not much. He killed many ordinary zombies, and he did not encounter a single heterogeneous zombie.

But now, the probability of alien zombies in the front has reached one in sixteen, which speaks for itself.

Liu Wei made the following speculation: "Most of them evolved and awakened their abilities the day after tomorrow, and became alien zombies."

"With the passage of time, the accumulation of abilities has reached a critical point, and their collective large-scale evolution has awakened."

This is Liu Wei's preliminary speculation.

For specific and detailed inferences, Liu Wei needs to conduct relevant experiments, collect data, and verify them himself!

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