Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 340 Potion, I have it too, are you angry?

Not long after the legendary witch fell into a disadvantage, she fled to the pocket fortress below, and the blood lion——Gauluji didn't want to let her go, so she chased her down.

Suddenly, a standard legendary team of five appeared from Pocket Town and launched a long-planned attack.

"Cunning thing! You actually ambushed a legendary team!" Cassie was angrily in his heart.

Bailong was not worried about the safety of Gaulji, because before setting off, the Emperor of the Empire had considered and explained the situation of the trap, and all the characters he sent were winged characters, whose speed was much faster than that of ordinary legendary powerhouses .

Sure enough, the guarded blood lion flicked its wings, launched a secret technique to accelerate, and flew into the sky at a faster speed than before, out of the enemy's attack range.

"Humble bug! How dare you bully your grandpa lion..."

Cassie observed the battlefield from a distance while Gaulji was yelling.

Obviously, there is no need for a legendary team to deal with the Kingdom of Taylor. This legendary team is prepared for the people of the Fossey Empire.

As for who prepared it, it is currently unknown, but the trading city-state and the Northland witch are the most suspected.

The blood lion cursed very badly, and the legendary team and the witch flew into the sky to attack the broken-mouthed lion.

The Crazy Blood Lion behaved well enough to be called the "Crazy Lion". He was brave enough to fight against six, was crushed and beaten without any accident, and was forced to land on the surface. It was foreseeable that the situation of the Crazy Blood Lion would be even worse after it landed.

The hidden Luna Xingyu had to act to share the pressure for her companions.

However, everyone had long been suspicious of the blood lion's overreach, and had made preparations. Luna Xingyu's thunderous surprise attack had no effect, and was blocked by the witch's shield.

Lightning arcs jumped on the surface of the witch's shield, and she defended against the attack. When she was relaxing, a stream of white light filled with endless chill shot out from a distant mountain, like a sharp sword piercing the sky.

Before the Northland Witch could react, she was hit by the white light.


Endless frost energy erupted, and the witch was instantly frozen in ice, and the relaxation that prevented the enemy's surprise attack was frozen forever, like a lifelike ice sculpture.

It wasn't over yet, after the ice energy hit the witch, it burst out in all directions. In an instant, most of the pocket fortress was covered in frost, and the cold air filled the air, as if returning to the severe winter.

The legendary team, Luna Blood Feather and Blood Lion were all taken aback by the sudden change, and were affected by the ice energy, but fortunately they were not directly hit by the ice energy, and the aftermath alone was not enough to kill everyone. The legendary strong man was severely injured, but fled in a hurry after being frightened.

On the mountain peak in the distance, the white dragon—Cassie held a giant five-meter-long barrel in his hand, and made an aiming posture.

Looking at the results of the bombardment, Bailong saw that the main target - the legendary witch was frozen, and half of Pocket Town was affected by the aftermath of the energy, covering a layer of frost: "Tsk! The guy the boss gave is different!"

That's right! The weapon in Bailong's hand is the [Howl of the Empire] exhibited at the Imperial Ceremony!

[Howling of the Empire] is a comprehensive product that combines the magic crystal cannon and the mind flayer star destroyer technology on the side of the magic civilization.

The five-meter-long cannon barrel is a cannon for ordinary creatures and cannot be moved easily.

For the Dragon Clan, [Howl of the Empire] is about the size of a submachine gun, and with the strong magic power of the giant dragon, it can recharge [Howl of the Empire] by itself, and can be used as an individual weapon.

Because of this, after the [Howl of the Empire] was produced, Jose immediately sent one to the white dragon - Cassie and the green dragon - Olivia, and taught them how to use it.

"Unfortunately, the charging of this thing is too slow, it takes half a minute to fully charge, otherwise, biu~biu~biu~," these are the original words of the emperor of the empire.

At this moment, Cassie realized this deeply. He put away [Howl of the Empire], flapped his wings and rushed to the battlefield.

hold head high!

The sound of the dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and everyone covered with a thin layer of ice saw a snow-white giant flying over from a distance. Obviously, the white dragon was the culprit of the attack just now.

"Prince of the Empire, White Dragon—Cassie, grew up with the Emperor of the Forsyth Empire...and was named the only prince of the Empire after the establishment of the Empire," the brain of the legendary team—the Legendary Mage recalled the information of the White Dragon, with a look on his face dignified.

"This is a big trouble." He never expected that besides using Thunder's crow, there was also an imperial prince hiding behind the scenes.

Compared to the bitterness of the legendary team, Luna Bloodfeather and Gauluki were pleasant surprises.

"His Royal Highness! Why are you here?"

Facing Luna's question, Cassie replied indifferently: "Your Majesty is worried about you, let me take the lead and solve the remnants of the Northland Witch Council by the way."

The bloody wild lion——Gauluji looked at the frozen witch, then at his half body that had been covered by the frost and turned white, and complained: "Your Highness, you didn't even notify me when you shot."

"Ahem, cough, let's deal with the enemy first. I feel that they have sent a magic message to the outside world, and they are asking for help."

Cassie looked at the legendary team that was waiting in line. Luna Bloodfeather blocked the space, and the flying speed was not as fast as the three powerful enemies with wings. The legendary team was very afraid to hand over their backs to the enemy and chose to defend reinforce.

The White Dragon, the Crow of the Storm, and the Blood Lion surrounded the legendary team, looking for the team's flaws.


The mage quickly said: "You are all from the Forsyth Empire! Our legendary headhunter team has no intention of becoming an enemy of the empire!"

"Do you think we will believe you!" Cassie felt that his IQ was insulted, and his tone was full of disdain.

"Give me a chance, just let us go, our legendary team will never come back..."

The mage continued to speak, and Cassie was already tired of the enemy's rhetoric: "I want to beg for mercy if I can't beat you, let me let you go, how can there be such a good thing."

No longer giving the enemy a chance to procrastinate, the white dragon launched an attack directly, opened its mouth, and spewed out frosty breath.

The cold air in the dragon's breath was more terrifying than the coldest winter night, the moisture in the surrounding air instantly condensed into frost, and the turbulent cold air attacked the legendary team.

"Scatter!" The legendary team did not dare to resist the dragon's breath, and immediately dispersed.

"Let's hold him..." The mage immediately made arrangements, called the soldiers in the team, and tried to hold the white dragon, while the other three dealt with the blood lion and the storm crow.

It has to be said that it is a wise choice to disperse the enemy.

With Bailong's huge size, it is easy to disperse the legendary team, but if they get together, they will become a living target. Only by dispersing the enemy can they have a chance to wait for the reinforcements to arrive.

hold head high!

The eight legendary powerhouses fought in the air, magic and Qi collided in the air, and the explosion shock wave swept in all directions. The rumbling explosion sounded like thunder, which scared the residents around the Pocket Fortress to hide in their homes and shiver.

Not surprisingly, the White Dragon, the Storm Crow, and the Blood Lion beat the enemy to the point of no defense, but it was very difficult to kill the legendary team in a short time.

A minute later, three witches arrived in a hurry, among them was the remnant of the Northland Witch Council—Terika.

Cassie recognized Te Erica at a glance. In the list of fugitives of the Northland Witch Council, this witch was the number two figure after Doris. It was her quarrel with Doris that led to Northland The division of the local witch council.

Seeing her frozen companions, Te Erica's heart sank. Since the headquarters of the Northland Witch Council was captured by the Emperor, the first organization to break through the legend was extinguished.

She glared at Bailong viciously, wishing to swallow Bailong alive.

Cassie let his opponent retreat, turned his head to look at the flying witch, his eyes lit up, killing one witch was enough to deal with the red dragon, killing two, or even three...

"Boss will be very happy to hear the good news."

Thinking of this, Bai Long turned to face the witch: "Look, look, who is here?!"

"Oh~, it turned out to be a lost dog!"

The white dragon's taunt made the two witches furious. They are not new witches who have been frozen in ice, but old legendary mages who have accumulated in the legendary field for a long time. Among them, Te Erica is not as good as the legendary dragon. Let more.

Te Erica stared at Bailong coldly: "Bailong with a broken mouth! I will definitely tear your mouth open later! See how much garbage is hidden in your mouth!"

Cassie didn't take it seriously, and continued to expose the scars of the witches: "Well, I still remember the night when the boss destroyed you. On that day, I watched the tsunami and lava engulf you one after another..."

The white dragon depicted the scene of the destruction of the headquarters of the Northland Witch Council, which completely angered the two witches.

Ordinary women were irritated, screaming and clawing, but the legendary witch was irritated, and the magical energy in the air was stirred up for a while.

"So you are also the original culprit! Kill you first and collect some interest! Then go to that damned red dragon to settle the score!"


Bai Long snorted coldly, twitched his mouth in disdain, and said mockingly: "What nonsense are you talking about? If you dare to stand in front of the boss for three seconds without escaping, I will stick my head out for you to chop off."

The witch stopped talking and launched an attack, waving her hands to swarm the icicles, and the dense icicles fired at the white dragon, blocking the space for dodging.

Cassie didn't intend to dodge either, he mobilized the Qi in his body.


The special energy that belongs exclusively to [Ice Demon Guard] burst out in a directional manner, smashing the incoming ice cone into powder, turning into tiny ice dust and falling into the sky.

Through the ice dust, the eyes of Bailong and Teerika collided, and they both saw the killing intent in each other's eyes.

The two fought together in the air with the intention of killing each other.

They are all experts in using ice energy. For a while, all kinds of ice magic flew across, and the surrounding temperature dropped by dozens of degrees.

Gradually, Te Erica was surprised to find that she was not Bailong's opponent, and was shocked in her heart.

You know, she stayed in the legendary stage longer than the white dragon, and even fought fiercely with a legendary white dragon in the red nest decisive battle without losing the wind.

However, such a powerful veteran legend is not the opponent of a white dragon who has not grown up for long.

This is simply ridiculous!

If she knew about Bailong's situation, she wouldn't be so shocked.

It is true that Teerika is a veteran mage, but Cassie is not an ordinary white dragon. In addition to the natural power of the white dragon, he is also a legendary warrior with a special profession.

The strength of the [Ice Demon Guard] alone is comparable to the veteran Mages, not to mention the strength of Bailong itself.

You know, Bailong grew up with Jose since he was a child, and received scientific teachings from the traversers, his fighting awareness and fighting skills far surpassed ordinary white dragons.

Terika was forced to use the legendary equipment skills to try to save the situation, but found that Bailong also had the legendary equipment, not only did not save the situation, but the situation was even more dangerous.

Fortunately, on the other side, a legendary team of witches and headhunters has the upper hand.

"Come and help!"

Hearing the slightly flustered shouts of her companions, the other witch didn't dare to delay, she quickly got rid of her opponent, and besieged the white dragon together with Te Erica.

The two veteran witches teamed up and were finally able to contend with the white dragon, but they were only able to contend without gaining an advantage.

On the other side, Luna Xingyu, Blood Clan Lion and Headhunter Legendary Team fought evenly.

The battle situation has reached a stalemate.

Two hours passed, and the two sides were fighting fiercely in the air. They were still the same people, but the difference was that there were many more spectators around.

The audience is at least high-level professionals, as well as several legendary powerhouses from nearby countries.

It's not that these legendary powerhouses have never thought of joining the battle and helping the same kind to kill the different kind, but they were warned.

On the other side, the chancellor of the empire, a double legend—Er Gou hovered in the air, intimidating everyone.

Although Ergou is powerful, it is not enough to overwhelm everyone. It is the aura of the kobold that overwhelms everyone. This is the aura of the overlord of the North, the master of ashes, and the emperor of the empire.

"Anyone who intervenes in the battle will be punished!" After leaving a warning, the emperor withdrew his will from the kobold family members.

Then, no one dared to ignore the emperor's warning and join the battle.

Many years ago, even the matriarch who was as strong as the red nest could not do anything to the emperor of the empire, and now the emperor of the empire has a faint momentum of surpassing the mistress of the red nest.

Most of the legendary powerhouses living around have no big background, and they are not strong enough to compete with the strength of the Forsyth Empire. Many of them even have families, so naturally they are unwilling and dare not take the risk of being hunted down by the Forsyth Empire Step into the fray.

Ye Gou teleported here, shouldering the responsibility of preventing outsiders from interfering, and did not intervene in the battle.

Without the intervention of external forces, the overall strength of the two sides is roughly equal, and the battle will undoubtedly be at a stalemate.

Another two hours passed, and the legendary headhunter team and the two witches took out a bottle of potion to supplement the consumed energy. The alien legend was bigger in size and stronger in magic power, and often used physical power to attack the enemy. Some magic.

However, according to the current situation, it won't be long before the magic power of the three different legends will bottom out.

Half an hour later, the white dragon, the storm crow, and the blood lion were exhausted from lack of energy.

The hearts of those around the audience relaxed, no matter how powerful the aliens are, they will still be defeated by the achievements of civilization after all.

However, under the astonished gazes of everyone, the three legends each took out a huge bottle of special medicine, and threw the medicine and the bottle into their mouths.

Boom boom boom!

As if chewing beans, Bai Long crushed the potion in his mouth, glass shards and cool liquid slid down his throat into his stomach.

The medicinal liquid decomposes into pure magic power, which spreads to all parts of the body to replenish the magic power loss of the white dragon.

Not only that, the potion used by Bailong is specially customized according to the race, which contains a lot of ice magic power, which is more suitable for Bailong's physique.

"Pharmaceutical, we also have it, and it's a special version, better than yours!"

Cassie taunted the witch with a stiff face: "Are you angry!"

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