Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 376: The Red Dragon’s Breakthrough Meets a Shocking Change

After dealing with the most important red nest dragons, Jose didn't waste any more time. He came to the bottom of the magic tower and entered a small room.

"Taling, activate the alert mode and mobilize the entire magic tower resources for me to break through."

"Ding~, the permission is approved," a mechanically sweet female voice sounded.

"The alert system is being activated."

"The energy absorbing system is being activated."


"The activation is complete, I wish you a successful breakthrough, master."

Silky crimson energy leaked from the floor of the room, filling the entire room, and soon the entire room was shrouded in a light red mist.

Jose took a deep breath, and the strong fire elemental energy drilled into his body along with the breath, blending into the flesh and blood, making the red dragon's already full fire elemental energy even stronger.

The energy concentration of the fire element in the room is still increasing, and it is sealed in the room by the wall that isolates the magic energy, so that the gaseous fire element energy gradually turns into a liquid and condenses into mist in the air.

These fire elemental energies all come from the depths of the ground. The endless lava layer with fire elemental energy is purified by the upside-down magic tower and supplied to the emperor to break through.

Jose didn't delay any longer, lying on the spot in the middle of the room, closing his eyes and meditating, preparing to break through the demigod realm.

Breaking through from a legend to a demigod is a qualitative leap in life.

Take the lifespan of Mages at all levels as an example. Although master-level mages are powerful, they are still mere mortals. No matter how they are maintained and extended, the lifespan limit is 150 years. God's limit lifespan can reach ten thousand years.

Breaking through from a legend to a demigod's lifespan increases as much as the difficulty of breaking through.

Even if the vast majority of legendary powerhouses lived to the end of their lives, they would not be able to peek at the threshold of the demigods, so they had to fall into the River Styx with endless regrets.

But Jose is different. When he took office in [The Emperor of Yan], he had the opportunity to break through the demigod threshold, but he chose to postpone the breakthrough because of the level limit of the Tidanol plane.

Now, he is seeking a breakthrough again, which is much simpler than the average legendary powerhouse.

Generally, the door of the semi-god realm of the legendary powerhouse can't help being closed and locked, but the door of the emperor's semi-god realm is not only unlocked, but also pushed open a crack, he just needs to work harder to open it. Push open the cracked door, and you can step into the palace that thousands of legends dream of.

However, if you want to regain a breakthrough opportunity after giving up, it also requires some opportunities.

The emperor Benlong didn't know exactly how long it would take him to break through to the demigod, maybe a day, a week, a month, or even a year.

However, according to Jose Benlong's estimate, with his own talent, the rich inheritance of [Emperor Yan], and the cracked demigod door, it is extremely unlikely that it will take a year to break through the demigod, and one month Probably it can be done. To be on the safe side, he made a three-month agreement with the Mistress of the Red Nest.

Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Deep underground in the bustling city of Oka, a red giant beast like a hill seemed to be asleep.

Lying in the center of the room, every time the behemoth breathes, it will emit a red mist, which contains a strong fire elemental energy.

The reason why these fire elemental energies are not absorbed by the red dragon is because the fire elemental energy in its body is almost saturated. If it wants to accommodate more fire elementals, it must break through to a higher level.

At this moment, the red dragon with its eyes closed seems to be asleep, but in fact it is still awake. The purpose of closing its eyes is to concentrate all its energy and absorb the energy of the fire element from the outside world.

Just as there is a limit to the amount of air that a balloon can hold, once the limit is exceeded, the balloon will burst, and the energy of the fire element that the dragon body can hold also has a limit. damage.

At this moment, Jose kept his body in such a state that his body was about to reach the limit, and his body was swollen with pain, but he would not be to the point where his body would be broken by the massive fire elemental energy.

This kind of pushing the body to the limit state can greatly squeeze one's own potential, so as to seek an opportunity to break through the demigod.

The principle of the method is very simple, but it is very difficult to implement. Mastering the proper balance, absorbing excessive fire elements will make the front of the body tense to the limit, but will not damage the body. It is a huge blow to the body and spirit. The test cannot be carried out by those who are not determined.

In fact, unless he is forced to fight to the death, Jose will use this extreme method to seek a breakthrough.

This is because of the existence of [Phoenix Heart], so that he doesn't have to worry about overturning the car. His body is broken by elemental energy. Even if it breaks, it doesn't matter. great cause.

At this moment, he felt that he was very close to the threshold of the demigod, but there was always a film blocking the way, which would not be broken.

He only needs to pierce this layer of membrane, and he can step into the demigod level.


On the other side, while Jose was seeking a breakthrough, the outside world was turbulent.

First, the Mistress of the Red Nest announced that the Red Nest was disbanded, and the remaining forces were merged into the Fussey Empire, and she herself was about to leave Tedanor.

While the Mistress of the Red Nest was acting in accordance with the contract, the Forsyth Empire also issued an announcement telling the monsters of the Red Nest that everything should be let bygones be bygones. The monster promises a better life for the people of the empire, provided that the requirements of the empire are met.

In general, the Forsyth Empire has three requirements for the Red Nest monsters, one is self-control, the other is familiarity with the basic etiquette of the empire, and the third is to vote for a certificate.

One, self-control.

The monster itself has a chaotic nature. Sometimes it goes crazy and cannot control its own behavior, destroying everything around it. This is most obvious for ogres, trolls and other monsters with strong force values ​​but low intelligence.

A powerful monster that cannot control itself is like an unstable bomb. Once it detonates among the crowd, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, the empire puts the self-control ability at the top of the three requirements for testing the red nest monster.

2. Familiar with the basic etiquette of the empire.

Red-nest monsters are used to being loose and free, and loose and free is a euphemism. To put it bluntly, the strong do whatever they want, bully the weak, take by force, and commit crimes. A jungle mind that can do anything to the weak.

If you are not familiar with the basic etiquette laws of the empire, knowing which behaviors are permitted by the laws of the empire, and those behaviors are not allowed, then joining outside the empire is very likely to become a criminal, so it is better to just reject it. To avoid wasting police resources.

3. Voting certificate.

The Forsyth Empire does not need useless cannon fodder, but a large number of useful talents.

In this regard, naturally powerful races such as ogres, major professionals, and rare races in the empire such as harpies have natural advantages. Once such monsters pass the self-control ability test and the imperial etiquette test, it is basically easy to obtain imperial nationality. Steady.

Of course, the low-level civilians of low-level monster races such as kobolds and goblins are not without opportunities.

The imperial government provides a lot of opportunities within the scope of the Red Nest. Opportunities include but are not limited to becoming professionals, as well as general industries such as agriculture, handicrafts, commerce, and textiles. There are three hundred and sixty lines. Anyone with a skill can become a citizen of the empire.

Under the command of Hulk Stonefang, the ambassador of the empire, the selection and assimilation of the red-nest monsters were in full swing. Although there was chaos during the period, under the suppression of the legendary orc warrior-Graeme Stonehammer, there has been no progress. What a mess.

As for the monster legendary powerhouses under Red Nest, these talents will naturally not be buried.

Not only is it a legend, but the empire arranges special manpower to connect with all combat powers above the master level, directly grants imperial nationality, and incorporates it into the official system of the empire.

The strong always get preferential treatment.

If the experts above the master level have flaws, they should gather together and be guided (brainwashed) by special instructors to teach the imperial etiquette, and cooperate with special medicine to improve their self-control ability, and strive to become qualified imperial citizens as soon as possible, and strive to transform into an imperial empire as soon as possible. combat effectiveness.

The assimilation of the Red Nest by the Fussey Empire, the Mistress of the Red Nest naturally does not want to see it, but she is powerless to stop it. After all, she is a dragon who is about to leave Taidanor.

Due to the shackles of the contract, the mistress of the Red Nest could not vent her anger on the Fussey Empire, nor could she vent her anger on the Red Nest monsters. The only remaining target to vent her anger on was the southern forces.

The mistress of the red nest went south, attacking the towns of the southern forces along the way, and everything she passed was turned into ashes.

However, the Mistress of the Red Nest did not kill randomly, but selectively attacked some important towns of the southern forces, mainly military fortresses. This was also one of the agreements between the Emperor of the Empire and the Mistress of the Red Nest.

Under the powerful destructive power of the demigod red dragon, ordinary military fortresses were like paper, and the southern forces suffered heavy losses.

Moorlin was furious, and led the Golden Elf King to join forces to block the Mistress of the Red Nest. The two sides fought a battle, and no one could do anything to the other.

Moreover, the Mistress of the Red Nest has no intention of fighting, and does not fight head-on with Moore Lin and the Golden Elf King, and avoids fighting and attacking important military areas in the south. This is also an agreement between the Emperor of the Empire and the Mistress of the Red Nest, to maximize the weakening of the military strength of the southern forces. .

In the past, the Mistress of the Red Nest did not do similar things because she was concerned about the enemy's retaliation against the Red Nest forces. Now that she is about to leave Taidanuoer, she naturally has no scruples.

With the Mistress of the Red Nest avoiding the war wholeheartedly, Moorelin was exhausted, but he had nothing to do with the Mistress of the Red Nest, and the southern forces suffered heavy losses for a while.

Originally, it was not in the character of the Mistress of the Red Nest to avoid Moorlin's provocation and not fight, but the emperor gave too much.

Each military fortress clearly marked its price. In the eyes of Mistress Red Nest, what she attacked was not a military fortress, but a treasury.

In addition, seeing the old enemy's exhausted but powerless to stop him, the mistress of the red nest is also in a good mood.

It is impossible to kill the old enemy, but taking this opportunity to disgust the opponent can be regarded as a little interest.

In addition, the southern countries are not fools. Even though the mistress of the Red Nest claimed that the attack on the southern military fortress was completely an act of revenge, the southern forces would not believe that the Forsyth Empire was innocent, and condemned the crime of instigation by the Forsyth Empire.

Officials of the Forsyth Empire naturally refused to admit it.

Of course, the desire for revenge of the southern countries will not be cut by half because the Fussey Empire does not recognize it, but there is more than enough energy.

Not to mention that the southern forces were attacked by the Red Nest Mistress, the secular army suffered heavy losses, and the masters were held back. The situation of the Fussey Empire itself makes people feel like a dog biting a tortoise-it's impossible to say.

The entire territory of the Fossey Empire is guarded by a magic tower defense system, and the peripheral forces are not guarded by magic towers, but they are the territory of the human race. The only place where they can take revenge is the Jogol Mountains. The first to be wiped out was the military base of the southern forces near the Red Nest.

As for the splitting of demigods to attack the Red Nest monsters, Moorein wanted to stop the Red Nest Mistress so that no one else could cause more damage.

In addition, the golden elf king was unwilling to surrender his status, and the mistress of the red nest did not attack the golden elf territory. This revealed an important message, and everything was said without saying anything.

As for the departure of the Red Nest Mistress, the Emperor of the Empire also stepped into the threshold of a demigod at that time, so there was no need to be afraid of Moorlin's equal revenge.

Later, the prime minister of the empire, Ergo Bloodtooth, received a secret report and learned that the southern forces had conspired to concentrate their forces for the Northern Expedition to attack the Forsyth Empire, but was disrupted by the Red Nest Mistress. He couldn't help but sigh at the wisdom of the emperor.

That's another story.

It was the twenty-first day before Jose retreated.

Jose is still in retreat, the Mistress of the Red Nest is still attacking important targets in the south, and the Pompeii Empire is concentrating all its strength to resist, and cooperates with the demigod, Morin, to fight back.

On this day, Moorlin finally intercepted the Mistress of the Red Nest and started a battle in the air, while the Golden Elf King stood aside.

Facing Jose, the fire magic of the Mistress of the Red Nest was useless, but she didn't have so many scruples when dealing with Moorelin.

Magic collided with magic, and the wave of destruction swept in all directions, permanently changing the terrain around the battlefield, mountains collapsed, ten thousand hectares of woodland were turned into scorched earth, and a large number of creatures died in the aftermath of the demigod battle.

None of this stopped Moorelin's determination to fight the Mistress of the Red Nest. First, Moorelin had accumulated a lot of anger over the past few days; However, it held back the Red Nest Mistress so that she could not continue to destroy it.

While the two sides were fighting fiercely in the air, there was a stone formation where not a single blade of grass grew in the northern prairie of the Tidanol Continent.

Suddenly, a majestic earth elemental energy erupted from the void, and the whole world trembled.

In the deep sea that has never seen the sun in ancient times, in the gorgeous palace made of coral and crystal, on the throne, the mermaid emperor opened his eyes, and the pupils of the eyes revealed excitement.

On the battlefield of the demigods, Moorlin and the Mistress of the Red Nest agreed to a truce, and looked at the northern continent in horror.

At the bottom of the magic tower, Jose also sensed the powerful fluctuations in the energy of the earth element, so he withdrew from the breakthrough state.

At this moment, all the powerhouses of Tidanol have a common idea in their hearts.

"Heart of the Earth! Born!"

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