Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 759: Behemoth appears

South of Qingcheng, a rocky land surrounded by withered forest.

After nearly an hour of trekking through mountains and rivers, the sickle mecha armored unit from the Qingcheng base finally rushed to the chaotic stone forest where the tiankeng was located.

"Quick! Arrange a line of defense next to the tiankeng immediately, that big guy is coming soon!"

When a scythe mech emerged from the forest and walked in the withered forest.

When the driving team had not recovered from the surprise of the withered forest, the new order had arrived.

This accelerated the pace of the sickle mecha armored troops that emerged from the forest, crossing the dead forest and entering the rocky forest.

With the arrival of the armored forces, the line of defense on the ground next to the tiankeng has finally been enriched.

The huge sinkhole is like a monster that eats people, with a bottomless mouth open.

Next to the tiankeng, mobilized troops established a line of defense.

Nearly 300 mobilized soldiers surrounded the tiankeng. They stood on the edge of the tiankeng, their weapons pointed at the deepest part of the tiankeng.

When the sickle mecha arrived, a dozen or so sickle mechas were scattered around the edge of the tiankeng amid the sound of the machinery, strengthening the firepower of the front line.

In the silence, the atmosphere of the stone forest became tense in vain.

In the temporary command center next to the tiankeng.

"How long will it take for the exploration team to reach the ground?"

Standing upright, Luo Rumanfu asked the relevant personnel in the command center who performed monitoring.

"It will take about twenty minutes."

Beside a small monitoring instrument, a mobilizer replied.

More than twenty minutes?

Fortunately, there is not enough time.

Looking up, Luo Luomanfu looked at the sky.

The sun has set in the west, and the sky is getting dark. After about an hour, darkness will fall.

Once night comes, fighting in the dark will be difficult.

In the dark, night vision devices are not omnipotent. Even if they can distinguish things in the dark, the vision will be blurred, which will cause great obstacles to combat.

If it is not necessary, even the First Army would not fight in the dark.

Whether the enemy is a human or a polluting beast.

The clock is ticking.

"Come back! They are back!"

With a soft cry.

The dark shadows shook in the depths of the tiankeng, and the team exploring the pit finally returned.

When the mobilized soldiers returned to the ground along the rope, they were greeted by the many staring eyes.

In the tiankeng, the rising figure is continuous, and the figure on the sliding rope looks like a string of candied haws.

It took more than ten minutes for a hundred people to leave the tiankeng completely.

Wanya was the last and the last soldier to leave the sinkhole.

After leaving the tiankeng and returning to the ground, Wanya found Luo Luomanfu in the first time.


Striding into the temporary command center, Vanya raised a military salute to Luo Rumanfu.

Looking at Wanya who walked in, Luo Rumanfu nodded and said: "This task is well done. Let's go and rest. The battle is about to happen."

Of course, Vanya knew what the battle was mentioned by Chief Sergeant Roroman, it was the giant beast following them.

The behemoth at this moment is approaching the ground.

Putting down the hand on his forehead, Wanya said: "About half an hour later, that behemoth will reach the ground. It's not time to rest, Sergeant Chief! Let me fight."

Luo Rumanfu did not refuse Vanya's request, and nodded and said: "That's good! Lead your subordinates to strengthen the defense of the front!"


After another military salute, Vanya turned and left.

When Vanya returned to the team, the team that had just returned to the ground had not had time to rest. Under Vanya's order, they took off the oxygen tank behind them and joined the line on the edge of the sinkhole.

Time is passing, leaving little by little.

On the edge of the tiankeng, the mobilized soldiers watched nervously at the deepest part of the tiankeng.

Go quietly listen to any movement that sounds after the tiankeng.

I do not know how long it has been.


As the mobilizers watched, there was a slight change in the sinkhole.

When the change first appeared, it was very weak, but with time, it became bigger and clearer.

At this moment, in the pit several hundred meters deep, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared, and it was quickly approaching the ground along the cliff.

The appearance of a huge black shadow attracted the attention of the mobilized soldiers.

In the helmet, with the screen capture function, all the mobilized soldiers locked the huge moving shadow in the dark.

"The target appears! So the personnel are ready to fight!"

At some point, Luo Luomanfu came to the edge of the sinkhole and joined the line.

Looking at the huge black shadow climbing on the cliff in the sinkhole, Luo Luomanfu gave orders.

Give an order.


The bullet was loaded with the muzzle facing down. All mobilizers who had no problems with their angles pointed their muzzles at the huge black shadow in the sinkhole.

The mobilizers armed with bazookas rushed around the edge of the sinkhole, looking for a shooting angle.

Moving with it is the Sickle Mech.

Due to the shooting angle problem, both the sickle mecha and the mobilized soldiers holding the bazooka need to find a shooting position.

Because the sinkhole is vertical, if it is directly above the target, even mobilized soldiers holding a rifle can hardly attack the target. Only on the side and the opposite angle can have a better shooting angle.

After a brief riot, the front regained silence.

At this time, the giant beast in the sinkhole was climbing without fatigue.

Above the head, the light has been revealed, and the small sky is clearly visible.

The sharp hind paws pierced the rock wall as deeply as a cutter. In the alternation of the hind feet, it was trying hard to climb. The smell of the different underground spaces made the giant beast's expression excited and its movements accelerated.


Luo Manfu kept watching the Tiankeng. When the huge shadow in the darkness was close enough to the ground, he raised his right hand and commanded loudly.

Under Luo Luomanfu's order, the tension on the front line became stronger.

Therefore, all eyes were on the huge black shadow approaching in the darkness below the tiankeng.

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