Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 756: Ineffective attack

It is impossible to prevent it from entering the sinkhole with the firepower of the exploration team.

Vanya, who understood the situation at hand, gave a clear order to evacuate.

With an order, the sound of the micro-powered machinery suddenly rang.

Amid the "hissing" sound of friction, the exploratory team suspended in the air began to evacuate.

The figures followed the rope and moved up quickly.

The speed of the giant beast is very fast. When the exploration team entered the sinkhole, it had left the stone pillar and moved on the sky.

The strong hind paws, like bats, hang from the sky.

In this case, it can still move freely, amazing ability.

Under the pair of sharp claws, the gravel "rolled" and fell from the zenith, and countless jets of water suddenly rose up on the water.

Leaving the underground space, darkness came again.

The exploration team turned on the night vision again.

In the "hissing" of friction, the exploration team on the sliding rope is rapidly ascending, returning.

"Sergeant Chief! It has followed!"

Its speed is very fast, and its huge body can already be seen at the entrance and exit of the tiankeng.

It was climbing quickly on the vertical cliff.

The speed is almost catching up with the mechanical exploration team.

Seeing it climbing aggressively on the rock wall, Wannia said, "Prepare for battle! Use the rocket launcher immediately and blast it down! Be careful of the tail flames. If you fall at this height, you will only die. One!"

When the rocket launcher is launched, the temperature of the tail flame is extremely high. If you don't pay attention, it will easily break the rope.

Once the rope is burned, the mobilized soldiers on the rope will fall into the underground space.

Although there is water in the underground space, at this height, once it falls, the momentary impact with the water is enough to break the bones.

Under Vanya's order, the ascending exploration team was ready to attack.

The two mobilizers equipped with bazookas have changed their weapons.

The rifle was put in the back, the rocket launcher was against his shoulders, and aimed at the behemoth that was climbing on the rock wall below.

Although the target is large, it is not easy to hit the target while moving.

During the movement, two mobilizers armed with rocket launchers aimed at the giant beast and pulled the trigger.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

In the darkness, two red flashes suddenly appeared.

In the flash, two fiery red streamers shot out one after another, tearing the darkness apart with the screaming sound, and plunged one end toward the climbing behemoth on the rock wall.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the two huge explosions, two fireballs suddenly rose up on the back of the giant beast.

The flickering fire light illuminated the darkness, exposing the huge body of the giant beast in the sinkhole.


The impact of the explosion made the giant beast's body abruptly, and its body fell down.

With a painful roar, the giant beast was struggling, and its two hind paws pierced deeply into the rock wall, stopping the body from falling.

The attack from above seemed to anger it.


It opened its mouth wide and let out a deafening growl.

The huge roar echoed in the sinkhole, sweeping away mightily into the distance.

After the roar, its upper body was close to the rock wall, the two sharp claws of its hind legs alternated quickly, and the speed of its movement suddenly increased a lot.

In the darkness, its pupils glowed with a faint red light, in the dark sinkhole, like stars in the night, staring at the exploration team above it.

"Is it useless?"

Looking at the undamaged behemoth, Vanya was silent.

Although the giant beast does not have a carapace, its important parts are covered by a layer of material similar to bones, which makes the giant beast look like a huge biological skeleton, and its appearance is extremely terrifying.

The power of the rocket bomb only left a black mark on its body.

There is no doubt that its defense is amazing.

This time I went down to the pit lightly. I didn't carry too many rockets, just a symbolic preparation.

In the First Army, each team was equipped with only one rocket launcher.

This time the exploratory team was composed of two teams. In the attack just now, the rockets prepared for the bombs had been exhausted.

Without heavy firepower, there is no way to stop it.

Vanya knows this very well.

"Don't pay attention to it, focus on returning! Don't fall back!"

It can't catch up. Although the speed of the two sides is similar, the speed of its climbing is undoubtedly slower.

The distance between the two sides is widening little by little.

In the darkness, Vanya's words rang from the communicators of the mobilized soldiers.

This allowed the exploration team to put down their weapons and focus on the operation of the waist restraint device.

Here, the restraint device can't get stuck, once it gets stuck, it will be dropped by the team, and once it gets dropped, it is very likely to die in the mouth of a giant beast.

Although the mobilized soldiers in the middle of the cylindrical space will not necessarily be injured by the giant beasts climbing on the rock wall, after all, the ground where the rope is located can be tens of meters away from the surrounding cliffs, and the giant beasts may not be able to reach it. With.

But there is only one life, and life-threatening things cannot be risked.

It is easy to get into the pit, but difficult to get into the pit.

In the pit, the exploratory team only spent more than half an hour at a distance of more than 6,000 meters.

But in the pit, it took a full two hours.

The speed of going down the pit is not comparable to the speed of going up the pit.

"They're back! The exploration team is back!"

In the darkness, with a soft cry, the mobilized soldiers staying on the platform couldn't help but converge towards the edge of the platform, looking towards the darkness below.

At the end of the line of sight, at the end of the rope, the figure of the exploration team is gradually approaching.

It's the exploration team, the exploration team is back.

What happened next?

Not long ago, an explosion sounded from the sinkhole, but all the mobilized soldiers on the platform heard it.

The voice was very clear, passing by the platform like a thunder, sweeping upwards.

Undoubtedly, there was a battle below the tiankeng.

The root of the battle can only be the exploration team.

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