Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 709: Heroes Association

The words were paused, and in the eyes of many eyes, Messeg continued: "Six months ago, called by the Heroes’ Association, the Order of the Empire organized a meeting in Kyoto. In that meeting, there were a total of 24 countries. Participate in the conference. The theme of the meeting is the alliance, the alliance of large and small countries on the Eurasian continent, to form a southern expedition led by the empire of the cult, to launch an offensive against the southern continent and restore human order from the hands of demons , And in the marching route of the Southern Expeditionary Army, the South China Sea is a must pass!"

Must pass?

Everyone understood slightly.

"In this way, the Heroes' Association needs the peace of the South China Sea, so as not to affect this southern expedition to the southern continent?"

Messeger nodded and said, "It should be so. The Southern Territory is in the extreme south, and the Eurasian Empire is in the northwest of Eurasia. The distance between the two sides is no less than 20,000 kilometers even in a straight line. This is an expedition. , The reason for choosing the route via Kyoto should be logistical issues. Whether it is the Republic of Sharjah, or Kyoto, or ASEAN, or East Asian countries, if agreements can be signed, these countries will be sufficient to maintain the empire of the Order. As the gateway to the South China Sea, our Bentley nation is the most important place. From the Heroes’ Association, the war in the South China Sea will affect this missionary empire’s expedition. Therefore, they will do their best to quell this Fight chaos, clear obstacles on the route for the cult empire!"


Expedition in this era is not an easy task, it can be said to be a thankless task.

In the conference room, the expressions of the officials changed, with doubts and surprises.

What is puzzled is why the ecclesiastical empire does not go so far to find the trouble of the devil. What is marveled is that the religious lunatics are really unscrupulous in order to believe. In this era, I am afraid that only the sect empire can launch an expedition. Strength cannot be underestimated.

"My Lord Commander! In this way, we should respond to this reconciliation, but the premise is that the First Army must leave our homeland. We cannot regress in this regard!"

An official looked at Messegg and said.

Messeger nodded lightly, and said, "This is what the three commanders of our army have in mind. Reconciliation is okay, but the First Army must leave our territory!"

An official said: "So and so, we have nothing to say. This war has caused great damage to our Bentley country. It can be stopped. This is what we want in our hearts. In the final analysis, this The war happened only because of someone’s self-interest, not my Bentley’s original wish!"

At this point, the officials nodded in unison.

Everyone here knows who this certain person is, and it is true.

Without someone, this war might not happen at all.

With a straight expression, Messeg looked around at the people and said, "Whether it is fighting or making peace, I hope you will do your part. Whether it is external or internal, I hope you will be vigilant, good Now, let's end the meeting!"

The end of the meeting gave Bentley a clear direction.

Although the power of Bentley is in the hands of the three army commanders, some superficial things still need to be done.

It is independent power, but it is not independent power. No one can play any power alone. You must have a team that belongs to you. People who want this team to be loyal to themselves are not enough to give power, and respect.

When Message gathered officials to hold a conference room, in the other two capitals, two army commanders were doing the same thing.

Without waiting for me, the fleet of the First Army is just outside the port. The ports of the three capitals are blocked. Standing on the guard wall and looking out to the sea, the ships of the First Army cruising back and forth are clearly visible.

The multi-day blockade caused Bentley to lose the huge profits of maritime trade, and the occurrence of war also made Bentley's people panic.

This needs to change.

Bentley Country, Marani City.

In the northwest of the city, among the tall buildings, a strange building stands.

The building is tall and big, like a half-shaped pyramid, with a large base, and it gets smaller as it goes up. On the sloped side, there is a winding road connecting the ground and the top platform.

On the outside of the platform, a row of piers protruding outward is arranged irregularly, there are a lot of them, there are five.

Although there are many docks, there are very few spaceships docked. There is only one, a huge spaceship with golden sails.

On the mast, various flags are flying in the wind, representing every country and every character.

This is the airport, the only airport in Bentley.

At this moment, a meeting is unfolding in a room that serves as a meeting room in the spacecraft.

Under the soft light, at a square table, five figures are sitting side by side.

They are dressed in various costumes, with bright and clean colors, and they look noble.

Among the five people, the youngest are around 20 years old, and the older are no more than 30 years old.

In the same way, there are men and women. Men have a self-confidence. The occasional smile gives people a sense of confidence. Women are delicate and beautiful, and every move gives people a heroic temperament.

Three men and two women.

He smiled slightly, glanced at someone at the table, and whispered: "This matter is not troublesome. The answer from Bentley should not exceed our expectations. After all, they are in this war. The only trouble is the First Army!"

He picked up a cup full of red liquid on the table, took a sip from his mouth, and continued with his enjoyment gaze: "This First Legion, the origins are quite mysterious, even our Heroes' Association is also the same. I don’t know, I only know that they first appeared in the ruins of the swamp in the Kyoto territory six months ago, and then they occupied Nanlin Island. Since then, the first army seems to have exposed its true colors, and its strength has grown stronger and stronger. In just a few months, he will have the strength to invade Bentley. To say that the First Army has no background, I will not believe this, and neither will you, of course, the Association will not believe it! "

After the words paused, he smiled slightly, and said, "But well! No matter what the background of the First Legion, someone should go to the reconciliation this time. As for who goes, it depends on everyone's opinions!"

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