One-minute regression rock 24

The fifth floor was the most bizarre space in the Chimera dimension.

In the sky, the moon, stars, and the sun were floating at the same time, and a bluish Milky Way flowed on the floor.

Sally laughed and put the starch in both hands.

Then he ran to Kang Yoon-soo.

“Dad, Dad, look at this. It’s beautiful! “

“It’s fake.”

“Woah! Mom!”

Shannette was stunned by Sally, who had been wrecked by her heart.

White stood around him looking for his prey and put his molars out.

“The castle … … ! Laura Macro? “

Suddenly the space on the other side of the room was languishing, and a dim shape appeared.

It was similar in shape to human beings, but had no hair, and every corner of the body was a natural looking looker.

What is most noticeable is the sword attached to the right arm.

The sharp tip of the sword in the right hand palm was sharp.

A cracking voice came out.

“Foolish … Alchemists … … “

“Mixed magic creature Homunculus rabian (boss, level 132) appeared!”

Boss Monster of Chimera Dimension.

Hombunchulus rabian slowly moved his head.

The vast space was greatly distorted.

“Rabbi is a controlling chimera dimension.

If you knock out Ravien, you can escape the closed chimera dimension. “

You have to kill the boss monster to survive.

Now I have to do my best.

‘Rabbi is not a monster that can knock you down.’

This fight had to be dragged into a long battle.

Kang yunsu reached out his right arm.

“Summons 54 Darkland Worms. Evil Chimera 400 summoned. “

Darkland worms and wild evil chimeras poured out wildly into their teeth.

Over 400 undead armies.

Kang Yoon – su pointed to Rumble.


A fierce battle began.

Sally waved a flame in both hands and shouted.

“Flame armed!”

The magic of the Salamander, which adds fire attributes to weapons.

Especially in the front undead, the whole body was burned with flames.

There was no big impact even if the undead fireworks which did not feel the pain were wrapped.

Furthermore, the attack power of the flames was much higher.

Land worms and chimeras, armed with fireworks, rushed wildly toward Homunculus.

“Annoying … … Weak things … … “

Homunculus rabian pulled his left arm down vertically.

Part of the dimension was opened and the ferocious chimeras came out.

Undead legions and freaky chimeras collide in front of the fire.

The battlefield where body and flame are splashed.

The rabbian chimeras have been using bondage or disturbance skills to confuse the battlefield.

The undead army pushed the premises in numbers rather than personal strength.

Kang Yoon-soo wielded a big sword and cut off the chimera’s neck.

Chanet, who is opening a piece of power, used the power to cut the chimera.

White rushed like a storm and rushed towards Rabin, the strongest being.

Some of the weaker ones were not filled with the wildness of blood.

“Urunokura -!”

The claws of the white monster headed at the neck of Homunkulus.

Rabian quickly wielded his right sword.

Chaos -!

White, who had given the consent of the consensus, retreated to the back of the roaring growling.

It was not an opponent to win with one-on-one face-to-face.

Above all, it was not black ordinary of rabian.

If you are a regular steel sword, you have to hit the white attack, which has to be broken.

“You’re so tired … … “

Rabian built the sculpture and moved his left arm.

Light marking, Hornmukruus shouted.

“Alchemists look … … ! The fear of the remnants that you have … … ! “

Blue magic flowed around the rabbian and spread throughout the space.

At the moment, the bodies of the chimeras collapsed.

Sculptures, hair, cut legs, and cut fingers all waved.

The body parts were attached to the friendly undead and were to give a painful shock.

Then Kang Yoon-soo shouted.

“A carcass explosion.”

Qajiang -!

“Wow … … ! “

Chimera bodies around Rabbi have exploded for a moment.

The size of the explosion was intense and even the body parts that were wriggling became powdered.

Cadaver explosion is a powerful skill, but when you use it, magic powers are fast.

However, Kang Yoon – soo blasted without hesitation.

“The body explodes. Body exploding. Cadaver explosion. “

bang-! Qajiang -! Kowga River -!

Continuous popping bodies.

The wreckage of the remaining body wriggled, but it did not do much damage.

Ravien kept gazing at Kang Yoon-soo.

“You … … You’re trying to interfere with my revenge … … ! “

Ravien, who was in the back of the Chimera army, stepped forward.

As the long-sleeved arm of his right arm crawled on the blood, he was pointed toward Kang.

However, Kang Yoon-soo did not play face-to-face.

“Life Drain.”

At the end of the Great Sword of Kang Yoon-soo, blue-green energy flowed to absorb the life and vitality of Ravion.

Rabian was more angry and wielded his sword.

However, Kang Yoon – soo avoided everywhere when rabian came.

As if you know where Rabbians move.

He threw a small bomb and exploded.

Qajiang -!

The high temperature explosion swept the body of the rabbian.

Every time that happens, part of the body of Rabia is damaged and vitality has been cut off.

“Rat like a rat … … ! “

Rabian put his sword in his right arm down to the friendly Chimera.

The chimera on the sword appealed to the pain and dried up.

Then the ravian’s vitality recovered and the sword’s destructive power became stronger.

“All of you … … I will die … … ! “

Ravien ran over the undead as randomly.

This was the horror of Rumble.

Even if the vitality is low, the sword is stabbed to absorb physical strength and magic power.

It was a very demanding opponent as a boss monster of the chimera dimension.

A lot of undead in the hands of Ravien returned to the powder, and many chimeras also died.

However, Kang Yoon-soo’s successive bombing, life drain, and other friendly piercing have reduced the rabbin’s vitality quickly.

The battle is coming to a close.

There was light on the other side and four people appeared.

“After, I have come up now … … Ugh! What is this?”

Lee Gang-hyun could not keep his mouth shut.

The same was true of other people.

The battle with boss monsters was much more intense than expected.

There was a body of chimera around and it was a mess like the war.

“Let’s join us. I will support the rear, so take the front. “

Shinhan said calmly.

Soon the group regained their composure and nodded.

“The sword of the sword!”

The inspectors unfurled their unique skills and jumped into the battlefield.

When they worried about the comfort of Gang Yoon-soo, Shinhan Ryo thought from a different point of view.

‘The boss has lost a lot of strength.’

Ravien fought roughly, but he was very exhausted.

The way of absorbing the life force of chimera was also frequent because of the bomb that was thrown by Kang.

At this point, Kang Yoon-soo, the boss monster hunting achievement and that sword is taken away.

‘I can not do that.’

Shin Han – yul bit his lip and pulled out a piece of parchment folded in a rucksack.

Magic scroll with intermediate magic.

The scrolls, which can only be used with magic, were in a very expensive category.

It was a difficult item received by the clan, swearing to reach level 100 for a short time.

Not only will he feel guilty for writing in the wrong room, but he will also receive a warning from the clan.

‘It’s not a cover.’

Shin Han – yul tore the scroll without hesitation.

A strange magical power came out, and it came together in the air.

It was a window of lightning that was created long before.

Intermediate magic lightning javelin.

A blue current just flowed in and out just by being close.

Without ending it, Shin Han Yul shouted.

“Mana opening!”

Unique skill of Sorcerer class.

Temporarily open limited mana to strengthen one magic greatly.

The Lightning Javelin has become larger and larger enough to sweep the battlefield.

‘If you can catch it!’

Shinhan Ryo looked at Ravian in the distance.

There was a distance but I was confident enough to hit.

“Everybody, stay away!”

As Shinhan Yulry warned, people in the battlefield were surprised and split on both sides.

He threw the Lightning Javelin vigorously.

The window of the light flies with a blue current.

His magic hit the rabbit’s chest exactly.

Being held -!

As the current swirled around, the smoke rose.

Ravien, who was in a state of poverty, was still dying.

Shinhan Ryu smiled relievedly.

‘it’s over. It is certainly.’

That moment.

A big hand blew smoke.

Rumble was hung up without any hurt.

Not only that.

Rabian absorbed the blitz, and it became bigger and stronger.

Around the sharp edge of the blade, a steady current flowed.

“Foolish things … … ! You’re bringing death … … ! “

“Homunculus Ravien absorbed intermediate magic.

The power of the sword is opened and the vitality lost is restored. “

Shinhan Ryo and all other members of his team made an astonishing look.

Do you absorb magic?

There was no such information in Homunculus information obtained from the commission.

The spell of Shinhan-yul’s spleen was only a form of awakening of the boss monster who was in a dying situation.

At the moment, everyone has lost his face.

But only one.

When everyone stood up, there was a man moving one step forward.

Kang Yoon-soo pointed at the Great Sword toward Rabbi.

Rabian snorted.

“To deal with me that is so strong … … ? You’re stupid … … “

“You have to compensate when you absorb magic when you kill.”

Ravien’s face was greatly distorted.

“Life is … … It looks like it does not bother me … … ! “

Rabian wielded a long sword wielding lightning.

Kang Yoon-soo lowered his posture and avoided a blow.

At that moment, a gleam of brilliance flowed from the silver-mane wrist guards worn in his arms.

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