Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 721: Lord True God (Second Change)

Nanzaoyang, father Jinshan.

Vehicles gathered under a barren hill in the suburbs, not only the license plate numbers of Jinshan Metropolitan City, but also luxury cars from other areas gathered together.

Built on the top of the mountain is a mysterious religious facility. It was built in just a few months. It is large in scale and cost a lot of money, but the style is hard to describe. It is an island country, a peninsula and a Western style. Fortunately, this religious facility enshrines 'Gods' didn't care too much about this, and didn't get angry because of the nondescript style.

For Shilong Dadou, the so-called belief is just a tool, a tool that allows him to gather resources.

He is like a master cultivator in the fantasy novels of Huaguo, who used the method of earning money in the extreme way in his cultivation.

Pile up various resources to practice puppetry, and create powerful combat puppets one by one.

Empty glove white wolf, a scam with no output at all, even a fool can see that there is a problem.

But on the earth where the vast majority of people are mortals, Shilong Dadou's simple tricks easily won over a huge amount of resources.

Whether it is Shengdou ordinary people or business elites, they are directly subdued in front of the extraordinary power, and the speed of spreading religion in Nanzaoyang far exceeds Shilong Dadou's prediction. The power gathers bigger and bigger like a snowball, and even begins to get out of control in the middle period. There are people who devoutly believe in supernatural power, and there are also mice who take advantage of the troubled waters and think about profiting from it, and all kinds of people gather in it.

What puzzled Shilong Dadou the most was that he obviously didn't show the real ability to revive the dead and rejuvenate his youth. All his subordinates used their brains to perfect his ability. Self-hypnosis made Shilong Dadou stunned.

At this moment, there are many believers gathered in the religious holy place, most of these believers are newcomers who joined later, but those who have the right to come here are at least prominent figures, rich businessmen, wealthy bureaucrats, ordinary ordinary shrimps have no chance to see the face of the true God .

"The believers are listed."

As soon as the words fell, believers who had been preparing for a long time filed in.

They bowed their heads respectfully, only a few dared to look up and stare at Shilong Dadou with longing and enthusiastic eyes.

This existence that surpasses human beings, the human body of the true god in the sky, controls the life, old age, sickness and death of human beings, can bring the dead back to life, and ascend to heaven after death.

It can be easily snuffed out with one finger.

Shi Long Da Dou was sitting on the stage, to be precise, he was controlling a solemn armor with puppet strings.

The armor is as majestic and mysterious as possible, and the human body cannot be seen at the exposed joints. This detail proves the existence of gods.

"Everyone in the church can listen to the teachings of the ancient gods today and see the real body of the ancient gods in the world. This is the blessing of doing good deeds day and night on weekdays."

"And today the world is in chaos, and the world of evil cholera bred from the evil thoughts of human beings, ordinary people like you and me, whether they are in high positions or rich in wealth..."

The eloquent words didn't get into Shilong Dadou's mind at all, what he was thinking about was how to enhance the fighting power of the puppet.

What kind of messed up religion, is it important to have growth power?

As long as there is strong power, everything is just a passing cloud.

Powerful power——Shilong Dadou thought of the mysterious demon king in Tokyo, and putting the lines of running the train on stage to that demon king did not violate harmony at all. I am afraid that he wanted to kill himself because he really pinched his fingers matter.

What is he planning?

Shi Long fights away his uneasy thoughts, no matter who he is, no matter what he is planning, as long as his strength is strong enough, he will have a better chance of breaking out of the game.

The believers don't know that the head of the true God is thinking about other things, but the church'thugs' who are in charge of the order of the venue have found something wrong. Among the confused fanatics, a small number of them are conscious, and their eyes are still connected. What.


The thug walked towards the suspected target suspiciously, but suddenly fell to the ground after walking a few steps.


Gunshots rang out from the mountains, and almost at the moment the first thug fell, the other thugs also fell like dominoes, and countless guns were aimed at the religious meeting place.

The bullets were as dense as the wind, and there were bullets and gunshots everywhere. Almost every thug standing was greeted by bullets.

The 'Bishop' who was originally standing on the stage full of passion was the most miserable. The bullet entered from the left side of his head, half his face and the upper half of his head exploded in an instant.

Like a red flower blooming at a hundred times, a thousand times faster, the buds that are about to bloom burst and bloom in an instant.


Blood is like filaments, and minced meat is fluff.

Death in slow motion, crashing to the ground in fast motion, his only remaining mouth is still opening and closing, still maintaining the passion of his life.


"Dead, dead!"

"Who did it! Bastard!"

Ordinary believers were not within the attack range, but they also panicked and fled after hearing the gunshots. The running figure interfered with the sight of the precise shooter.

"Snipers stop shooting, don't hurt ordinary citizens."

The frontline command dispatched the combat units in an orderly manner. When they received the news of the gathering, they had already simulated in the sand table many times.

"Latent units act, don't let the crowd get out of control!"

The government personnel who had been lurking in the venue immediately stood up and raised their guns to demonstrate: "Bang! Bang!"

"Everyone, don't move around! Evacuate in an orderly manner under our command!"

Seeing signs of commotion in the venue, the lurking personnel squinted their eyes and fired several shots at the open space, which was just in front of the escape path of the personnel.



The dust and gravel splashed on the trouser legs, and the surrounding personnel who were originally commotion stopped immediately, looking at the shooting personnel with trepidation.

"You, you..." At this moment, the deluded believer remembered his identity in the secular world.

He is a bureaucrat of his father Jinshan, dare to shoot himself, does this little policeman not want to mess around anymore? He was about to reprimand the little police officer, but he closed his mouth rationally when he saw the smoking muzzle of the gun.

"Anyone who doesn't obey the command is in danger of being affected by stray bullets. Follow us for the sake of life safety!"

The raid went surprisingly smoothly, and the thugs were wiped out in the first wave of attack, which was easier than pulling out nails with a claw hammer.

However, there are still believers who are not afraid of death, do the opposite, and actually rush towards the true god on the stage.

"Master True God!"

"Master True God!"

Hands are like thorns clustering towards the armor, as long as they touch the armor, it seems that they can ascend to heaven.

"Master True God, it's the demons that have descended!"


The armor on the stage made the sound of metal friction and impact, and slowly stood up under the command of the puppet silk thread, holding a long metal knife tightly in his right hand.

There are no eyes of living people in the helmet, but in the hollow darkness, the aura of killing burst out.

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