Chapter 316 Yui, do you want to come to my house to have a look!!


Yui Shinheng looked at the owner of the bullet room who was bowing down, a little embarrassed that she was happy to play just now, and did not ask how much money she won at all.

Unexpectedly, in just a short period of time, the owner of the bullet room would spend 10 million yen to make her stop playing.

So, Yui whispered to Li Mingxuan: “Oni-chan, how much money have we won!” ”

Li Mingxuan glanced at the astronomical number of marbles above and calculated about 5 million yen.

It is equivalent to more than 200,000 Chinese dollars.

“More than 5 million yen!”

Hearing him say this, Shinheng Yui immediately covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes round in disbelief.

“This… So much! ”

“Well, it’s really a lot!”

Li Mingxuan nodded, but he did not accept the 10 million yen bank card of the boss of the bomb room.

Just hand the balance card won by the two to the boss.

“Forget the 10 million yen, exchange these!”

Li Mingxuan said.


The owner of the bullet room saw that the two did not collect their own money, and he should not have come to smash the field.

I immediately called the staff next to me.

So, after the staff counted the balance cards, they gave many tokens because gambling in plasters was illegal, so the Burzingo store thought of a way to circumvent the law.

Simply put, three stores are open.

There are also two shops on either side of the Burzingo store, but they are different from the owners of the Burzingo store.

After the pinball player exchanges the won pins into tokens, they can go to the next prize asking house to exchange them for various prizes.

For example, figures, dolls.

However, after taking these prizes to the prize exchange house of the shop on the other side to exchange them for cash.

As a result, Li Mingxuan and Xinheng Yui left the store with more than 5.6 million yen in cash.

Although this money is the credit of Shinheng Yui, she does not want a penny to justify that it is gambling money.

I have to say that the three views are very correct.

However, as soon as you walk out of the bullet room, you find that it is past 2 o’clock in the afternoon and in the bullet room, you don’t notice that time flies so quickly, and you don’t feel hungry.

However, as soon as you come out, you will feel that your belly is empty.

Therefore, Li Mingxuan took Yui to fill his stomach.

After casually eating some Washi-style food nearby, they wandered around the neighborhood in the afternoon, and in the evening, the two took the subway to a street in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, where all men go.

Look at the big red door sign with neon lights.

Yui Shinheng, who had never been here, but had heard his daimyo swallow his throat and stood in front of the door and whispered.

“Oni-chan, do you really want to visit here?!”

Hearing her mosquito-like voice, Li Mingxuan smiled and said, “Why, don’t you dare?” ”

“How dare I, it’s just a custom shop!”

Xinheng Yui held on, and both snow-white thighs in white stockings were trembling.

“Then what are you waiting for, go, let’s go in!”

After speaking, Li Mingxuan pulled the cute and innocent girl to the most famous place of plaster, you must know that in plaster, there are more than 4,600 customs stores of all kinds, and there are as many as 25,000 employees.

There are more than 1,200 in Tokyo alone, and 13 of the 5,000 plaster men have visited the custom streets of their cities.

And in Gaul, which is famous for its romance, only about 1 man has ever visited the local red-light district.

Li Mingxuan kept looking around and walked on the street of Kabukicho with a curious baby.

On both sides, there are many billboards for men dressed in various enchantments.

In fact, in addition to women, men are also very popular in this street.

At one point, the Niulang industry was even more popular than women in the future, with men dyed blonde hair, smoky makeup, and cool photos placed on billboards with phone numbers underneath to be contacted at any time.

However, Shinheng Yui obviously has no love for those people, and she feels that although those people are imitating the two-dimensional prince shape, unfortunately, they do not have the appearance of a prince at all.

On the contrary, he is enchanting in the demon, and he is not as handsome as his own Oni-chan.

Instead, she was very interested in the shops on both sides, because each store had a mother Sang and a very good-looking young lady in it.

In addition, many girls are wandering the streets wearing kimonos.

Every time they see Li Mingxuan, their eyes will be discharged, and they will be flattering.

And Shinheng Yui will immediately hold her own Oni-chan with both hands, declare sovereignty, and let those women retreat.

Li Mingxuan is naturally not interested in these women in bright kimonos, and it is naturally impossible for him to come here to do that kind of thing in his identity, he really just came to see the different scenery of the world, after all, in his previous life, he had only seen some reports on the Internet, and had never really experienced it.

Since the plaster came after being reborn, he was naturally curious to see it.

For example, on the bustling streets of Shinjuku, you can see such a group of women.

They dress stylishly, carry suitcases and look like tourists, but in fact they are not, they are too poor to rent an apartment, so they have to carry all their belongings with them.

Spend the night at a 24-hour tea restaurant or a cheap internet café in the surrounding area.

These people are called Internet café refugees by plaster people, and more than seven or eight percent of them are women.

I’m afraid you’ll ask why women are reduced to the way they are.

In fact, the broad definition is to be lazy and lazy, only willing to enjoy happiness rather than labor.

In addition, it is also related to the supremacy of plaster patriarchy.

One out of every three women in working age is in negative equity, and without the help of men, life for women with plaster will be very difficult.

So many women have to do some illegal work.

Walking on the streets of Shinjuku, fortunately, Li Mingxuan came with a female companion, otherwise many people would have come to build the mountain.

For those who come to Kabukicho for the first time, they will meet some people who build the mountain.

These people can tell where you’re coming from before you say the first sentence.

Whether it’s Chinese or Korean, you’ll be spoken to by people who know your language, ask you what you want, and then take you somewhere else.

In reality, however, many of these people are liars.

Even if you find your goal, it will be completely different from the person you chose.

Then you can only cry without tears.

Shinjuku is also a bustling place in Tokyo.

But it is also a mixed place, where various gang forces compete for territory and food.

There is a movie called “The Shinjuku Incident” in Minatoe in the later generations, and you can know the chaos in the Shinjuku area.

Not ready to cause trouble now, the low-key Li Mingxuan took Xinheng Yui around and left.

However, Li Mingxuan, who was scented by those women in Kabukicho, suddenly asked: “Yui, it’s almost the same, do you want to go to my house to have a look!” ”

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