Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 472: Shocked, the intensity of ten Yasuo!

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"It's you." Looking around, Ye Feng saw a familiar figure standing not far away.

He was tall and dressed in crimson armor, with a rough face under his blond hair, and a scar on the left.

It is the guard commander in the inner city, [Mad Lion] Zamas.

He and Ye Feng have some contradictions. wrong. It should be said that the former unilaterally hated the latter.

At first, due to the affairs of the Lord of the Broken-Leaf City [Hudders], he personally went to arrest Ye Feng, and was finally stopped by the seventh princess Castina.

If that were the case, Zamas would not hate Yeba at all.

The problem is that after returning to the inner city, he was beaten in public by Castina and lost all face.

(It's all this woman's fault!)

Zamas' eyes were full of anger when he looked at Ye Feng.

Behind him stood dozens of well-equipped soil soldiers, none: not from the elite in the inner city.

Because the Fox Demon incident was too involved and could not be tolerated-even the slightest mistake was made, I sent Zamas out to inspect the outer city.

I didn't expect the enemy to have a narrow road, and met this woman who caused him all shame!

The anger that has accumulated for a long time erupted at this moment!

"Women, I suspect you have a collusion with the fox demon, immediately lower your weapon and go back with us to assist in the investigation 1"

However, the scene still has to be said, Zamas doesn't want to carry his bad reputation of abusing his power and publicizing his personal hatred.

At this time, the players who came to see the hot court heard the news and couldn't wait to shout: Don't doubt it, she really colluded with the Fox Demon!

However, none of the players present dared to speak up.

As a result, they have no conclusive evidence.

Second, they don't want to be hated by Ye Fengji.

Report this kind of thing secretly, just report it in person, I'm afraid I don't know how to write the dead words.

SKY and Zhang Kuang also rushed over when they saw the beautiful face that was so beautiful. They were afraid and hated.

(No, why should I be afraid of her, I am now a senior civil servant of the Empire. Regarding her status, she can't catch her!

As long as everything goes well, we can kill her in a few days!)

SKY clenched his fists, and the fear in his heart dissipated.

He was killed three times by Ye Feng. He said he was not afraid of the other. He must have been deceiving.

(Also, I have a crown comparable to the artifact)

Suddenly ↓ SKY remembered that terrible dream and couldn't help shaking.

Zhang Kuang stared at Ye Feng with a flash of eyes-wiping greed.

(Soon, soon your body is mine!)




Zamas's voice dropped, and the guards behind him flashed their weapons together, murderous.

The tense atmosphere permeated, calming everyone down quickly.

Shava! Shava!

All eyes on the scene fell on Ye Feng in unison, waiting for her answer or shot!

Players naturally want her to shoot.

And shot, hundreds of soldiers in the field-crowded up, the gods are difficult to rescue!

By then, they can touch the fish in muddy water!

People look forward to it.

Ye Feng raised her head slightly, and gently started her lips: "Give you three seconds to get away, or you will be at your own risk."

She had heard her words, and Richard had no idea of ​​her relationship with Alicia.

Understanding this is enough.

As for Zamas, a senior NPC who once gave her some pressure, she is not even qualified to raise her shoes.

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Standing there, in addition to disturbing eyes or disturbing eyes.

"What are you talking about?" "Zamas couldn't believe what he heard. This humble foreigner dared to speak wildly!

"Hehehehe!" He laughed angrily. "Do you think it's great to defeat Yasuo?

Hum! The frog at the bottom of the well!

At the beginning, the traitor Yasuo also studied with me for a while, and he could not beat me!

As soon as the words came out, the audience was uproar.

Ten sub primes!

His intensity is ten Yasuo!

Great, not great!

Many people who saw the duel were shocked.

The player is shocked and confused.

They clearly saw that Zamas was only thirty, how could there be ten Yasuoqiang?



Definitely blowing water!


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