During the previous process, Jiang Ran took the opportunity to transfer all the household registrations of the family.

Wang Cuilan knew about this, but she didn't take it to heart, so she forgot about it.

Now that I heard Jiang Ran say this, I suddenly remembered that my family's household registration had already been transferred to Beishi.

But thinking about the house and land at home, Wang Cuilan's face wrinkled.

"My dad and I have lived here for most of our lives, and now it's a bit reluctant to suddenly leave our hometown."

People in this era, especially the elderly, always have a feeling of being inseparable from their homeland. Jiang Ran understands it.

Jiang Ran thought about it for a while, and sighed a long time.

"If you don't go to Beishi, we are all gone, and we may not be able to come back for a few days throughout the year. We only meet so many times a year. After a long time, you and Dad will definitely forget us. And Xiaojing, when he is growing up, he will come into contact with more and more things in the future, and his brain will not be enough, so he will forget the previous things, if he doesn't see his grandparents for a long time, what should he do?"

Talking and talking, Jiang Ran's facial features are going to live together.

Although Wang Cuilan knew, Jiang Ran said this on purpose.

But as long as she followed her words and thought about it, Wang Cuilan couldn't help frowning.

Such a situation was something Wang Cuilan did not want to see.

In this world, what is more important than living together as a family?

The homeland is difficult to leave, the old house and land are not as important as family members.

"Okay. Then your dad and I will go with you." Wang Cuilan agreed immediately.

Wang Cuilan agreed too quickly, and Pei Baoshan didn't have time to say what he wanted to say.

Seeing Pei Baoshan's hesitant expression, Wang Cuilan patted him on the shoulder.

"What else do you want? We're all gone, and you want to stay home alone. No way!"

Wang Cuilan is at home, and she is also a one-of-a-kind master.

She has already said this for the sake of it. What else can Pei Baoshan say?

The opinions of the whole family were unified, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

At this moment, Pei Yang suddenly thought of a question.

"We're all gone, what about big brother?"

When this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Not because of anything else. Just because they all forgot about Pei Huai just now.

This is a little embarrassing.

Jiang Ran's eyes turned around on everyone's faces, and then smiled at everyone and said, "Can't he go to Beishi to find us after the project is over? It's not a conflict."

Hearing this, Wang Cuilan nodded hurriedly, "Yes, yes yes, what Ranran said is right. He is working. After his work is over, he can go to Beishi to find us."

The mother said so, and the younger brother and sister, of course, have no opinion.

In the evening, after Pei Huai came back, he was notified of this.

After hearing these things, Pei Huai's face did not show the slightest surprised expression.

Before that, he thought of this earlier than everyone, and he was naturally able to accept this result.

"It's okay, you go first. After you go, arrange everything well, so that when I go again, you don't have to worry about anything."

Hearing his words, Wang Cuilan laughed.

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