There are side dishes in the mutton soup.

Radish, cabbage, vermicelli.

Add onion and ginger, after serving, sprinkle some pepper powder inside, the taste is not too good.

The mutton is tender and rotten, and various vegetables are also dyed with the taste of mutton, but their own taste is also preserved.

One sip, it can be said that the taste is very rich.

The vermicelli is cooked just right, not too soft to chew, nor too soft to be caught.

In addition to the mutton soup, there are freshly baked bread cakes.

The skin of the dough cake is slightly browned, and when you get close, you can smell the fragrance of the noodles.

When you bite into it, the skin is crispy, but the inside is soft.

Because it is handmade, the inner surface is layer by layer, and some small pores can still be seen.

It is very chewy to eat directly. After breaking it, put it in the mutton soup and soak it, let it fully absorb the soup and then put it in your mouth, the taste will be richer.

But don't soak for too long.

If you soak it for too long, it will lose its texture.

Jiang Ran ate for a while, then reached out and touched Pei Jing's small bowl.

When I touched the side of the bowl, it wasn't so hot. I thought that the temperature of the mutton soup should have become just right, so I brought it over and put it in front of Pei Jing.

After asking Pei Jing's opinion, Jiang Ran broke off a few cakes and put them in the soup.

Even though Pei Jing is only about four years old, chopsticks are already working well.

Chopsticks can be used very well, not to mention spoons.

With chopsticks in one hand and a spoon in the other, he took a mouthful of soup, a mouthful of vegetables, a mouthful of meat, and then a mouthful of pancakes.

Bai Nen's cheeks, because of the non-stop chewing, are bulging, and they look extraordinarily cute.

The family gathered around the table, and after the steaming dinner, they were sweating slightly.

After eating and drinking, and the warmth in the room, people are a little drowsy.

It was completely dark outside, but it was still early.

Jiang Ran looked up at the wall clock on the wall, it was not yet six o'clock.

It was getting dark quickly in winter, it was less than six o'clock, they had already finished dinner, and it was already dark.

The family sat together to talk, digest food, wash up in a while, and go to bed separately.

Thinking of going to bed, Jiang Ran thought of a question.

Now that I'm back at Pei's house, there are only so many rooms. Where will Pei Huai live at night?

Jiang Ran thought so in her heart and looked towards Pei Huai.

Pei Huai seemed to be aware of something, and when Jiang Ran just looked over, he also looked at Jiang Ran.

The two looked at each other, and Jiang Ran calmly retracted his gaze after a while.

Pei Huai can go to sleep with Pei Yang.

Jiang Ran thought so in her heart, but didn't say it.

She felt that Pei Huai should understand what to do.

In fact, Pei Huai really understood.

After talking for a while, everyone went back to their rooms.

Pei Huai brought hot water and let Jiang Ran and Pei Jing wash up.

After the two of them washed up, Pei Huai went out with the water and told Jiang Ran to close the door and rest early.

Seeing Pei Huai's back gradually walking away, Jiang Ran didn't say anything and closed the door gently.

Pei Yang in the opposite room had been standing at the door, looking across from the crack of the door.

After seeing Pei Huai coming this way, he opened the door.

When Pei Huai came into the room, Pei Yang began to shake his head and sigh.

While shaking his head and sighing, he looked at Pei Huai.

Pei Yang was actually waiting for Pei Huai to take the initiative to speak.

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