Jiang Ran and Pei Huai put the box down, and did not rush to take out the contents, but asked Chen Bing where the bathroom was.

When I went to the bathroom, Jiang Ran was quite satisfied.

Wet and dry separation, there is a toilet, can shower.

This is enough.

The three washed their faces and went straight out the door.

Jiang Ran knew where they were going to eat. When they just came here, Chen Bing had already pointed it out. It was a shabu-shabu restaurant at the entrance of the alley.

The brand of the store has changed a bit, and it looks like an old store.

An old store like this can be open all the time, and the taste must be nothing to say.

Not far away, the three of them quickly walked over.

It's summer and it's night again, and this store's business is pretty good.

Entering the door, you can see more than a dozen tables, most of which are already seated.

As soon as the three of them entered the store, someone greeted Chen Bing.

"Chen Bing is here! When did you arrive?"

Chen Bing waved at the person who was speaking, "I just arrived, I came with a friend, give us a brush and cut a few catties of mutton."


Chen Bing was obviously a frequent visitor, and led Jiang Ran and Pei Huai to sit at a table by the window.

The window was open, and the night wind was blowing in, but it was quite cool.

There is no air conditioner in the store, but there are several ceiling fans, which are whirring all the time.

As soon as the three sat down for a while, someone came over with a copper pot and placed it in the middle of the table.

Shabu-shabu in Laobei City is very famous, and Jiang Ran has also eaten it.

It's just that when she went to eat at that time, she went to chain stores, and she always felt that eating was better than listening.

I haven't eaten it yet, but I just smelled the taste, but I felt it was wrong.

Chen Bing was already introducing it with a smile, "Don't look at the outside of this shop, it doesn't look very good, but the taste is very good. People from Laobei City love to eat here."

Jiang Ran glanced at Chen Bing, "Is it because of this that you rented the house near here?"

Jiang Ran said this, in fact, mostly ridicule.

But what Jiang Ran didn't expect was that Chen Bing actually nodded, "Don't say it, it's true. I live near my house just for the convenience of eating shabu-shabu."

Jiang Ran, "."

Chen Bing is really, and never hides the essence of his foodie.

While they were talking, someone else came over.

This time they served bowls and dipping sauces.

People in Laobei City eat shabu-shabu, and basically don’t need any other sticky ingredients, sesame sauce, sesame oil, and that’s enough.

Looking at the big bowl of sesame sauce, Jiang Ran couldn't help swallowing.

Although Chen Bing is not a landlord, he often comes here, and he understands it very well. Now I will introduce it one by one.

The three of them had just prepared the sesame sauce, and the mutton was cut and served.

The reason why shabu-shabu is called shabu-shabu is that it is delicious to eat.

The mutton is freshly cut, and each piece of mutton is thinly sliced, and when it is sandwiched, it can see through.

Put such mutton in a boiled pot, rinse it for a few seconds, and then fish it out.

Put it in the prepared sesame sauce bowl, cover it with sesame sauce, and put it in your mouth.

In an instant, the mouth was filled with the aroma of sesame sauce and mutton.

The mutton was tender, not mushy at all.

After eating one slice, it only makes people want to eat the second slice, so they can't even talk about it.

A few catties of mutton sounds like a lot, but the three of them are not small, and they don't eat anything else.

After the mutton is eaten, I finally ask for a portion of noodles and a portion of green vegetables, put them in and cook for a while, one bowl of noodles per person, and the meal is over.

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