Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 436 Announcing the Assessment

"Bang bang bang." Shen Zhenglan knocked on the door and walked in with a smile.

"Director, you are back."

"Director Shen, happy Chinese New Year." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Happy Chinese New Year, factory manager." Seeing Jiang Xiaobai like this, Shen Zhenglan breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Shen Zhenglan was still a little nervous when he didn't come back in the morning. After all, although Jiang Xiaobai hadn't been the factory director for a long time, his power in the factory was not comparable to that of other factory managers.

Here Jiang Xiaobai and Shen Zhenglan were chatting, and Du Yonghong also knocked on the door and came in.

"How about this? There will be an all-hands-office meeting tomorrow. Except for those on duty in the production workshop, all other staff will participate. Please let me know."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay." Shen Zhenglan nodded, meeting notices are always a matter of the office.

Soon, the meeting notice was conveyed.

The next morning, the scheduled 9 o'clock meeting ended at 8:40, and many people were still unable to be reached.

Shen Zhenglan turned around anxiously.

"Where are the people? Where did these more than 40 people go?"

"Director, the guard's Lao Zhang has contacted his family. He said that Lao Zhang has gone to see his relatives and hasn't returned home yet. He said he can come back this afternoon. Li Jianguo from the logistics department is also out..."

Xue Fangling said bravely.

"Stop talking." Shen Zhenglan interrupted Xue Fangling's words, one head and two big.

There are a total of more than 400 people in the whole factory, but more than 40 cannot be contacted and cannot attend the meeting, if only one or two people.

Even three or five people can make up for two leave slips, and it is estimated that Jiang Xiaobai will not pursue it too much.

But forty people, Shen Zhenglan didn't dare at all, this Jiang Xiaobai was different from the original factory manager, he was very shrewd, with a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's inner thoughts.

"Let's go, hurry up to the meeting room, Director Jiang is probably coming soon." Shen Zhenglan took a deep breath, and walked out of the office towards the meeting room.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was chatting with Jin Guoyan in the office.

"This is my revised assessment plan." Jiang Xiaobai pushed the typed assessment plan to Jin Guoyan.

"Okay, I'll bring it up at the meeting later." Jin Guoyan understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

"Let's go." Jiang Xiaobai stood up and walked towards the meeting room.

When Jiang Xiaobai walked into the meeting room, there was a loud noise, as if a thousand crows were calling in his ears, and his head felt buzzing.

Just after the new year, this meeting is like letting the employees sit together and have a tea party, and the chat is particularly vigorous.

Jiang Xiaobai took Jin Guoyan to the rostrum and took the next step.

Someone saw Jiang Xiaobai and Jin Guoyan, and the voice of chatting became quieter, but there were still people talking, but they lowered their voices.

Shen Zhenglan and Du Yonghong soon came in, and Xu Weiping arrived last.

Xu Weiping's face was a bit ugly. He didn't know that Jiang Xiaobai came back yesterday morning until someone went to his home to inform him of today's meeting.

"Everyone be quiet." Shen Zhenglan spoke into the microphone.

"Everyone be quiet." Shen Zhenglan said again, and the voice in the meeting room completely quieted down.

"Everyone be quiet." Shen Zhenglan said for the third time.

Jin Guoyan and Du Yonghong's stern eyes kept scanning the people in the meeting room, and the meeting room fell completely silent.

"Director Shen, is everyone here? How many people are here?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Shen Zhenglan's face turned bitter, and sure enough, Jiang Xiaobai still asked about it.

"There are still 46 people who haven't come, 7 of them have gone to see relatives, and 39 people..." Shen Zhenglan looked at Jiang Xiaobai's gaze, and hesitated for a long time to say the word "can't get in touch".

"The 46 people didn't come, but relatives. Have these people asked for leave? The department in the factory is in charge of asking for leave. Is there a leave note?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked coldly.

"Our office is responsible for asking for leave. These people don't have leave,"

Shen Zhenglan said bitterly, this is the case in previous years. During the first month, it is enough for each department to keep a person.

Everyone doesn't formally ask for leave, let alone the first month, even if they don't come to work usually, that is, to say hello, and there is no such thing as a formal leave note.

"If you don't have a leave slip, it means you're absent from work. Do you know how many days you've been absent from work? Which department is responsible for attendance?"

Jiang Xiaobai asked again.

"Checking attendance is also our office..." Shen Zhenglan didn't dare to look at Jiang Xiaobai and spoke, but was interrupted by Jiang Xiaobai before he finished speaking.

"Director Jin, let's have a meeting." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay," Jin Guoyan nodded, then cleared his throat, and said into the microphone: "Now, the meeting officially begins, and today's meeting is just one topic..."

While Jin Guoyan was talking here, Jiang Xiaobai looked down without looking sideways.

Shen Zhenglan on the side shuddered. This time, something serious happened to her, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't even listen to what she had to say. In the face of so many people, this was a complete slap in the face.

"Reform, in the past two years, the performance of our Daxing Glass Factory has been declining, and we have even been unable to make ends meet. The time I have stayed in the factory is not too short. I don't think our factory can continue like this.

Comrades, it is time for our factory to reform. Our workers arrive late and leave early. The plan, I will announce it to everyone below.

In the future, our factory will follow this assessment plan. "

While Jin Guoyan was talking, there was some noise.

"Quiet." Jin Guoyan said, and then began to read the assessment plan.

"The first rule is to assign people, positions, and responsibilities. The specific tasks that each person is responsible for should be determined early, and the position in charge should be assigned a clear dividend. If something happens, you must be responsible.

The second is the leadership responsibility system. If there is a problem in the workshop, the section chief is responsible. If there is a problem in the workshop, the workshop director is responsible.

Article 3: The assessment is carried out every month, with 30 points for each month, if you are late and leave early once, you will be deducted 5 yuan and 5 points; if you are late and leave twice in the month, you will be deducted 10 yuan and 10 points; , deduct all the salary of the month, and all the points; if you are late and leave early for more than half an hour, you will be treated as absenteeism, and all the salary of the month will be deducted. If you ask for leave, you must have a formal request for leave..."

"Every month, the assessment results of all the workers are ranked, the bottom ten are ranked, and the whole factory is notified and dealt with. After ranking the bottom ten for three consecutive months, they will be transferred or even fired."

As Jin Guoyan said, the conference room exploded completely, drowning Jin Guoyan's voice.

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