Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 4650 The ghost takes over

Before, the old blind man deceived Dang Hu and the others over and over again.

It was also the ancient emperor who was there.

The result was that as many people went down, as many died!

And now, although there were 10,000 people rushing out.

But this was 100% a trick!

Dang Hu stopped and reminded at this moment.

Of course, his words had not yet reached the other side of the universe.

He hurriedly just wanted to stop it!


The next moment, with a bang, due to the terrifying pressure, ten elders of the Human Wasteland Saint Clan personally took action. The extreme pressure made Dang Hu, who had just started, suddenly hit the wall like a big wall!

Dang Hu felt only severe pain.

But this was not the end.

Because he just bumped into it, and then someone raised his hand and slapped him directly on the head.

The heavy blow made Dang Hu dizzy and dizzy!

"What are you talking about?" The ten elders surrounded Dang Hu and prevented him from reporting the news!


"Shut up! "One elder scolded, and another elder slapped Dang Hu again, breaking his teeth.

"Everyone, even after being severely injured, he still spoke stubbornly!

"Is there a problem?" an elder scolded.

"What should we do?" another elder also shouted.

"Let them withdraw?"

"Who will take back Jiuhuo Liyun?"

"Are you going, Dang Hu?"

"Ah, are you going?" The elder was furious.

Who doesn't know

But there are choices?

"If they don't go down, how can we attract more troops?"

"If the army doesn't come, how can we take Jiuhuo Liyun?"

"If we don't take Jiuhuo Liyun, how can we accomplish our great cause?"

Dang Hu actually did this before, and thought about it from the overall situation.

But now he really doesn't want to continue to harm others, because there are already enough people.

However, he doesn't want to, the Renhuang Saint Clan doesn't think so.

However, in fact, what the elders of the Renhuang Saint Clan said is also right, that is, knowing that this is a trap, so what?

Don't go?

Is there a choice?

So at this moment, Dang Hu was intercepted.

And does the army of the Red Dragon have a choice at this moment?


Even if they suspected and knew that there were some problems, they still had no choice.

They could only go!

And the people of the Human Wasteland Saint Clan kept silent.

Only at this moment, the Holy Mother of Heaven and Man felt that there was a problem!

"This is not right!" The Holy Mother of Heaven and Man was very sensitive and noticed something was wrong.

"Wait a minute!" The Holy Mother of Heaven and Man stood proudly in the Eternal Pure Land.

And the surrounding space was blooming with brilliant flowers of the avenue.

On the ancient star, the ancient emperor Red Dragon roared at this moment. His fighting power was unmatched, shaking everything, and it was simply domineering to the extreme.

His fighting power was really strong, at least stronger than the ancient emperor Jinhong or Potian.

But at this moment, facing the extreme explosion, he was also in a mess.

After all, this was the self-explosion of Moment Fanghua.

Here, he had already understood that this ancient star did not follow the avenue outside.

Moment of Beauty should be able to easily destroy the entire ancient star, but here, it is not that the power has decreased.

It can only destroy him.


"Yes, all of this is nothingness!" He understood it instantly.

Compared to the real world, this ancient star is illusory and nothingness.

And the energy vibration frequency here is extremely high.

The higher the energy frequency vibration, the more illusory the object is, from solid to illusory.

It's like water. The lower the vibration frequency of water, the more it will turn into ice. The higher the vibration frequency, the more it will turn into mist.

Mist cannot be caught, but ice can.

At this moment, he has already seen through this secret.

It must be said that the ancient emperor Chilong has a very high comprehension, and has gradually touched some key information.

And his general direction is right, because death itself has no entity!

At this moment, his eyes are shining, full of wisdom!

But this is far from enough!

At this moment, he is surrounded again, and explosions continue.

This kind of explosion is only effective for him, and is completely ineffective for Gu Xing and others!

And the irony is that now it is all the army he brought that is attacking him.

Boom, boom, boom!

Waves of power exploded, and the sound kept on blasting.

Ancient Emperor Chilong was blown away. He had done his best. If it were any other ancient emperor, he would have been blown to death in this situation.

"You are humiliating me, you are telling me that we were wrong back then?"

"You are telling me that what Chen did back then was right. If everyone has the ability to self-destruct, then the world will be destroyed sooner or later!"

"Do you think I will repent?"

"If I do it again, I will make the same choice as I did back then!" Ancient Emperor Chilong shouted.

He jumped up, then picked up the pitch-black magic knife and killed the corpse of the empress!

"You are already dead. If you are not dead, then let you die again!" At this moment, Ancient Emperor Chilong gave up and stopped dodging.

"Don't regret what has happened. Right and wrong are not determined by reason or process!"

"It's determined by the result!"

"As long as you get the result you want, it's right!"

"You lost that year, which proves that you were wrong!" The ancient emperor Red Dragon, with his hair disheveled and blood all over his body, rushed back at the corpse of the empress with unparalleled strength!

But the empress' corpse never moved or opened her eyes.

The ultimate power exploded in the ancient emperor Chilong!

But the next moment, there was a bang!

The explosion caused a huge shock wave and knocked him over.

Then, a huge picture unfolded high in the sky.

No, in other words, it was not a picture, but Gu Xing seemed to have opened a window, and suddenly he could see the situation outside the distant starry sky.

He saw that most of his red dragon was stopped by the Divine Mother.

"Don't come down!" He clenched his fists on the ground, and at this moment, the attack on him stopped.

At this moment, the army, the gods, and the Holy Mother seemed to be right in front of him, and he could touch them as long as he stretched out his hand.

"Your ancient star once said that he must be the one who comes back to know

"Only 10,000 people have come back now, so don't go down!" Our Lady of Heavenly Man was very cautious and stopped the army directly.

And at this moment, a cross of light flashed between the eyebrows of the empress corpse, and silently, or in other words, it rushed into the ancient emperor Chilong's eyebrows instantly with absolute power.

Can't stop it, can't stop it at all!

The power of the Empress Corpse is too terrifying, very terrifying, the two don't seem to be on the same level at all!

At this moment, the powerful power instantly made Ancient Emperor Chilong's whole body begin to lose control.

This is taking away his control over his body! There is a traditional phenomenon among the people. When a person does strange things, he may be possessed by a ghost!

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