Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 496: Trembling from Berlin

Those who know how to study Spain are not just pro-Spanish people and countries like Lu Xun. In fact, sometimes, the people who understand them best are their enemies. Among the many potential enemies of Spain, if you count them carefully, you can remember the ones who understand them best. People are only paying attention to countries such as Britain, Germany, France, Russia, and the United States. Among them, the German Empire has been silently watching the development of Spain step by step in these years.

Berlin, Sanssouci Palace, the weather is exceptionally sunny today.

The majestic sitting posture of William II made many people seem to realize that the person in front of them was one of the most powerful countries in the world, and the person in front of them was one of the most powerful kings in the world.

Therefore, they all listened carefully to the report of the German Imperial Intelligence Officer Cruy Jack.

"The formulation of Spain's foreign strategy is usually launched after some deliberation, based on a review of the original strategy, and based on the latest domestic and international situations. The adjustment of Spain's foreign strategy is usually more cautious and often involves an evaluation. In the process, there is usually a departmental team or a cross-departmental team that reviews foreign strategic issues and puts forward policy recommendations. Whether looking at the relevant legal provisions of Spain or from the actual operation process, in fact, in the foreign strategy There is no fixed decision-making process or model for formulating the problem. However, we can still outline the general outline of Spain’s foreign strategy.”

Everyone nodded. There were not many people this time, just the main figures in the German Empire. Xiao Maoqi, Chief of General Staff and Minister of War. Chief of Army Staff Ludendorff, Chief of Naval Staff and Minister of the Navy; Prime Minister Theo Baden. Deputy Prime Minister Georg Mies, Foreign Minister Pilov, and former Prime Minister Bernhard von Bülow were among the most important powerful figures in the German Empire.

And the influence of many of them has even been able to influence the world.

“In terms of government agencies involved in decision-making, the National Security Council is the largest agency, followed by the direct leadership agency of the King of Spain, and a bureau-level agency at the second level, namely the Spanish Royal Security Center Agency, the National Security Each of the Intelligence Bureau has a confidant of the king as the director.

What followed was the intelligence agencies of various departments, such as the Intelligence Department of the Cabinet of Ministers managed by Prime Minister Chavez. Department of Defense Intelligence Branch 2, Secretary of State for Defense Peter Clayton's Department of Defense. Spanish intelligence agencies headed by the Diplomatic Intelligence Analysis Department 3 controlled by Spanish Foreign Minister Trini, and the Economic Intelligence Department 4 of the Ministry of Finance led by Omar, play a very important role. Strictly speaking, the Royal Security Center and the National Security Agency are part of the direct administration of the King of Spain. But to emphasize the role of the National Security Council. so. Here they are listed individually. "

Everyone felt a little numb after hearing this. Spain is so capable. these institutions. Let’s not talk about other things now. These institutions alone made everyone sitting here, including Bernhard von Bülow, the successor of Bismarck, the former powerful European prime minister of the German Empire, involuntarily take a deep breath. tone.

And William II felt that his throat was itching in his heart. It seemed that he could not control himself. He was really uncomfortable. Spain's intelligence was so complicated, which proved that Spain's intentions were not small. It also proved that, These institutions already existed, and the idea brought to William II was how far these institutions in Spain had penetrated into the German Empire and other parts of the world. This was what he wanted to know.

Of course, Cruy Jack continued his job before he heard the call to stop, that is, he continued to want to release information. Although he also knew that the information he revealed to the leaders of the German Empire would make everyone present uncomfortable, but he was not like that at the time. The Spanish intelligence network simply controlled all departments. All included, which made him an elite in the intelligence community. After learning this information, he could only work hard and continue to improve his shortcomings, even though he knew that his gap in front of Spain was How many.

"I'm curious, how is intelligence managed in Spain, and how is it generally obtained?"

Jack stopped, then looked up and saw that it was the Chief of General Staff, Moltke. He immediately saluted him. His uncle was Old Moltke, the Chief of General Staff of the German Empire. He is also the Chief of General Staff now. Chief of Staff, and he took over this position directly from his uncle. With such a being, he could only treat the other party with the utmost courtesy.

"Generally speaking, Spanish intelligence agencies provide a large amount of information collected through open and secret channels for reference in decision-making of relevant departments. The National Security Council, the Intelligence Division of the Cabinet House and the Intelligence Division of the Ministry of Defense evaluate Spain's foreign strategy and formulate new It is an important operating department of strategy. Correspondingly, the king, the National Security Advisor, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, ministers of various ministries and the leaders of the intelligence agencies (National Intelligence Center Bureau) are the core figures in foreign strategic decision-making.

The palace here mainly refers to the king. Although he is not the chief executive and does not have to directly manage political affairs, the king is responsible for formulating national policies. As the main maker of foreign policy and the number one diplomat, the king's power not only comes from Spain's various specially concocted constitutional authorizations, but also is gradually established through diplomatic practice over the years. The king has the power to appoint specific personnel, remove power from office, and supervise and guide the work of various administrative departments. According to legal provisions, the appointment of ministers, governors, deputy ministers and lower-level officials requires the king's approval and nomination, and can only be formally assumed office after being voted by the Spanish Senate. "

The national security assistant is directly appointed by the king, which is why it is a general agency controlled by the king. However, unlike the United States, the Spanish king does not need to lobby and promote Congress to support the foreign strategy launched by the executive branch in order to obtain corresponding funds. Assure.

Spain, on the other hand, does not need it. Because in Spain, the king has represented public opinion for many times. Of course, this is the influence of the current king. As for the future, it will not necessarily be the case.

After our analysis over the years, step by step, we finally got a lot of results, that is, the operation of many institutions in Spain. Let's get the hang of it.

For example. The launch of Spain's foreign strategy was either launched by relevant departments at the request of the king, or was proposed by others and approved by the king. Only after the king's approval and signature can it be officially announced to the outside world. Become Spanish foreign strategy.

Although Prime Minister Chavez is the leader of the cabinet. But not all prime ministers can play an important role in formulating foreign strategies. It depends on whether the prime minister is strong. It also depends on whether the prime minister has professional capabilities in foreign affairs. Chavez himself is not a diplomat, so Prime Minister Chavez is basically a decoration.

Of course, in his profession. King Alfonso XIII did not place many restrictions on him, and with the strong diplomatic complement of Foreign Minister Trini, he, the Prime Minister, could continue to complete many of his duties while not being ignored. Performance, this can be considered a very good cooperation model. However, if the next prime minister is indeed Trini, as many people predict, then Spain’s foreign policy may undergo more changes.”

"Oh, change? Jack, tell me, how will China Construction Bank change?"

Pilov was a little interested. Although he had already guessed something, he knew it, but it didn't mean that others would understand that there was a free speaker at this time. Why not let him help him waste his time? How about some saliva?

When Jack saw that it was his good friend Foreign Minister Pilov, he secretly cursed him for his shamelessness. Despite this, he still said honestly: "Since Chavez became Prime Minister, Spain has actually begun to become gentle in diplomacy. Compared with former Prime Minister Eugene, Chavez seems to be a conservative general, and it seems that Spain also likes such a person to manage Spain's current situation. Therefore, in more than a year, Spain has been much quieter. This is also the reason.

But if Chavez’s popularity passes and Spain’s defense is replaced by the choking diplomatic expert Trini, Spain’s diplomacy may finally be much sharper this time. It is said that the current Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been We are in frequent and close contact with Spanish plenipotentiary ambassadors in various continents around the world. Many people are speculating that Spain seems to have taken major measures, but we have no major clues to confirm it."

The National Security Council is King Alfonso XIII’s core agency for handling foreign affairs. It is mainly responsible for coordinating or leading collaboration between various departments. The National Security Council is composed of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, the King’s Assistant Adviser on National Security Affairs, and persons selected by the King. The King's Assistant Advisor for National Security Affairs is directly appointed by the King and does not require approval by the House of Lords. Therefore, he has a closer relationship with the King and is often trusted and relied upon by the King. He is the same as the Director-General of the Royal Security Center and the Spanish Intelligence Service. He is the king's confidant. Today, the National Security Advisor has long become the King’s most important advisor on foreign policy and national security matters.

is complementary to Minister of Foreign Affairs Trini.

Most of the staff within the National Security Council have close personal relationships with the king, so they are often able to play extraordinary roles. In addition to the President's National Security Advisor, Spanish ambassadors to all continents and others may play a very important role in formulating foreign strategies.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the specialized agency of the Spanish government responsible for foreign affairs. Generally speaking, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Finance have the title of deputy prime minister in Spain. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is the king's chief adviser on foreign affairs and the main executor of Spanish foreign policy. However, whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs can have a significant impact on Spanish diplomacy depends largely on whether the Minister of Foreign Affairs can obtain the king's full trust and authorization.

In the process of formulating Spain's foreign strategy, the role of the Spanish Ministry of Defense is also crucial. As one of the superpowers now on par with our German Empire, Spain has strong military strength, and in recent years has begun to have military bases and stationed troops around the world. The Spanish Ministry of Defense and its staff play a very important role in the formulation of Spain's world strategy. Today, when the world is experiencing frequent wars, the world is becoming more and more interdependent. As one of the superpowers in the world today, Spain's foreign economic relations are very important to Spain's prosperity, so the Ministry of Finance's voice in foreign economic and trade strategies has naturally increased. "

Everyone's scalp is numb!

"I used to hear that Spain's intelligence agencies were all-pervasive. At that time, I didn't really take it to heart, and just regarded it as a distant legend. But now it seems that I was a little wrong. I even said that the trial and error was outrageous." Bernhard von Bülow shook his head. He seemed to be a little worried about having underestimated Spain's diplomacy in the past.

"Bilo's words make me agree. Spain has actually set up an intelligence department of such a scale. The details of it make everyone shocked after hearing it. However, don't think about it. Is it just us, the UK, who should feel uncomfortable too?”

Little Maoqi's calm face, coupled with his seemingly comforting words, made everyone slowly calm down from their fear of Spain.

"However, although what the Chief of General Staff said is reasonable, we still cannot ignore it. Therefore, Your Majesty, I think it is most important for us to establish an intelligence agency similar to Spain's as soon as possible. After all, This Far Eastern saying is very reasonable if you know yourself and your enemy only then you can be victorious in every battle."

As Jack later directly analyzed in detail, he learned that the Spanish intelligence system consisted of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and multiple intelligence agencies that operated independently but worked together. They are responsible for collecting and analyzing intelligence, promoting interaction between the intelligence system and decision-making levels, and providing intelligence support and reference suggestions for foreign strategic decision-making. Among them, the Director of National Intelligence and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency also play an important role in the formulation of Spain's foreign strategy.

These are even more embarrassing. At the same time, everyone is even more convinced that what Foreign Minister Pilov just said is so urgent. So much so that in the first world that followed, the German Empire relied on its sharp intelligence to forcefully attack Birmingham, England, and St. Louis, the United States, causing heavy losses to these two countries. . (To be continued...)

ps: One update today, three updates tomorrow!

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