Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 413: Foreign policy in the next five years?

Yama? Alfonso looked at his cousin's half-smiling face, his heart moved, and he immediately thought of what he wanted.

"Mayor of Yama? I wonder if you want to ask a belated question?" Menorca is a gambling island directly under the jurisdiction of the country. It has special reasons, so when it was built, in order to give the mayor more The mayor of Menorca has the right to administrative convenience, so he has already given the mayor of Menorca the qualification to be a senator. If it weren't for Flax's active voice this time, he would have forgotten about him.

When Yama looked at the other party's expression, he didn't know that the other party already knew the purpose of his visit. He secretly scolded the other party for deliberately pretending to be stupid, but the other party's identity was not comparable to his own, so he could only say with a hint of frustration: “Your Majesty, so many members of the House of Representatives have expressed their opinions just now, so I don’t want to be alone, lest we people on the island of Menorca say that I am not professional enough.

What I want to ask is, Pas is now regarded as the mecca of gambling and prostitution industry in Asia, but what about Menorca? Everyone knows that Menorca also developed according to this? "

"Now that the mayor has taken over Asia, I think what the mayor of Yama just said has been reflected. You also know your position. Yes, Menorca is now the largest and most prosperous casino in Europe. Gambling Island, this is what the "Government" of Menorca needs to be most concerned about. Of course, where does Pas's competitiveness rank? It is impossible to say that it is impossible to see it. It is not enough to attract the world's giants like Pas. The rich are different from the rich in Asia. Menorca can attract all Europeans as targets, and Menorca is definitely different from Pas. Pas is surrounded by poor countries, and there are also other places in the vast state of Western Australia covering it. , but what about Menorca?[

It is located in the busiest sea area of ​​​​the Mediterranean Sea, with France to the north, Spain to the west, and Italy and other Southeast European countries to the east. In addition, ships from various countries travel from here to the Asia, India, and Pacific Oceans for many years. Therefore, Menorca can take advantage of its location and combine with surrounding resources to bring itself a more prosperous life and wealth, simple. Port piers can be deepened. Operates as a Mediterranean commercial terminal stop"

Yama was indifferent at first, but then he became serious. Zuo Hou was a little stunned after hearing this, because he had always focused on how to retain gamblers. But I didn’t think about how to bring more tourists. Although there is some reluctance in my heart. But I still admire Alfonso XIII.

Just now I was watching Alfonso XIII talking on the stage. He was a little confused. He felt ashamed because he put himself in his shoes. But he found that it was difficult for him to achieve Alfonso's current success. A person who even himself had to admit that he lost to others, then proved that he had been conquered by others.

Seeing that Yama had no intention of talking anymore, Alfonso wanted to say something, but the current occasion was not suitable, so he could only take it step by step, take out the policy address he had just given, and explain sideways that this time The National Conditions Consultation Conference has officially entered the political stage.

"12.3 billion pesetas is our forecast number for this year. Naturally, we in Spain will not stop because of this, because we will continue to pursue and develop. However, compared to the following development speed, if everything goes normally , we will have to face the slow development speed of Spain that will come after the high-speed development. Therefore, we have set a minimum annual growth target of 15%, which will be at least twice as much in five years. In other words, by then we will By 1917, the GDP would have increased from the current 12.3 billion pesetas to over 24.6 billion pesetas.”

"In the next five years, we will continue to develop Spain's economy and at the same time continue to improve and develop Spain's military scale so that Spain can continue to exert its powerful influence in the world. Voice will safeguard its own interests and protect the interests and demands of its allies in the future.”

"As for international diplomatic relations, Spain will focus on Spain's interests. Secondly, it will continue to develop more important relationships with Spain's allies, and then strategic partners, and then ordinary international relations."

Alfonso's five-year future outlook is actually quite different from the previous one in terms of length. For example, this time Spain uses the word allies more times than strategic partners. In the past, it was usually said to be invisible. The ally Portugal is now named directly. In addition to Portugal, it also has Ecuador, Chile, other South American countries, and Siam. Countries such as Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans are on the list.

This is the biggest change. The difference from a few years ago is that in order to resist British pressure, the focus was on building a strategic partnership with the German Empire in order to work together to exert balance on the British. However, this This time, Spain even ranked the UK first in terms of strategic partnership.

Germany came next, and even Italy, which was a semi-ally at the time, was directly omitted this time. It was not even on the strategic partnership list, which made people a little confused. Second is the economic issue.

Economically, after facing the "cross-examination" of state senators, Spain has just fallen behind on the local economic development trend. Now it is summarized at the national level, mainly on national competitiveness. "After talking about the future outlook, Alfonso began to wait for the next wave of gun attacks.

If most of the senators just now were biased, then the members of the House of Representatives starting now are nationally biased. In many cases, members of the House of Representatives are not geographically specific, and are generally famous people. Unlike senators who have strong backgrounds, members of the House of Representatives are generally elected by people from the lower class. It is precisely because of this that they are The House of Representatives was also known as the Parliament of the Peasants, while the Senate was known as the Parliament of the Nobles. It should be noted that ordinary senators have more hope of entering the elected officials and cabinet.

"Your Majesty's foreign policy towards Spain, I'm still not sure about it, especially when it comes to developing alliances? Or is it developing new alliances? The changes here are definitely different. The consumption of the 'government' I don’t even look at resources, so what I want to ask is which one will His Majesty focus on, as well as Spain’s relationship with the United Kingdom and its relationship with Germany, France and other major countries. I need a more detailed national foreign policy.”

Rafi is the boss of Spanish Radio. Over the years, he has become a world-famous person, and he is expected to become a member of the House of Representatives. It is said that in the next parliamentary election, he has already stated that he will run for the position of senator. Obviously, he is ready to enter politics.

Alfonso naturally had no objections to his plan, and he even raised his hands to welcome it. Because in his opinion, the current Western government is still full of administrative talents. With Lafite taking the lead, there will even be some officials who are more relevant to his industry in the future. For example, Alfonso was the one who impressed the most. In later generations, Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for governor as a tough guy international superstar in California, the United States, where Hollywood is located. This event greatly affected Hollywood's film status in the world, and has always been talked about. road.

Alfonso also thinks so. For example, in Paz, Alfonso actually does not object to the emergence of a person who is familiar with the pornography and gambling industry but does not have a professional background in government education to be elected as the mayor of this city. After all, there are After hiring him, other official regulations can actually be solved by calling a lawyer. He only needs to give general instructions on the development plan he wants to develop.

After all, the market outlook proves that sometimes the value created by an undergraduate is still far less than that of a junior college student with special skills, such as Steve Jobs of Apple, or the data giant that focuses on digital collection. Larry Ellison, the boss of Oracle, the largest enterprise software company. Like Microsoft boss Bill Gates, they have created kingdoms of business myths one after another.

Alfonso nodded to him first to confirm his question. Although Alfonso was not afraid that Lafite would have any bad opinions about him, this is not the future. At that time, reporters were the kings of crowns, in the United States, Europe, etc. Sometimes they can even report on some major German and Russian stuff to bring down prime ministers, prime ministers, and presidents of various countries, or even discredit the royal family.

However, that is based on a relative place and time. Although under Alfonso's establishment, Spain is now a paradise of freedom compared to the United States and Britain and other later countries that are known to worship freedom the most, but Spain is still a country where imperial power is supreme, and the "government" has been overturned several times compared to the French cabinet. Spain's political situation is also more stable. [

Therefore, the situation in later generations is still very difficult to survive in Spain today. However, the evil question he asked was still to the point where Alfonso didn't want to praise him. Xin secretly said: "As expected, he is a radio anchor. He is really insightful in his observation of words and color and Q\u0026A."

Seeing that everyone in the audience was looking at them seriously, Alfonso, who had good eyesight, even saw Spain's allies in the distance, such as South America, Siam, Europe, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Portugal, etc., as well as Japan, Alfonso also saw the hopeful looks from the ambassadors of China, the Nordic countries such as Sweden and Norway, and the complicated and even slightly jealous and worried looks from the ambassadors of the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia and other countries. These all fell into his eyes.

Obviously, this question has also sounded deep in the hearts of these envoys from major independent countries in the world, and also asked the thoughts of the top leaders of the countries behind them. In their minds, perhaps they are also echoing Lafite's words now, yes, Spain What do you want to do in the next five years? This is related to the national security and interests of their countries. To be continued. . )

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