Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 407: The Role of Spain

"Hehehe" Omar is not angry either, and of course he will not be angry with Laisi's attitude, because they are cousins. Would a cousin be angry with his cousin? And he also knew that Laisi didn't have any objections to him, she just wanted to do something wrong to the person.

Omar said: "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have said that. In fact, we don't quite understand many of His Majesty's actions. Don't think that I am flattering you. In fact, what I want to say is , What I said are all facts. What I call different from other innovations is because I have a huge basis, and it is obvious to everyone."

Alfonso still admires Omer very much, especially his magnanimity and attitude of not caring about other people's opinions. Such people, if they prepare a goal, will not move casually, they will definitely know where the goal is. Only then was he willing to give up. Such a person is also the candidate who is most in line with Alfonso's idea. Therefore, Alfonso was somewhat looking forward to Omer's explanation-like answer next.

"Spain also attaches great importance to the innovation of other countries. However, no country can really compete with us for this kind of innovation in Spain. For example, the formalization of Spain's gambling industry is a It is an industry that attracts the attention of everyone in the world. As far as I know, Spain has now provided more than 100,000 people in this industry.

The prostitute industry in Spain is not bad either, especially the combination of star-rated hotels and star-rated [prostitutes], which attracts people from all over the world. The chemical effect produced by the combination of prostitutes and gambling is astonishing. [

This does not include other industries derived from it, such as the hotel industry, real estate, food supply, bodyguards, etc. The total number of these is definitely no less than 600,000. In other words, Spain's innovation in this industry has provided 700,000 jobs for a country with only about 42 million people. This is a huge number. This is equivalent to one person working here for every 80 Spaniards.

What I want to say is this, other countries are innovating a technology in the industry. But we in Spain are innovating entire new industries one by one. Speaking of which. I think the film industry, WWE wrestling industry, etc., everyone in these entertainment industries has also seen their performance. The film industry is now said to have more than 100,000 employees in Spain, yes. Don't let QGU know so many people. Because of the various filming locations currently under construction. Therefore, construction jobs are also provided by the way. Also, there are about 50,000 people in WWE. And the most important thing is that the documents His Majesty sent me before are that these can be classified into the hotel industry, entertainment industry, etc., these are all connected industries. That is to say, these entertainment industries and so on add up to millions of jobs."

"Wait, Omer." Alfonso stopped and everyone was confused, and they all turned their attention from Omer to him.

But Alfonso did not explain anything to them, but looked at Elena and said: "Elena, you are the Minister of Regional Policy and Social Public Administration, so what is the current population ratio of Spain, for example? What percentage of ordinary people who reach the age of 18 can be employed until the age of 60?"

Elena had already prepared, and it was not difficult to answer this question. She said: "People over sixty years old now account for about 3% of the population in our country, and the remaining 95% of the population. In other words, there are currently only more than 2 million people over the age of sixty. As for those after the age of 18, there is still no precise data. However, compared to the UK, our population ratio is still comparable to that of Germany Countries such as the United States are more similar.”

"In other words, we are now in a stage of rapid population growth?"

"Yes, Spain's annual population growth rate is about 3% now."

"Very good, what we need is this kind of birth ratio," Alfonso Mny said: "Now we have no shortage of territory, so in terms of population birth ratio, we must continue to increase, so that we can consolidate our presence in these territories. Instead of allowing those immigrants to become the largest ethnic group by then, you may say that you can implement a policy of limiting immigration, but such a result may eventually backfire on us. Because that is a very discriminatory policy, which is definitely not good for our international image. We have to rely on our own strength to make iron, just like those of our own warships. Although we could find the British and French The Germans helped build it, but our shipbuilding foundation would stagnate because of this. On the contrary, we built it ourselves. At the beginning, we encountered difficulties, but now we have truly become a major shipbuilding country. , although it has surpassed the United Kingdom and Germany, it will not be inferior to them if you think about it.

It is better for us to change our population ourselves. As long as another ten or twenty years pass, our population will definitely not be what it is now, with only such a small number of people. Not to mention China and the United States, two major countries with a population of more than 100 million, even Japan will have more people than us. There are also the British mainland, France, Russia and Germany, which are much more numerous than ours. The British rule a quarter of the world's population. This is why the UK can maintain its leading position in the world.

Twenty years from now, our population will definitely double, and it is not impossible to even have a cold meal. By then, it will not be difficult to become a major country with a population of over 100 million. Only in terms of economy, military politics, and population can Spain develop in an all-round way. This is the most important foundation for its gradual rise. Otherwise, it would be like the current United States, which has no economic strength but no internal economic foundation and has not truly dealt with the issue of internal unity. As a result, to this day, American citizens still care about their status and origins before immigrating. The combination of these two items is definitely what prevents the United States from becoming powerful. Moreover, other countries and forces in Europe are also working with us to prevent the United States from becoming too powerful. This is how we see that it seems to be powerful now. But it is the United States that is more fragile. "

When Alfonso thought about the arrogance in later generations, the United States was more powerful than the United States, which was everywhere making trouble and beating whoever it wanted. The United States at that time was more powerful than the United Kingdom now. After all, the United Kingdom is now only specialized in those small countries. Things have changed, and they are still going alone, but the United States was different at that time. The United States not only attacked them with force, but also carried out brainwashing operations on the citizens of other countries in culture, such as movies, music, etc.

And unlike the current Britain, the United States does not like Britain's set of glorious and independent policies, and does not like to fight one-on-one. On the contrary, the United States likes to entangle a lot of its allies, and then intervene together to end the conflict. It has formed a diplomatic and military alliance, and even the economy. There are various alliance economies to impose economic sanctions on other countries in the world. (To be continued...)

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