Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 397: The despised king

"I said why did you do that? It turns out that you are here. Sanchez, you seem to have no memory and have forgotten the captain's words. Have you forgotten that the captain said not to offend the distinguished guests on the ship? Mr. Ribre's My father is a textile giant and businessman who ranks tenth among the richest people in Western Australia. Their family's assets are among the top 100 in Spain. You actually forgot that he asked you to get him some snacks. Now, be careful, I tell the captain to fire you and let you continue to work. See how you can support your sister, whom you have always been proud of, to study at the University of Madrid."

Alfonso looked over and saw a man with a fair face and a sparse mustache under his nose walking towards him. He looked at him with a ferocious look, as if he wanted to choose others to eat.

When Sanchez heard this, his expression changed, and he immediately began to flatter the man by saying nice things, and then the man gave up and said he would let him go.

The man seemed to have just seen Alfonso and the others, with a look of disdain on his face, and said contemptuously: "No wonder, why are you so active here? It turns out that you are here to earn tips. Let me tell you, your taste is not good either. Although these people are good-looking, especially the boy and the girl in front, they are all people who can be described as handsome and beautiful. However, these alone are not enough, they must also There is one"

Alfonso looked over and saw the other party taking out a 500-yuan pesetas coin, and said arrogantly: "What are you looking at? I'm talking about you" [

Alfonso was completely speechless, and he was actually targeted. Chirac wanted to teach him a lesson, but Alfonso stopped him with his eyes. Laura next to her had a slight smile in her eyes. When Alfonso thought about it, he really became interested. Suddenly the smile on his face showed even more.

But he didn't want to, but the man saw it and felt that he was scorning him, so he pointed at Alfonso and the three of them and cursed: "Although you can come to this VIP room, I guess one of you has a little money. Money from relatives, huh, the clothes on your body have betrayed your poor souls and vulgar status, so in front of me, Nichkhun, you'd better take it easy. It's okay to meet me. If you meet Mr. Ribre And if you make him angry, you will really be dead." After saying that, he stopped looking at Alfonso and glared at Sanchez. Just walked away.

After that person leaves. Sanchez came over embarrassed. Apologizing: "I'm sorry, I"

Alfonso raised his hand to stop him and said with a smile: "It's okay. You go and do your work, we can just go by ourselves."

Sanchez apologized again and left in a hurry. It was obvious that he was really anxious about his work.

At this time, Laura smiled, then looked at the two of them charmingly and said: "I really didn't expect that our great King would be despised and left alone like this. If this spreads out, he will be ignored by others. If you knew it, that would be an incredible joke."

When Alfonso and Chirac heard this, they really laughed a little.

"I've never heard that it's okay to suffer a small loss. What's important is to learn something from it? Now I have to understand it as soon as possible; it's not without benefits for me to understand this." After saying that, he walked towards the restaurant .

"I really want to save face. I'm obviously very hungry and my stomach is growling. I just don't want to delay my meal. And yet I'm telling you so many truths. I'm really thick-skinned than a cow." Lao What La muttered made Chirac next to him blush a little, and thought to himself: "As expected, he is your majesty's pillow, and he can be so direct in everything he says. However, it seems that what he said is really good, and your majesty is indeed a bit stinky." The face-bearer actually spoke out. He trembled all over and stared for several weeks. Fortunately, Laura and His Majesty were already far away from him, so they probably didn't hear what he just said.

"God, it seems that I should control my mouth more strictly in the future. Otherwise, if I say the wrong thing one day, I will really be guillotined."

Afraid of not being able to keep up with His Majesty and the others, Chirac quickened his pace to keep up with them after firmly remembering today's lesson.

It didn't take long. What appeared in front of the three people was a restaurant that could accommodate about five hundred people. Dozens of tables filled the empty ship surface. When they arrived, there were already a lot of people here. At first glance, they saw that it was really densely packed with people.

Alfonso saw two empty tables on the right, one near the door and one near the inside. Naturally, the one near the door was more convenient and quieter, so Alfonso was about to take them inside. One, but before I could take a seat, someone beat me to it.

"Master Ribre, hurry up, please come first." Then they turned their heads and Alfonso and the three of them saw clearly that it was the man named Nikun who was showing off his power just now. This guy was an old waiter. He knew from Sanchez that this guy My brother-in-law is the deputy captain of this ship. Relying on this background, many new and old waiters and new and old crew members with no background give way to him, especially when facing those who are rich and powerful, usually He is the one who grabs the service after other people in wexe. As the name suggests, of course it sounds nicer and says that he provides the best service to the distinguished guests. In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that he is getting what he can get when he pleases the other party. The favor of the other party often leads to generous tips such as cash rewards, and they even hope that one day they will be lucky enough to be appreciated by a dignitary and can hang out with them.

Only then did Alfonso and others look at the so-called Young Master Ribre. Seeing him, Alfonso looked stunned. Why, because here Bray turned out to be an Indian. Yes, he was wearing a white classic traditional hat. And the unique Indian clothes. He didn't expect that the son of a wealthy businessman who was called the tenth richest man in Western Australia and one of the top 100 in Spain was an Indian. And in this way, that meant that his father was also an Indian. That's Indian. An Indian actually achieved such an achievement in Western Australia, which made Alfonso feel a little puzzled, and at the same time, he felt a little interested.

Even he wanted to hear the same thoughts about the so-called top ten wealthy businessmen in Western Australia. However, his initial interest was interrupted by love, because he actually saw that Libre was looking at Laura with shining eyes, and even that Nichkhun kept looking over, Then, while listening to Libre's words, he kept nodding.

Who is Alfonso? He has been through much bigger battles than this. He is extremely familiar with these expressions. But he didn't have an attack, because he was waiting, waiting for the moment when he would explode. (To be continued...)

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