Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 391 comes to an end

France still revealed the news the next day. Although the words stated that Spain's African railway manufacturing could benefit the people, they still had a slanderous meaning. For example, one sentence mentioned that Spain would be affected by this. They are so popular in Africa that they have influence over the major tribes in Africa and are more dominant than France. This does not mean that after the opening of this railway in Spain, it will make it more powerful than France. Is it very likely that Spain, which has more dominant colonialism than France, will impose more cruel rule over there than France?

This statement directly wants to touch the resistance in the hearts of Africans, and then achieve their idea of ​​making it more difficult for Spain to build railways.

Although the British have not made their attitude too public, as Edward Herriot said, British citizens are very angry now, especially those who care about politics. It also vigorously publicized the dangers of Spanish railways. This has made the British government somewhat unable to control public opinion. Some people have even begun to attack the Asquith regime again, believing that if Spain had not agreed to a deal with them, Spain would never have been able to build this railway. Therefore, the government is also one of the accomplices.

This was unexpected. Spain was able to escape successfully, but Asquith was almost in danger of stepping down. This made Asquith break out in a cold sweat. It also made other countries in Europe feel that what happened in the UK meant that they were the UK today. They also began to take precautions against such a scene. They were not confident that they could resist as strongly as the current British government.

May 25, 1912. Spain has officially started construction of railways in Africa, with a total investment of more than 300 million pesetas. This is still small, because many of these laborers are Africans, and their labor, subsidies, etc. are all compared to Spain. It is so cheap for the people that it can be ignored, so this saves a lot of labor money. [

At the beginning, when they learned that the Spanish government had decided to build such a railway, many people in Spain were very dissatisfied with the fact that Spain had given so many jobs to countries along the African route. Therefore, after many labor union organizations in Spain and European trade union organizations in the Spanish House of Commons [with the Houses of Representatives in the United States and France]. The kind elected by ordinary people. Generally speaking, they are more representative of the public opinion of the common people. The House of Lords represents the nobility and powerful people in the states. They are all the people who will be selected to represent the states on Monday. Therefore, the House of Lords is called the House of Peers and the House of Commons is called the House of Commons] for questioning. Finally with the consent of the government. When sending some native Spanish workers and workers with Spanish nationality to the construction site. After working for only a short time, they fled the place in despair, which embarrassed the labor unions.

Ethiopia. Addis Ababa.

"Now, should I call you King Alfonso XIII of Spain, or should I call you Juan?" Zoditu looked at the man in front of him angrily, and he had been kept in the dark all this time. In the dark, I was in vain for my trust in him, but if it weren't for my father. Menelik II, the current king of Ethiopia, said that she was so stupid that she really thought that the other party was just an ordinary Spanish person. This made her both happy and angry. What she was happy about was that she had been following him all this time. The strong man with whom she was so close to each other turned out to be the most popular place in Europe. In this way, in Africa, a place where the jungle is strong and the jungle is strong, she couldn't help but become more obsessed with him, but this also made her and other women In that way, I was very dissatisfied with being deceived by the other party. Therefore, the banquet had just ended, and when she was alone with him, she couldn't wait to vent her anger.

"Alfonso didn't say anything. After the other party finished venting, he touched her face, then her chin, and finally her lips. He felt her emotions. Alfonso felt very mny in his heart. Slowly Yes, my left hand has already landed on the high mountain. Although it is separated by the African princess's outfit, I can still feel the sensuality inside.

Zoditu under his command had already forgotten his dissatisfaction with Alfonso, instead of constantly welcoming Alfonso's offensive. But at this moment, Alfonso paused all his actions and said, "It's because at this time, we can be more devoted, instead of like just now, after you became suspicious of me, then we The relationship between us has deteriorated, do you think you?"

What else could Zoditu say? At this time, she had already been trained by Alfonso in a hot state. She had already forgotten the world. Now the starting point of her ultimate path is Alfonso. The others had already been thrown into the Indian Ocean by him. So her oh-oh-oh voice and her red face that was almost bleeding already showed that she had already convinced Alfonso's reasons.

Seeing her like this, Alfonso laughed and let the two of them get down to business in the biggest action of their lives.

Far East, Nanjing, Republic of China.

Nanjing is now the junction point of power between the north and the south. This is in terms of region. In fact, this is also a place where the British can influence. British naval warships can move on the Yangtze River at any time, and the British have inland river basins. The right of navigation, so as one of the backers of Sun Yat-sen and Li Yuanhong. In general, Nanjing is the gathering point of all forces.

Because of this, Yuan Shikai, who had always put his own safety first, felt that it was not too mny as a government in Nanjing, where there were many powerful forces. He was afraid that someone would assassinate him here, so he assassinated him, so he has always been there Strive to build the capital in Zhili Province in the north (later Beiping and Beijing). This may be like what people say, if he does something harmful to others, he is also afraid that others will have such a mentality, so of course he is unwilling to put his wealth and life there. According to him, a gentleman will not Since the ancient saying "Stand under the wall" is so resounding, it is understandable that he quoted it in practice.

Therefore, now that President Yuan Shikai is in Zhili Province, he has also changed Zhili Province into Shuntian Prefecture, meaning that his rule means to follow the heaven. (To be continued...)

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